10 Best Horror Games on PS Plus

10 Best Horror Games on PS Plus

Key Takeaways

  • Doom 3 is an anomaly in the series, offering more of a horror experience than the rest of the series.
  • Dead by Daylight’s unique 4v1 multiplayer experience is unforgettable with friends.
  • Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare is an old-school horror classic with tank controls, and fixed camera angles.

As a seasoned gamer and horror enthusiast who’s braved countless nights of virtual terror, I must say that these games have left quite an indelible mark on my gaming journey. Each title offers a unique blend of fear, suspense, and adrenaline that has kept me hooked for hours on end.

Horror games are typically niche affairs reserved for an audience brave enough to take them on.

Regardless of whether you’re afraid to join in, it’s still enjoyable to watch a content creator get excited for your entertainment.

If you’re planning a spooky Halloween experience or simply crave a good fright, check out these top-notch Horror Games that you can play using your PlayStation Plus membership!

10 Doom 3

Not Your Average Doom Game

10 Best Horror Games on PS Plus

Doom 3 stands out in the series, opting for chilling ambiance over mass demon slaughter and intense music.

Though the franchise has now ventured back onto its action paths, Doom 3 still stands out as a top-notch sci-fi horror shooter game.

The series’ iconic roster of monsters is a perfect fit for a horror game, and dimly lit hallways and tight corridors are a superb environment to showcase them.

It’s quite possible we won’t see another Doom game similar to Doom 3, but its legendary status makes it an exceptional choice for play. The original has earned a reputation as one of the finest shooter games ever created, and despite being released years ago, it continues to have a dedicated fanbase.

9 Dead by Daylight

Horror With Friends

10 Best Horror Games on PS Plus

As a gamer, I’ve found that playing games with friends often diminishes the fright factor. However, there are always exceptions to this rule. When it comes to Dead by Daylight, the game offers a unique 4v1 multiplayer setup where a group of survivors find themselves squaring off against a terrifying killer.

Every assassin possesses distinct skills, making it spine-tingling to evade one whose tactics can be swiftly adapted by the player at hand.

The game Dead by Daylight comes with quite a challenging learning process, yet it has maintained a dedicated player community for several years, and there are certainly valid reasons behind this longevity.

In a nutshell, the thrilling survival horror game, Dead by Daylight, shines brightest when played alongside an evenly matched group of players. This game is incredibly rich in depth and can potentially become one of your go-to choices for multiplayer experiences, if you’re willing to invest time in it.

8 Alone In The Dark: The New Nightmare

Old School Horror

10 Best Horror Games on PS Plus

Alone In The Dark” is an old-school horror game featuring tank controls and stationary cameras. It might seem unusual at first, but it’s well worth adapting to for the thrills it offers.

In “The New Nightmare”, the atmosphere is heavily shrouded in darkness, intensifying the suspense since you’re dependent on your torch for illumination. The lighting is remarkably good for a PlayStation title, and there’s never a shortage of chilling creatures hiding within the gloomy recesses.

You can play either Edward Carnaby, who focuses on combat, or Aline Cedrac, who specializes in puzzles. The multiple characters give Alone In The Dark some welcome replayability, and it’s a viable alternative to other classic horror titles.

7 Inscryption

There’s Nothing Else Like It

10 Best Horror Games on PS Plus

Inscryption is an incredible, unnerving indie title, part card game, and so much more.

At a table bathed in candlelight, you engage in a ruthless game where your very teeth serve as negotiation tools. Overseeing you is an ominous figure who scrutinizes each of your actions with a chilling gaze.

The card game is unique, and even the characters on them will have choice words about your strategies.

I am being purposely vague as I don’t want to spoil anything. If you’re even slightly interested, Inscryption is a “must-play.”

6 Days Gone

Survival With A Twist

10 Best Horror Games on PS Plus

In the shoes of a survivor, I find myself immersed in an atmospheric, open-world odyssey, set against the backdrop of a post-apocalyptic Oregon. This world has been ravaged by the Freaker Virus, transforming its once living inhabitants into grotesque, zombie-like creatures that even threaten the wildlife.

Even amidst the grim circumstances, I find myself captivated by the visually stunning world of Days Gone. This game masterfully showcases that daylight can be every bit as terrifying as the night. The characters, driven to their limits, are just as menacing as the Freakers. And let me tell you, the attention to detail in creating this post-apocalyptic setting is nothing short of extraordinary within the gaming genre.

