The Best Build Guide For Kelvin In Deadlock

The Best Build Guide For Kelvin In Deadlock

As a seasoned veteran of the Deadlock battlegrounds, I can confidently say that mastering Kelvin is no small feat. But with the right build and a bit of finesse, you can wield this frosty titan like a pro.

Regarding characters in the game Deadlock, Kelvin stands out as an intriguing figure. He navigates the battlefield with grace, tossing icy grenades at foes and restoring the health of his teammates to instigate disorder. However, it’s not just that he operates from a distance; when pinned down, he can generate a frozen fortress that adversaries are unable to escape. To add to their troubles, he also receives some boosts while within this fortress!

Using Kelvin effectively isn’t just about his impressive skills; it’s crucial to strategically utilize them rather than using them at random. To excel with him, you should grasp the optimal item build, the right sequence for abilities, and overall gameplay style. This is exactly what this guide is here to help you with in Deadlock!

Deadlock Kelvin Overview & Ability Details

The Best Build Guide For Kelvin In Deadlock

In the game Deadlock, Kelvin stands out as a multi-talented hero. His diverse skillset allows him to function effectively both as a support, focusing on healing his teammates with his powers, or transitioning into a formidable damage dealer in late-game scenarios when equipped with the right items. The ability to customize his build based on your team setup and adversary matchup makes Kelvin an exceptional choice for expanding your hero roster.

Here’s a quick overview of all his abilities:

Ability NameEffectsUpgrades
Frost Grenade (1)Throw a grenade that explodes in a cloud of freezing ice, damaging and slowing enemies.

  • Damage: 80 (x1 Spirit scaling modifier)
  • Movement Slow: 40%
  • Slow Duration: 4s
  • Effect Radius: 6.5m
  • Charges: 1
  • Charges Cooldown: 7s
  • Cooldown: 22s
  • 1 AP: +1 Charges
  • 2 AP: Frost Grenade now heals 145 HP to friendly targets. Scales with Spirit.
  • 5 AP: +175 Damage
Ice Path (2)Kelvin creates a floating trail of ice and snow that gives movement bonuses to him and his allies. Kelvin gains 60% slow resistance for the duration. Enemies can also walk on the floating trail.

  • Movement Speed: +2m/s
  • SprintSpeed: +2m/s
  • Ability Duration: 8s
  • Ice Trail Duration: 18s
  • Cooldown: 38s
  • 1 AP: +4m/s Sprint Speed
  • 2 AP: -15s Cooldown
  • 5 AP: While active, gain +1 Spirit Power per meter of Ice Path trail created. Max of 55 Spirit Power.
Arctic Beam (3)Shoot freezing cold energy out in front of you, damaging targets and building up movement and fire rate slow against them the longer you sustain the beam on them. You have reduced movement speed while using Arctic Beam. The beam may also claim Souls.

  • DPS: 60 (x0.9 Spirit scaling modifier)
  • Max Slow: 70%
  • Max Fire Rate Slow: 40%
  • Max Slow Build Time: 2s
  • Slow Linger Duration: 2s
  • Beam Length: 25m
  • Ability Duration: 5s
  • Cooldown: 24s
  • 1 AP: -7.5 Cooldown
  • 2 AP: +40 DPS
  • 5 AP: Fires 2 additional Arctic Beams towards enemies within 13m of the last target hit.
Frozen Shelter (4)Kelvin freezes the surrounding air, creating an impenetrable dome around himself. While in the dome, allies rapidly regenerate health and enemies are slowed.

  • Health Regen: +120
  • Movement Slow: 35%
  • Radius: 10m
  • Duration: 5.5s
  • Cooldown: 127s
  • 1 AP: +40% Fire Rate Slow
  • 2 AP: -38s Cooldown
  • 5 AP: +70 Health Regen and now scales with Spirit Power.

When using Ice Path, you can hold Left Shift to glide up, and Ctrl to glide down.

Kelvin Build Guide in Deadlock

The Best Build Guide For Kelvin In Deadlock

In the game Deadlock, Kelvin excels at thwarting enemies, hindering their retreat, and compelling them into intense combat while bolstering himself and his teammates. His repertoire primarily involves employing his skills to decrease both enemy movement speed and firing rate. This guide concentrates on amplifying the power of his initial spell for rapid resource gathering and constructing substantial items to establish Kelvin as the most powerful hero on the battlefield.

Here’s our recommended ability build order and item progression for Kelvin:

Kelvin Ability Build in Deadlock

The Best Build Guide For Kelvin In Deadlock

With Arctic Beam being the initial ability to prioritize for Kelvin, it’s crucial because it helps in landing final blows and dealing damage to enemies. It provides great worth right from level one. Following closely should be the acquisition of Frost Grenade, another tool for harassing opponents. Next up is Ice Path, which provides a convenient escape route when you find yourself in a sticky situation. Lastly, make sure to grab Frozen Shelter as soon as it’s accessible.

When it comes to investing your APs, you’ll want to dump all of them into Frost Grenade until you get it to the maximum level. You’ll want to unlock the third upgrade before ending the laning phase since it will speed up your farming speed exponentially. After that, upgrade Frozen Shelter to level two and put 1 AP into Ice Path before upgrading Frozen Shelter to max level. Invest another two AP into Ice Path to get it to the second level and max out your Arctic Beam ability before unlocking the third upgrade for Ice Path.

Kelvin Item Progression in Deadlock

The Best Build Guide For Kelvin In Deadlock

With this setup, your primary aim is to accumulate items boosting Spirit Power and enhancing your Frost Grenade. In the early stages, Kelvin proves to be a formidable hero. Employing this item build will not only enable you to excel him effectively in the opening phases but also help him maintain his strength throughout the late game. By the endgame, Kelvin will transform into an incredibly sturdy character capable of dishing out immense damage with his abilities.

