One Piece: Every Species In The Big Mom Pirates

One Piece: Every Species In The Big Mom Pirates

Key Takeaways

  • Big Mom Pirates consist of various species under Linlin’s leadership.
  • The crew includes snakenecks, longlegs, longarms, merfolk hybrids, and homies, among others.
  • The crew is vast and diverse: Linlin has children with various species, creating a unique mix within the crew.

As a seasoned One Piece enthusiast, who’s spent countless hours navigating the Grand Line and unraveling the mysteries of this enigmatic world, I can’t help but be intrigued by the peculiarities that surround Big Mom and her motley crew. The Fire Tank Pirates, with their gangster-esque demeanor, are a far cry from the usual pirate archetype we see in this series. Among them, Form, the cyborg with a massive gun for an arm, stands out as a formidable figure. His alliance with the Straw Hats, though short-lived, has left an indelible mark on his life, and now, interestingly enough, he’s become more closely tied to Big Mom through marriage.

The Big Mom Pirates, led by their captain Charlotte “Big Mom” Linlin, were once among the most influential pirate groups, as Linlin was regarded as one of the four emperors in the pirate world. Although she has been defeated, the crew remains formidable, carrying on her vision of unifying all races under their leadership. This strength comes from the fact that Linlin carefully built both her crew and kingdom with the explicit goal of achieving unity among different races.

To clarify, living within Big Mom’s domain turns out to be more costly than initially suggested, as civilians are burdened with substantial taxes, including a recurring levy based on their lifespan. Despite this, Big Mom’s complex dealings ensure a varied assortment of species among the crew, even those seldom encountered elsewhere.

This list is exclusive to characters belonging to crews that are recognized. Characters who have been spotted or verified in Totto Land are not included.

10 Humans

Make Up Most Of The Crew

One Piece: Every Species In The Big Mom Pirates

Although Charlotte Linlin may seem imposing due to her sizeable figure, she is in reality a typical human woman, born to two human parents. Yet, when it comes to sheer physical strength, she stands out as one of the most formidable human characters within the series. A notable example of this is her childhood encounter with a giant, which was so unconventional that it earned her enmity from every giant worldwide, making her islands one of the rare places where giants are not present.

It’s clear that “Big Mom” is a fitting title, given that Linlin is often referred to as such due to her extensive brood. A significant number of the crew’s known humans are actually her own offspring, born from various unions. Linlin has a habit of taking partners from diverse species, marrying them, and then moving on, leaving behind numerous half-human children. While some of these partners have been human, she has also crossed species lines frequently. This pattern results in most of her children, whether human or not, having both full-blooded and half-siblings within their extended family.

9 Snakenecks

Half-Snakenecks, To Be Exact

One Piece: Every Species In The Big Mom Pirates

In the world of One Piece, Snakenecks are unique humanoid species, recognized by their elongated necks. These beings are often treated as slaves by humans, as indicated by a price list provided by Duval, a trafficker. Unlike other comparable races, Snakenecks are exclusive to Totto Land and seldom seen beyond Big Mom’s islands.

It’s plausible that the entire species moved to the region as a means of fleeing oppression. To date, no pure-blooded Snakenecks have been discovered; all seven identified so far are believed to be children of Linlin and possess human ancestry. Their necks often differ in length and shape, but they consistently extend beyond the average human neck. Charlotte Amande is a well-known Snakeneck, holding a significant position within the group. Given the time gap between her children’s births, it seems likely that Linlin had multiple Snakeneck spouses throughout her life.

8 Longlegs

Seldom Seen Elsewhere

One Piece: Every Species In The Big Mom Pirates

Longlegs, as the name suggests, are characterized by their elongated limbs, which they often adorn for display. These legs prove to be highly effective in physical confrontations, making them valuable as laborers. However, some members of their society have strained relationships with the Longarm Tribe. Unlike Snakenecks, they can be found in various locations, with Blue Gilly, a recognized individual from this species, currently serving within the Straw Hat Grand Fleet.

