Best Keyblades In Kingdom Hearts 3

Best Keyblades In Kingdom Hearts 3

Key Takeaways

  • Kingdom Hearts 3 offers a variety of Keyblades with unique abilities and Formchanges
  • Some Keyblades focus on magic, others on strength, providing strategic options for combat
  • Obtaining powerful Keyblades like Ultima Weapon requires significant in-game achievements.

As someone who’s spent countless hours exploring the enchanting worlds of Kingdom Hearts III, I can confidently say that each Keyblade offers its unique charm and power. From the iconic Oathkeeper to the unconventional Classic Tone, these weapons not only enhance Sora’s combat abilities but also serve as a testament to his journey through the Disney universe.

Speaking about the Kingdom Hearts series, the newly released game offers an exhilarating hack-and-slash adventure. Put simply, Kingdom Hearts 3 is visually stunning and boasts engaging combat mechanics. With Shotlocks and Flowmotion commands at his disposal, the protagonist Sora can execute a variety of flashy combos capable of bringing down even the most formidable adversaries.

Indeed, his preferred tool returns with a significant impact in this installment. Now, each Keyblade can be improved and transformed into different forms, making them unique and effective at various stages of the game. Although there are fewer Keyblades to choose from initially, each one proves its worth distinctively. Nevertheless, some stand out more than others.

19 Kingdom Key

Sora’s Default Weapon

Best Keyblades In Kingdom Hearts 3
  • Strength: +9
  • Magic: +8
  • Abilities: (Lv. 0) Treasure Magnet, (Lv. 4) Formchange Extender
  • How to Get: Default weapon

Sora’s most recognized Keyblade is the Kingdom Key. However, it tends to be swapped out for something superior not long after it’s obtained. When activated, its Formchange, Second Form, grants Sora access to some of his famous moves from Kingdom Hearts 2.

The Kingdom Key, with a somewhat underwhelming 4 Strength and 3 Magic, is not a dependable tool for Sora to defeat his adversaries. Yet, it can prove handy for players who aim to gather treasures dropped by Sora’s defeated enemies due to its Treasure Magnet ability. As Sora’s initial weapon, he will be able to utilize the Kingdom Key from the onset of the game.

18 Elemental Encoder

Increases The Drop Rate Of Items But Is Lacking In Power

Best Keyblades In Kingdom Hearts 3
  • Strength: +9
  • Magic: +9
  • Abilities: (Lv. 0) Lucky Strike, Magic Roulette, (Lv. 4) Formchange Extender
  • How to Get: Automatically unlocked for Epic Games Store players

The Elemental Encoder can be considered a reimagination of Mickey’s Star Cluster Keyblade. Players who purchase Kingdom Hearts 3 on the Epic Games Store will have access to the Elemental Encoder automatically. Its unique black-and-white color scheme distinguishes it from other comparable items.

Giving Sora a total of 4 points in both Strength and Magic, this specific Keyblade may not have impressive stats initially, but its skills can be quite beneficial, particularly at the beginning of the game. The Lucky Lucky skill raises the probability of loot drops when vanquishing foes, and Magic Roulette enables Sora to employ Grand Magic even if the Grand Magic gauge hasn’t been fully charged yet.

17 Dead Of Night

A Good Option For Those Looking To Farm Rare Items During The Early-Game

Best Keyblades In Kingdom Hearts 3
  • Strength: +9
  • Magic: +9
  • Abilities: (Lv. 0) Lucky Strike, Magic Roulette, (Lv. 4) Formchange Extender
  • How to Get: Automatically unlocked for Steam players

Similar to the Elemental Encoder, the Dead of Night is another version of Mickey’s revamped Keyblade. This unique Keyblade can be obtained by players of Kingdom Hearts 3 on Steam, and it’s widely recognized as one of the most visually striking Keyblades in the entire game.

Equipped with a standard 4 Strength and 4 Magic, this Keyblade demonstrates its adaptability readily, although it may be interchangeable. However, it does possess some exclusive skills that could prove beneficial. The Lucky Strike feature enhances the possibility of adversaries dropping scarce artifacts, and Magic Roulette empowers Sora to perform Grand Magic without charging the Grand Magic meter.

