How To Save Burt In Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster

How To Save Burt In Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster

As a seasoned survivor of countless zombie apocalypses, I can confidently say that Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster has brought back some nostalgic memories. The encounter with Burt in Weber’s Garments was reminiscent of my first brush with the undead, albeit with a bit more combat experience this time around.

In the game “Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster,” one of Otis’ early phone calls will be to Frank about setting up a Barricade Duo. Two individuals have holed up inside Weber’s Garments in Al Fresca Plaza, and breaking through the barricade is only the start of the challenge.

Frank can quickly gather and get rid of items serving as barricades, which could be beneficial for eliminating nearby zombies since you’ll initially prioritize dealing with the survivors within a brief period. However, beware that Burt might perceive Frank as violent and respond aggressively, unlike the Japanese tourists who will only flee upon encountering him.

How To Get Burt To Stop Attacking You In Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster

Upon stepping into Weber’s Garments, Burt is poised to assault Frank, while Aaron remains frozen with fear in a corner. Though it might not appear to be the best course of action, you’ll find yourself needing to defend against Burt. By striking him repeatedly, you can eventually make him fall and become more receptive to reason. It would be prudent to carry out this action in the store’s rear area, as zombies will soon pour in through the entrance you’ve just opened.

Make sure you opt for a weapon with minimal damage output since it will be challenging, if not impossible, to eliminate Burt with the available weapons in your current game stage.

After pushing Burt to the ground, proceed to engage with him and he will hear out Frank prior to them both deciding to comply. Any harm inflicted on Burt during the initial altercation will persist, so it’s wise to offer any healing supplies you possess to ensure that he recovers fully before taking on any zombies.

What Do You Do With Survivors In Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster

After Burt and Aaron join you, your priority should swiftly shift towards guiding them back to the Security Room. The survivors following Frank will function like party members, engaging in zombie combat with whatever weapons Frank provides, taking damage, and requiring healing. Though it’s beneficial to have backup during a fight, it’s crucial to expedite their return to the Security Room as soon as possible. This action not only saves them but also rewards you generously with PP.

At any point during the game, players can revisit the Security Room by retracing their steps through the warehouse located in Paradise Plaza’s eastern mall section. A clearly visible red exit sign is above the double doors adjacent to the photography store. Passing through these doors will guide you to a brief path that leads to the elevator and then the air duct, eventually bringing you back to the Security Room. Bringing any survivors along will have them express gratitude towards Frank and remain in the Security Room for the rest of the game, earning a significant PP bonus for rescuing them.

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2024-09-19 10:43