Despite many members of this race being associated with Big Mom, and including her triplet daughters with long legs, Smoothie being the eldest among them, holds a significant position as one of the three top pirates in the crew, second only to the captain. Only Baron Tamago, a highly skilled combatant ranked knight, is known to be pure Longleg and serves as an enforcer for the crew.

7 Longarms

Not A Stretch To Say They’re Involved

One Piece: Every Species In The Big Mom Pirates

In the same vein as the Longlegs and Snakenecks, the Longarm Tribe is characterized by its members having exceptionally long arms, which are remarkably flexible due to their double-jointed nature. It’s worth noting that the Longarms play a more significant role in the expansive One Piece universe than either Longlegs or Snakenecks. Not only do several Longarms operate as pirates, but one is even recognized as a member of Cipher Pol 0.

In simpler terms, Diesel serves as a right-hand man to Big Mom, who has a train theme, and unlike her other crew members, he isn’t a relative of hers. However, he is known for his unwavering loyalty towards his captain. It’s also worth mentioning that Big Mom has four children who share the same father.

6 A Three-Eye Hybrid

Very Rare

One Piece: Every Species In The Big Mom Pirates

The Three-Eyed beings, found in the series, are known to be exceptionally elusive. When their third eye becomes fully awakened, they possess a unique ability called the Voice of All Things. This rare talent enables them to decipher messages from animals and potentially even from objects like poneglyphs. No pure members belonging to this race have been discovered within the series so far.

The scarcity of their kind is underscored by the fact that Linlin, in all her connections, has just one child from them – a daughter named Pudding. Despite her disapproval of Pudding’s third eye, which she finds unattractive and encourages her to hide, it is clear that Linlin holds some regard for Pudding, appreciating her unique abilities. This appreciation is evident in the attempts made by Linlin to use Pudding strategically in her arranged marriage with Sanji, as a means of forming an alliance with the Vinsmokes. Furthermore, Linlin sees potential value in Pudding’s ability to possibly acquire the Voice of All Things. However, Pudding remains uncertain about her capability to achieve this, given that she is only half-Three-Eye.

5 Merfolk

Mermaid Hybrids, To Be Exact

One Piece: Every Species In The Big Mom Pirates

In the course of this series, Merfolk have made frequent appearances. These aquatic beings share many characteristics with Fish-Men, another subaquatic species. The primary distinction is that Merfolk look like fish from the waist down, whereas Fish-Men resemble fish from the torso upwards. Hybrids between Fish-Men and humans are scarcely found in the series, but there have been instances where certain characters have been confirmed as having Fish-Men ancestry. Chimney, a granddaughter of Kokoro, is one-quarter Mermaid, yet her overall appearance appears more human. In contrast, Prim and Praline, Big Mom’s twin daughters, exhibit a stronger resemblance to their purebred counterparts, as they are half-Mermaid.

Although they’re sisters, Prim and Praline resemble distinct types of aquatic creatures. Prim appears more like an Octo-Mermaid, a blend between an octopus and a mermaid, whereas Praline looks like a Hammerhead Shark-Mermaid hybrid. It’s not unusual for Fish-People and Merfolk, as their parentage doesn’t specifically dictate the specific fish species they embody.

Praline, a character notable for being in an arranged marriage, is with Aladine – a goatsbeard brotula Merman who acts as the physician for Jimbei’s former group, known as the Sun Pirates, composed of Fish-Men and Merfolk. This union is one of several arranged marriages orchestrated by Big Mom to strengthen her pirate crew under her control. However, Praline’s marriage took an unexpected turn when the Sun Pirates severed their alliance, leading her to stay with her husband’s team instead. In contrast, Prim remains loyal to the Big Mom Pirates.

4 A Mink

But His Current Status Within The Crew Is Unclear

One Piece: Every Species In The Big Mom Pirates

Minks represent a fierce species that resemble humanoids in their structure. Each individual possesses electrical abilities, termed Electro, and can morph into a potent form called Sulong when they gaze upon the full moon. The majority of these creatures originate from Zou, although they are also found as a distinct race within Totto Land.