16 Dawn Till Dusk

Somewhat Weak But Grants Sora Access To A Powerful Fire Spell

Best Keyblades In Kingdom Hearts 3
  • Strength: +9
  • Magic: +9
  • Abilities: (Lv. 0) Fire Boost, Firaza, (Lv. 4) Formchange Extender
  • How to Get: Available to purchase through the Microsoft Store and the PlayStation Store

You can acquire The Dawn Till Dusk from either the Microsoft Store or the PlayStation Store, similar to how you get the Elemental Encoder and Dead of Night. Essentially, it’s another version of Mickey’s latest Keyblade, Star Cluster, with a new color scheme. While it’s visually appealing, players should expect to eventually swap it out as they advance in the game.

This Dawn Till Dusk Keyblade has roughly the same strength and magic as the Kingdom Key, but it may not impress with its scores. Nevertheless, fans who favor Fire magic will find appealing abilities in this Keyblade. At its fundamental level, Sora can cast Firaza, a powerful area-of-effect spell that effortlessly cuts through hordes of enemies.

15 Starlight

Allows Sora To Recover His MP More Quicky But Is Surprisingly Weak For When It’s Unlocked

Best Keyblades In Kingdom Hearts 3
  • Strength: +9
  • Magic: +9
  • Abilities: (Lv. 0) MP Haste, (Lv. 4) Formchange Extender
  • How to Get: Beat the Demon Tide in the Keyblade Graveyard

In The Keyblade Graveyard, upon defeating the Demon Tide, Sora, Donald, and Goofy earn the unlocking of the Starlight Keyblade. However, many fans anticipate a substantial reward after such a tough battle, but unfortunately, the Starlight Keyblade is among the least powerful weapons in the game.

In terms of its four strengths and magic, the Starlight Keyblade is only slightly superior to the Kingdom Key at this stage in the game, making it unnecessary to use it right now. While its Formchange, Second From S, enables Sora to execute some iconic moves from “Kingdom Hearts 2”, a player would gain more advantage by focusing on strength rather than nostalgia for future battles.

14 Shooting Star

Provides Sora With A Fun Ranged Approach To Combat, But Better Options Are Available

Best Keyblades In Kingdom Hearts 3
  • Max Strength: +8
  • Max Magic: +10
  • Abilities: Magic Treasure Magnet (Lv. 0), Formchange Extender (Lv. 4)
  • How to Get: Complete the first visit to Twilight Town

During his initial trip to Little Chef’s Bistrot, Sora acquires the Shooting Star Keyblade. This weapon is particularly beneficial for players who prefer Magic over Strength at the start of the game due to its 5 Magic and 3 Strength attributes. However, as the game progresses, they may find it necessary to switch to a more effective weapon.

In the realms of Toy Story and Tangled, Sora might find the Shooting Star Keyblade incredibly useful initially. However, once he obtains the Ever After Keyblade, the Shooting Star may become less significant. Despite being one of the lesser powerful weapons in the game, its Double Arrowguns and Magic Launcher Formchanges can prove beneficial when players prefer to attack from afar.

13 Hero’s Origin

A Great Early-Game Option For Those Looking To Prioritize Defense

Best Keyblades In Kingdom Hearts 3
  • Max Strength: +10
  • Max Magic: +7
  • Abilities: (Lv. 0) Defender, (Lv. 4) Formchange Extender
  • How to Get: Complete the visit to Olympus

In the course of events, Sora acquires the Hero’s Origin Keyblade following his victory over the Titans in Olympus. Despite being the second Keyblade he gains access to, it proves quite advantageous during many of the boss fights in Kingdom Hearts 3.

This item may not have many Strength or Magic points, but it boasts one of the strongest defensive mechanisms in the game. The Counter Shield Formchange lets Sora block incoming attacks and send them back at his foes. If timed skillfully, deflected blows can inflict a surprising amount of damage. In comparison, the Grand Chef Keyblade has a similar ability, but it requires more effort to acquire. Until it’s unlocked, players might want to use Hero’s Origin as an alternative.

