Open-World Games That Challenge You With Scarcity

Open-World Games That Challenge You With Scarcity

Key Takeaways

  • Fallout 4
    emphasizes collection and crafting, turning scarcity into a challenge.
  • In
    , resource scarcity makes crafting modules difficult, requiring a base setup.
  • Outward
    challenges players with scarce resources including mana components, rewarding survival.

As a seasoned gamer with over two decades under my belt, I can confidently say that scarcity in games has always been a thrilling challenge for me. There’s something exhilarating about scavenging for resources, crafting equipment, and making tough decisions based on availability. So, when it comes to open-world games that push the boundaries of resource scarcity, I’ve got my eyes on five titles that are sure to test even the most resourceful gamers.

In many open-world games, it’s not just about roaming a sandbox environment as a power fantasy, but rather, it’s the challenge that permeates every facet of the game that draws players in. These games can be tough due to their challenging combat, the moral dilemmas they present, or even the vast amount of content needed to fully complete them.

In games where the essential aspects revolve around maintaining health or creating equipment, scarcity can serve as an effective method to intensify the challenge. For gamers seeking a tougher experience or even a bit of simulated urban rummaging, here are some titles that offer a demanding shortage of resources.

5 Fallout 4

The Rarest Resource Is Whichever One Is Currently Needed

In terms of how closely Fallout 4 adheres to its predecessors and its role-playing game origins, there’s some debate. However, one aspect that stands out is the depth and user-friendly nature of its crafting system. Gathering resources frequently takes on a more rewarding feel, similar to discoveries during an adventure, as you rummage through deserted office buildings in search of components like screws or essential adhesive.

In situations where resources are difficult to produce individually and must be obtained through scavenging or trading, it can be challenging to acquire the necessary parts for crucial items like weapons or basic features. The wasteland fosters scarcity, and only the brave who dare to venture into its deepest corners will discover an ample supply of those essential crafting materials.

4 Kenshi

This Surreal Post-Apocalypse Hides Its Resources Well

Kenshi’s surroundings can be described as unfriendly at best. Toxic marshes and barren highlands conceal a variety of ancient materials essential for advancing in the game across various aspects such as combat or base construction. Acquiring manufactured goods becomes manageable once you have gathered enough basic resources, but locating the mechanical components to craft rum stills or weapon benches can prove challenging.

The shortage of resources in the game ‘Kenshi’ can be overwhelming for new players. To build many of the crafting options available, you initially need to set up a base or house, which is often a challenge due to the scarcity of money or resources in a game that doesn’t hand them out freely.

3 Outward

An Unforgiving Fantasy Experience Built On Resources

In many aspects, the game “Outward” deviates from the norm of typical open-world RPGs. It places significant emphasis on survival and a more leisurely pace of play, setting it apart in the realm of fantasy-action titles. In the world of “Outward”, threats such as hunger and cold are just as likely as any creature.

Due to its strong focus on survival, this game might seem sparse in resources and potentially intimidating for newcomers. The magic system requires specific materials to cast spells, and although a resourceful wizard can usually overcome most obstacles, the hunt for all necessary components is also demanding, creating an engaging yet tough journey for players.

2 Project Zomboid

Food And Medicine Are Treasures

In the ruthless landscape of a zombie apocalypse, it’s no shock that essential supplies for survival are running low in the engaging video game, “Project Zomboid.” This game, like “Fallout 4,” emphasizes resource scarcity as a key factor, forcing players to make tough choices and shaping their gaming experience.

It’s a title that can be quite tough on beginners, but those that push through are rewarded with a very deep gameplay loop revolving around surviving the perils of the zombie apocalypse; although crafting components and medical resources are both scarce and do not respawn, pushing players further and further out on every resource run if they want a steady supply of materials.

1 Vampyr

There’s Only So Much Blood To Go Around

In contrast to the expansive maps common in today’s games, Vampyr offers a more confined and intimate open world. This game is captivating and poignant as it explores the struggle between a character’s bloodthirsty nature and his moral obligations as both a monster and a medical professional who took an oath to serve humanity. The setting of 1920s London is vividly portrayed through its smog-filled streets, narrow alleys, and dim, dusty corners.

In the game Vampyr, players don’t have the liberty to consume any random person’s blood to amplify their vampiric abilities. Instead, the protagonist can only draw power from those with whom they’ve forged a deep bond. The deeper the connection, the more powerful the gifts that blood confers. This means humanity is a precious and scarce resource in Vampyr, which is an insightful metaphor given the game’s post-World War I setting, and it also serves as a compelling gameplay mechanic to explore the ethical dilemmas faced by both the player and the protagonist.

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2024-09-16 05:03