Among all the titles listed here, “Days Gone” begins rather leisurely but gains momentum significantly once you put some time into it.

It appears that Days Gone has developed a devoted fanbase, but unfortunately, it’s come at a somewhat tardy stage. The creators have since disclosed they are working on a new intellectual property, effectively quashing any speculation about a sequel.

5 Deadly Premonition

Call Him York. Everyone Else Does.

10 Best Horror Games on PS Plus

Deadly Premonition” is the game on this list that sparks the most debate, yet it can pull you into its peculiarities once you allow it to.

In the storyline, you take on the role of an eccentric detective named Francis York Morgan, dispatched to a make-believe town to delve into a peculiar case of a homicide that appears to involve some sort of ceremonial killing.

In the small town depicted in “Deadly Premonition,” you’ll encounter some truly peculiar characters, unlike any you might find in other video games. While this game certainly has its share of spine-tingling supernatural encounters, it also introduces unconventional elements such as needing to shave and paying for car damage repairs.

In Deadly Premonition, there’s plenty of comedy, and though it doesn’t constantly surprise you with jumpscares, it keeps you on your toes, always ready for the unexpected next move.

4 Until Dawn

It’s Like Directing Your Own Horror Movie

10 Best Horror Games on PS Plus

Until Dawn is a high-budget horror masterpiece where your actions have long-lasting consequences.

I join a pack of moody teenagers on a retreat to a snow-covered mountain, smack-dab in the middle of nowhere. Trouble is brewing, and before I know it, things start getting downright spooky.

In the game “Until Dawn,” the player assumes a supervisory position, whereby certain choices made by them can permanently alter the course of the story. Should a character meet their untimely end during gameplay, they will not return, and the narrative adjusts to reflect the new circumstances brought about by your actions.

Until Dawn” boasts an exceptional concept skillfully brought to life, making it an engaging experience for all, regardless of whether or not one typically enjoys horror-themed games.

3 Alien: Isolation

I Think I’ll Stay In This Locker

10 Best Horror Games on PS Plus

Among the games listed, it’s generally agreed that “Alien: Isolation” offers one of the most terrifying experiences. In this game, you constantly find yourself hunted by an unyielding adversary that never lets up throughout the entire gameplay.

The terrifying Xenomorph created by Ridley Scott serves as an imposing adversary, making you often resort to hiding in a locker when it approaches. At certain moments, the film’s title becomes almost unbearably nerve-wracking and contains numerous homages that hardcore fans will eagerly embrace.

For those with a strong constitution, Alien: Isolation offers an eerie, indelible horror adventure. However, be prepared for moments of intense frustration as the game’s difficulty may challenge even the most resilient players.

2 Outlast

Batteries, Batteries Everywhere

10 Best Horror Games on PS Plus

If sci-fi scares don’t do it for you, I dare you to take on Outlast.

In “Outlast,” you find yourself in a heart-pounding horror exploration set within a foreboding psychiatric facility shrouded in darkness. At times, you must depend on a night vision device to navigate the eerie environment.

As a journalist named Miles, you’re playing a game where your camera, unfortunately, has one of the shortest battery lives among all games created. This means you’re always on the lookout for fresh batteries, as they’re a valuable commodity you need to manage wisely.

In addition to the complications, those living in the asylum are quite resilient, and it’s often advisable to hide under a bed when they approach.

Outlast is nail-biting from start to finish, and there’s even a sequel if you’re brave enough.

1 Resident Evil 2

The Perfect Remaster

10 Best Horror Games on PS Plus

Resident Evil 2 serves as an excellent demonstration of how to remake a game effectively. It’s evident that Capcom aimed to honor the original PlayStation classic, yet they also managed to breathe new life into it by incorporating contemporary elements.

In this survival horror game, you take on the role of Leon Kennedy, a novice policeman who finds himself in over his head as the citizens of Racoon City succumb to the T-Virus. The city is filled with zombies and frightening creatures, making for a thrilling adventure. The iconic Resident Evil characters have never looked better in this game.

The stunning graphics make the usual suspects look even more terrifying, and it’s a real treat to play such a high-budget horror title.

The game Resident Evil 2 is exceptional; it serves as an ideal starting point for anyone who hasn’t experienced the series before.

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2024-09-19 16:09