12 Hunny Spout

A Must-Have For Ranged Enthusiasts And Ingredient Hunters

Best Keyblades In Kingdom Hearts 3
  • Max Strength: +9
  • Max Magic: +9
  • Abilities: (Lv. 0) Harvester, (Lv. 6) Formchange Extender
  • How to Get: Complete the visit to the 100 Acre Wood

This Keyblade isn’t just enjoyable to wield; it’s adorably charming as well. Its handle resembles a nostalgic piece of wood, while the rest of the blade is fashioned into a stack of Winnie the Pooh’s beloved honey pots. Upon finishing the heartwarming tale set in the Hundred Acre Wood, Sora will gain access to the Hunny Spout Keyblade.

The Hunny Spout Keyblade boasts a well-tuned set of statistics, featuring a Magic rating of 6 and a Strength score of 5. It’s particularly renowned for its potent Form Change attacks. This Keyblade can transform into several forms, such as the Hunny Launcher and Hunny Blasters during Formchanges. Additionally, it equips Shotlock abilities named Hunny Burst, Hunny Drizzle, and Sweet Surprise, which slow down opponents critically. Furthermore, this Keyblade’s Harvest ability enables Sora to gather an extra ingredient whenever he acquires just one, making it indispensable for players aiming for a 5-Star rating in Le Grand Bistrot.

11 Favorite Deputy

A Solid Early-Game Weapon That Offers Reliable Form Changes

Best Keyblades In Kingdom Hearts 3
  • Max Strength: +10
  • Max Magic: +8
  • Abilities: (Lv. 0) Lucky Strike, (Lv. 4) Formchange Extender
  • How to Get: Complete the visit to the Toy Box

As a gamer, my go-to blade is the one I earned after wrapping up the Toy Box world’s adventure. This bad boy packs a punch with a max strength of 10 and a magical might of 8. What truly sets it apart are its unique traits – the Lucky Strike ability that boosts the chances of gathering synthesis materials, making it an invaluable asset for enhancing my gear. Plus, it’s got some nifty Formchanges up its hilt!

Transforming the Keyblade, the Boost Hammer and Drill Punch techniques alter it into a colossal hammer and drill respectively. The hammer excels at handling large groups, whereas the drill concentrates immense damage on singular targets.

10 Crystal Snow

A Mobility And Magic-Focused Weapon That Prevents The User From Being Frozen

Best Keyblades In Kingdom Hearts 3
  • Max Strength: +8
  • Max Magic: +11
  • Abilities: (Lv. 0) Freeze Protection, (Lv. 9) Blizzard Boost
  • How to Get: Complete the visit to Arendelle

This stunning Keyblade effectively symbolizes the frozen realm of Arendelle, which players can acquire. With a peak capacity of up to 8 Strength and 11 Magic, Crystal Snow predominantly excels in unleashing potent spells. Yet, it demonstrates exceptional agility as both a melee weapon during its transformation phases.

Blizzard Claw turns it into a set of icy claws, while the Blizzard Blade acts as a pair of ice skates and arm blades. Freeze Protection also aids in negating the Freeze status, and Blizzard Boost increases the power of Blizzard spells.

9 Ever After

Provides Sora With Great Range, Mobility, And Emergency Heal Opportunities

Best Keyblades In Kingdom Hearts 3
  • Max Strength: +7
  • Max Magic: +11
  • Abilities: (Lv. 0) Leaf Bracer, (Lv. 4) Aeroza, (Lv. 10) Aero Boost
  • How to Get: Complete the visit to the Kingdom of Corona

In the realm of Corona, once Sora overcomes the Grim Guardianess, the Ever After Keyblade becomes accessible. Though its physical strength is just 2, its impressive magical power at 7 could prove invaluable for those adept in magic usage.