Originally, Pekoms – a unique Mink and the sole Mink member known in the Big Mom Pirates – belonged to the Nox Pirates, a pirate group exclusively made up of Minks hailing from Zou. Following the demise of Zepo, Bepo’s elder sibling, at the hands of Big Mom, the Nox Pirates ceased to exist. During their time together in the crew, Pekoms primarily served as an enforcer alongside Tamago.

As a former member of Big Mom’s Pirate gang, I found myself in a tricky situation when my comrade Pedro made his heroic sacrifice. In the heat of the moment, I chose to betray my old crew, a decision that didn’t sit well with many of them. The aftermath was a brutal clash, but whether I emerged victorious or not, it remains unseen so far. Regardless, it’s clear that my days as a Big Mom Pirate are likely over.

3 At Least One Cyborg…

But He Defected

One Piece: Every Species In The Big Mom Pirates

One Piece is brimming with characters known as mechanical hybrids, with Franky being the most notable example. Many of these beings are combatants who often incorporate technology onto themselves following injuries that result in significant body loss. In fact, there was once one associated with the Big Mom Pirates.

As a devoted admirer, let me share a fascinating perspective: “Hit Man” Gotti, in my world, is a Cyborg, equipped with a colossal cannon replacing his arm. He’s an esteemed comrade within the Fire Tank Pirates, a band of brothers orchestrated by Capone Bege, who bears a striking resemblance to Italian mob bosses due to their past ties with Bege’s mafia family.

The team joined forces with the Straw Hats to stage an unsuccessful attempt on Big Mom’s life. Consequently, they parted ways from Linlin. Interestingly, after the alliance dissolved, Gotti developed a closer bond with Linlin, as he later married Lola, Chiffon’s twin sister.

2 Homies

Soul-Infused Beings

One Piece: Every Species In The Big Mom Pirates

Big Mom’s unique Devil Fruit, known as Soru Soru no Mi, grants her the ability to manipulate souls and lifespans. A frequent outcome is the birth of Animated Soul Creations, or simply Homies, which are inanimate objects brought to life by these very souls. These Homies can take on different forms and sizes, but they all possess a common trait: they’re made from souls. Big Mom often requires a portion of a soul as payment for staying within her domain, providing her with an abundance of materials to create numerous Homies.

Big Mom’s soul-spawned minions, known as Homies, are notably strong and often join their captain in battles. Prominent Homies like Prometheus, Hera, and Napoleon enhance Big Mom’s combat skills in unique ways. Prometheus, a sun-themed Homie with fire abilities, Hera, a cloud Homie harnessing electricity, and Napoleon, a sword-wielding Homie for physical attacks, are her key combat tools. Because they stem from her Devil Fruit, most Homies were associated with Big Mom initially. However, this dynamic shifted when Nami managed to snatch Zeus, a thundercloud Homie derived from Big Mom’s soul, away from her.

1 Unclear

Potentially Other Species, Not Elaborated Upon

One Piece: Every Species In The Big Mom Pirates

In One Piece, there are numerous human characters with unusual appearances that make them stand out significantly among their kind, but they’re still categorized as purely human. However, due to the extensive mix of different races within the Big Mom Pirates, some might question whether a few of her offspring could be 100% human.

Characters like Charlotte Dacquoise, who appears to sport wings naturally, and her offspring such as Zuccotto and Melise, who have animal body parts, are part of this world. Among them, Kato stands out, resembling a jack-o’lantern, but with an orange, only slightly humanoid form. These characters aren’t extensively explained, so it’s unclear what each one truly is. For instance, Katakuri, a more significant character, is confirmed as purely human. However, his brothers born with him seem human too, but he possesses a mouth like a pelican eel, a trait not found among his full-blooded kin.

It’s worth noting that Linlin expresses a wish for kids of various racial backgrounds, considering the diversity in human appearances. This leads to an intriguing possibility: these children could be unique hybrids or simply individuals with unusual physical features.

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2024-09-15 06:34