How to Get Ziplines in Satisfactory

How to Get Ziplines in Satisfactory

As a seasoned Satisfactory player with countless hours spent optimizing my factories and traversing vast landscapes, I can confidently say that unlocking and mastering the Zipline has been one of my most cherished achievements. This tool has revolutionized my gameplay experience, making me feel like a true industrial superhero zipping across power lines with ease.

Traversal in Satisfactory is a problem, and one that the game is more than happy to solve, considering the amount of tools it allows players to get their hands onto that can help with moving faster. Starting from the Blade Runners all the way to the hypertube railcannon, there are tons of items to make getting around the map faster, easier, and more efficient.

Among the various tools in the game that players might overlook, there’s the Zipline – a handy gadget used to reconfigure the power grid to your advantage. Let me explain how to access and use this Zipline:

How to Unlock Ziplines in Satisfactory

In the game MAM, players can utilize the Zipline, an accessory akin to the Xeno-Zapper, which enables them to navigate using power lines more efficiently. By connecting to the line and propelling themselves forward, they can quickly traverse across. However, crafting Ziplines is only accessible after reaching a specific node within the Caterium Ore technology tree. Once all prerequisite tech nodes are unlocked, players will require certain items to activate the Zipline feature.

  • Quickwire x100: Crafted by processing Caterium Ingots in a Constructor or a Crafting Bench.
  • Cable x50: Crafted by processing Copper Ingot into Wire and refining it into Cable at a Constructor or a Crafting Bench.

Once the Ziplines become available in Satisfactory, you can manufacture them at an Equipment Production Facility with these specified resources.

  • Xeno-Zapper x1
  • Quickwire x30
  • Iron Rod x3
  • Cable x10

How to Use Zipline in Satisfactory

How to Get Ziplines in Satisfactory

Once ready, grab the Zipline device from your inventory and place it in your hand slot. Target a power line that’s within reach and simply click the left mouse button. The Zipline will engage and adhere to the power line, pulling you along the cables. As the power line reaches a power pole, the device will detach automatically. You can reuse it without any cooldown periods. Unlike the Chainsaw, Ziplines don’t need any fuel.

On a zip line, there’s no distinction between moving upwards or downwards; the sensation is essentially the same. In other words, while gravity governs our usual movement, it doesn’t dictate the motion on a zip line in the same way.

How to Find Caterium Ore in Satisfactory

In the game Satisfactory, the capacity to search for Caterium Ore becomes available towards the mid-game, once players have progressed to Tier 5 and achieved the Petroleum Power Milestone. Nevertheless, you can discover Caterium Ore earlier through simple exploration. Once you’ve gathered 10 pieces of Caterium Ore, you can input them into the MAM (Material Assembling Machine) to unlock the scanning ability for Caterium Ore.

As a gamer, I’ve found that tracking down Caterium deposits isn’t always a walk in the park. They usually sit atop towering cliffs, which often require the use of a Jumping Pad or Jetpack to reach. The good news is, these precious deposits aren’t confined to perilous biomes and can be found scattered throughout the map.

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2024-09-15 22:07