The Mirage Staff’s Formchange enables Sora to float effortlessly across the battlefield, dishing out magical blows from afar. If Sora attacks swiftly from multiple spots, a barrage of magical explosions will target his adversaries. Additionally, the Shimmering Drops Shotlock can be beneficial for restoring Sora’s health. Although it is one of the less powerful Keyblades in Kingdom Hearts 3, this unique ability makes it indispensable for late-game skirmishes.

8 Grand Chef

A More Magic-Oriented Hero’s Origin

Best Keyblades In Kingdom Hearts 3
  • Max Strength: +9
  • Max Magic: +11
  • Abilities: (Lv. 0) Wizard’s Ruse, (Lv. 3) Chef Extraordinaire
  • How to Get: Achieve 5 Star with Le Grand Bistrot

This impressive Keyblade isn’t the easiest to obtain, as the Grand Chef requires Sora to have cooked every single recipe in Kingdom Hearts 3. Not only that, but it requires Sora to have achieved an “Excellent” rating on each recipe. To collect all recipes, Sora will need to have gathered every ingredient and used them to create stunning meals in Little Chef’s Bistro. Only then can he get the Grand Chef Keyblade, which boasts Magic of 7 and Strength of 5 at its base level.

The Grand Chef can morph into a massive skillet, swiftly striking multiple opponents simultaneously and moving at a rapid pace. It’s particularly useful for clearing out large numbers of enemies in one go. While Sora might possess a superior Keyblade by the time he unlocks the Grand Chef, it remains an impressive milestone to acquire it.

7 Happy Gear

A Great Option For Those Who Enjoy Using Shotlocks

Best Keyblades In Kingdom Hearts 3
  • Max Strength: +11
  • Max Magic: +7
  • Abilities: (Lv. 0) Focus Converter, (Lv. 6) Full MP Blast
  • How to Get: Complete the visit to Monstropolis

This Keyblade, obtained upon finishing Monstropolis, predominantly emphasizes physical assault. Once completely upgraded, it provides 11 Strength and 7 Magic points, and it frequently enables the use of Shotlocks due to its Focus Converter skill.

Although it has a lesser Magic attribute, its built-in Full MP Blast ability amplifies spell power when its MP is fully charged. Its Assault Claw Formchange resembles Crystal Snow’s Blizzard Claw, but its Twin Yoyo Formchange morphs into a lethal whirl of projectiles. Its decisive moves efficiently dispatch single opponents.

6 Wheel Of Fate

An Incredibly Powerful Late-Game Weapon That Provides Sora With Great Formchanges

Best Keyblades In Kingdom Hearts 3
  • Max Strength: +11
  • Max Magic: +9
  • Abilities: (Lv. 6) Formchange Extender
  • How to Get: Complete the visit to The Caribbean

Adventurers acquire this thrilling Keyblade upon finishing the storyline set in The Caribbean. When fully enhanced, it boasts a balanced blend of 11 Power and 9 Magic. Moreover, this Keyblade possesses the unique skill to unleash Waterza, causing widespread water damage.

With its Highwind Formchange, the Keyblade morphs into a spear, while the Storm Flag converts it into a grand flag-like banner. These transformations allow for both swift and powerful sweeps as well as lunges against enemy groups or bosses. In essence, Wheel of Fate masterfully blends power and elegance.

5 Nano Gear

A Great Late-Game Keyblade That Gives Sora Stun Protection

Best Keyblades In Kingdom Hearts 3
  • Max Strength: +10
  • Max Magic: +9
  • Abilities: (Lv. 0) Stun Protection, (Lv. 6) Formchange Extender
  • How to Get: Complete the visit to San Fransokyo

In Kingdom Hearts 3, the Nano Gear shows up following the completion of the San Fransokyo world. At its highest level, it offers a Strength stat of 10 and Magic stat of 9. It also comes equipped with the Stun Protection ability which is particularly useful against challenging bosses that could temporarily immobilize Sora.

In a simple and natural way, Nano Gear’s unique ability, the Nano Arms, transforms into multiple types of weapons based on the attack. It also features an impressive finisher where it impales enemies using nanobot spears that teleport. Those seemingly innocuous black dots are actually quite formidable.