Here are the items you want to build on Kelvin throughout the game:

Early Game

  • Extra Regen
  • Close Quarters
  • Extra Charge
  • Extra Spirit
  • Mystic Burst
  • Mystic Shot
  • Soul Shredder Bullets

1st Suggestion for Kelvin is the Extra Regen. Its ability to boost health regen, combined with additional health and ammo, makes it a fantastic initial pick-up for our hero. Following that, grab Close Quarters; while it may not be very beneficial during the lane phase, once you’ve unlocked your ultimate, this item becomes an essential purchase for Kelvin.

Following that, you might opt for a duo of Spirit items in shades of purple: Extra Charge, Extra Spirit, and Mystic Burst. These three artifacts are indispensable for Kelvin and prove beneficial throughout the game. Extra Charge bolsters your Frost Grenade with an additional charge, whereas Mystic Burst and Extra Spirit infuse some extra Spirit Power. The next item on your list should be Mystic Shot; pair it with Soul Shredder Bullets to inflict bonus Spirit Damage and acquire Spirit Lifesteal.


  • Improved Cooldown
  • Warp Stone
  • Bullet Armor/Spirit Armor
  • Return Fire (Situational)
  • Point Blank
  • Alchemical Fire
  • Rapid Recharge
  • Improved Burst

During the mid-game, focus on acquiring two crucial items: Improved Cooldown and Warp Stone. The Improved Cooldown speeds up the recharge time of your abilities, while Warp Stone enables you to strategically position yourself for an effective Frozen Shelter attack. Next, decide between Bullet Armor and Spirit Armor. In certain situations, Return Fire might also be beneficial to pick up. It redirects some damage inflicted by enemies back at them, making it a useful addition to your ultimate.

Subsequently, you might consider purchasing a few high-tier items. Point Blank, Rapid Recharge, and Improved Burst are commonly used in constructing this hero’s build. Alchemical Fire is an active item that many heroes tend to avoid incorporating into their builds. However, Kelvin stands out as one of the optimal heroes to capitalize on its unique active aspect due to his exceptional ultimate ability.

As a gamer, I’m all about leveraging my in-game abilities for maximum effect. Instead of merely unleashing the active power to create a damaging zone, I strategically cast it within my Frozen Shelter. This leaves my foes with no escape route, forcing them to endure additional damage from the ability.

When standing in it, Alchemical Fire also increases your weapon damage by 50%.

Late Game

  • Surge of Power
  • Torment Pulse
  • Superior Cooldown
  • Improved Spirit
  • Crippling Headshot
  • Spiritual Overflow
  • Mystic Reverb
  • Boundless Spirit
  • Leech
  • Improved Bullet Armor/Improved Spirit Armor
  • Unstoppable (Situational)
  • Debuff Remover (Situational)

In the later stages of the game in Deadlock, it is advisable to opt for the Surge of Power ability and attach it to your Frost Grenade. This item will enable your Frost Grenade to inflict sufficient damage to reduce your opponent’s health by nearly half. Torment Pulse complements Kelvin well, making it a worthwhile item to pursue after Surge of Power. Upgrade Improved Cooldown to Superior Cooldown, purchase Improved Spirit, and prioritize Crippling Headshot as the next acquisition.

Boost it further with a surge of spiritual energy for additional power. Mystic Echo and Infinite Spirit are excellent choices for Kelvin as well. Similar to before, make sure to infuse your Frost Bomb with Mystic Echo to increase its potency.

Currently, the Extra Regen item you purchased earlier in the laning phase isn’t providing any benefits for you right now. If you have some additional Souls, you could consider selling it and buying Leech instead.

In the later stages of the game, consider enhancing your Armor piece for a smoother play experience against your adversary’s crowd control skills. If you’re finding it tough to adapt, opt for Unstoppable. In specific scenarios, Debuff Remover can also prove beneficial.

Instead of purchasing “Crippling Headshot” and “Spiritual Overflow”, consider also acquiring “Mystic Shot” and “Soul Shredder Bullets” during your transaction.

How to Play Kelvin in Deadlock

The Best Build Guide For Kelvin In Deadlock

In case you’ve been following closely, the sequence of items we planned involves amassing a significant number of Souls to fully stock your inventory. Fortunately, with this particular build, by the end of the laning phase, Kelvin becomes quite proficient at farming neutral camps using just one Frost Grenade. This efficiency results in a substantial collection of Souls for acquiring all crucial items.

In the lane, when you arrive as Kelvin, focus more on farming Troopers rather than attacking enemy heroes. You possess a significant ability to annoy enemies with your Frost Grenade and Arctic Beam, but it’s better to work together with your team if you aim for a kill, instead of randomly using these abilities whenever they’re available.

To avoid becoming as dependent as Bebop, ensure you maintain a strategy where you stay near your troops, prioritizing landing decisive blows at the end to claim early-game items.

After activating Frozen Shelter, you experience a significant boost in power. The restorative properties of this skill are sufficient to counteract the damage inflicted by the Tower Guardian, enabling you to launch bold attacks when this ability is at your disposal.

After the initial laning phase, avoid spending time seeking kills unnecessarily. Instead, swiftly move from one neutral camp to another, clearing them out efficiently using your Frost Grenade. Once you have gathered your essential items, you’ll be prepared to confront the enemy team directly. At this juncture, focus on coordinating with your team and advancing towards the objectives.

You’ll need to
unlock all the Flex Slots
if you want to push Kelvin’s Spirit Power to the max.

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2024-09-15 06:14