4 Oblivion

An Incredibly Strong Weapon With A Powerful Dual Wield Formchange

Best Keyblades In Kingdom Hearts 3
  • Max Strength: +13
  • Max Magic: +11
  • Abilities: (Lv. 0) HP Converter, (Lv. 4) Situation Boost, (Lv. 9) Formchange Extender
  • How to Get: Use the Proof of Times Past at a Moogle shop

In update version 1.07 of Kingdom Hearts 3, two remarkable Keyblades from the entire series were introduced: Oblivion and Oathkeeper. These weapons aren’t simple to acquire, serving as a formidable challenge even for seasoned players who consider themselves veterans. To unlock the Oblivion specifically, players must first secure the Proof of Time Past.

To fully enjoy this, you need to have conquered the game in its hardest setting, Critical Mode – famed as the toughest difficulty level across all Kingdom Hearts series. But trust me, it’s more than worth the effort! It rewards an impressive 13 Strength and 11 Magic points, along with a formidable Dark Form and Double Form.

3 Oathkeeper

A More Balanced Oblivion That Also Offers A Great Dual Wield Formchange

Best Keyblades In Kingdom Hearts 3
  • Max Strength: +12
  • Max Magic: +12
  • Abilities: (Lv. 0) MP Converter, (Lv. 4) Situation Boost, (Lv. 9) Formchange Extender
  • How to Get: Use the Proof of Promises at a Moogle shop

Obtaining this Keyblade will be quite a challenge, involving both time and effort. This is because players need to have first acquired the Promise Proof before they can unlock it. You’ll get the Promise Proof by locating all 90 Lucky Emblems scattered throughout the game. Each emblem is skillfully concealed in various locations across the game worlds, with some being particularly challenging and tricky to find.

The Oathkeeper Keyblade is remarkably well-rounded, much like the Oblivion Keyblade, boasting a robust 12 Strength and an equally impressive 12 Magic. It offers access to a Light Form and a Double Form finisher, a sought-after feature that allows Sora to wield two Keyblades simultaneously in combat. The dual-wielding of the Oathkeeper with the Oblivion Keyblade is a classic appearance for Sora, as these two weapons have been frequently depicted together in previous games.

2 Classic Tone

The Most Powerful Magic Option In The Game

Best Keyblades In Kingdom Hearts 3
  • Max Strength: +11
  • Max Magic: +14
  • Abilities: (Lv. 0, Lv. 6, & Lv. 9) MP Haste
  • How to Get: Achieve high scores in the Classic Kingdom games

Only a few Keyblades can be unlocked outside the main story, with Classic Tone being one of them. To obtain this Keyblade, Sora must first discover all 23 mini-games in the Classic Kingdom and set high scores on each. Once achieved, this potent yet unusual Keyblade becomes accessible. Its strength of 11 and magic of 14 are nothing to underestimate.

As a gamer, I found that Classic Tone’s Formchanges, Boom Hammer, and Clock Drill are reminiscent of the beloved Deputy Keyblade. However, it surpasses expectations by being armed with three MP Haste abilities, enhancing my access to an array of magical attacks.

1 Ultima Weapon

The Strongest Weapon That Sora Can Unlock

Best Keyblades In Kingdom Hearts 3
  • Max Strength: +13
  • Max Magic: +13
  • Abilities: (Lv. 0) Air Combo Boost, Combo Boost, Situation Boost
  • How to Get: Item Synthesis

Without a doubt, Ultima Weapon stands out as the most exceptional Keyblade across all aspects. It boasts a well-rounded statistic of 13 Strength and Magic. Its Combo Boost and Air Combo Boost enhance the power of combo attacks, while Situation Boost significantly speeds up the filling of the Situation Command gauge.

As a gamer, I’ve got to say, when its Ultimate Form kicks in, it’s not just an upgrade – it’s a game-changer! Packed with an insane power boost and a ton of new abilities, this weapon is like nothing I’ve ever wielded before. It might take some time to synthesize, but boy, is it worth the wait!

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2024-09-16 21:57