No Man’s Sky Player Highlights Helpful Nomad Trick

No Man's Sky Player Highlights Helpful Nomad Trick

Key Takeaways

  • The Nomad Exocraft in No Man’s Sky can navigate underwater after being airborne.
  • A player recently showed off using a Nomad to mine underwater minerals for credits.
  • The rich underwater ecosystem in No Man’s Sky presents the potential for future Exocraft updates.

As a seasoned space-faring adventurer with countless hours logged in No Man’s Sky, I can confidently say that the latest discovery of the Nomad Exocraft’s amphibious capabilities has truly taken my breath away (or at least, my oxygen tank). This game never ceases to surprise me, and every update feels like a new chapter in an epic space saga.

A player of the game ‘No Man’s Sky’ has found that the Nomad can be utilized even underwater following a period airborne. The Nomad Exocraft, introduced to ‘No Man’s Sky’ in 2017, remains a subject of fascination for players as they uncover its extraordinary capabilities.

Back when No Man’s Sky initially dropped, it faced a barrage of criticism due to its buggy state and falling short of expectations. However, Hello Games has been diligently working on the game, releasing update after update, transforming it into an indispensable title for space game enthusiasts like me. From Beyond, Endurance, Frontiers, NEXT, Origins, to the recent Pathfinder update – each patch has brought something exciting to the table, enhancing multiplayer aspects, introducing new mechanics and features, and improving overall gameplay quality. The Pathfinder update, in particular, was a game-changer, with visual upgrades, a permadeath mode, and the addition of the Nomad Exocraft. And guess what? I’ve stumbled upon a nifty trick using the Nomad underwater – it’s quite an experience!

Reddit user “Emmyemi” recently posted a clip demonstrating a technique to submerge the Exocraft Nomad in No Man’s Sky. The video starts with the player launching their Nomad from a platform over a vast waterbody. As they travel a short distance, the gamer adjusts the angle of their Exocraft downwards, taking advantage of the planet’s gravity and speed to dive underwater. Underneath the surface, the Nomad passes numerous unidentified minerals and flora that can be scanned for credits. The player then mines one of these minerals to obtain Chlorine, which can be employed for crafting or upgrading purposes. The Nomad eventually resurfaces, gradually becoming visible from above before appearing to float on the water as if it were solid ground.

This Trick Makes the No Man’s Sky Nomad Amphibious

This video showcases the abundance of marine life in No Man’s Sky, with certain underwater landscapes resembling above-ground terrains. The video also hints at potential rewards for players who delve deep into the water worlds, as they can find numerous plants and minerals submerged below. By upgrading their equipment, players can breathe underwater in this game. However, players will need to progress in the game before they can use the Nomad for underwater exploration, which requires hiring a Vy’keen technician, completing their missions, and unlocking the necessary blueprints – a task that typically occurs mid-game.

The September update for Aquarius in No Man’s Sky notably enlarged the activities players could engage in both on and beneath the water surface, potentially paving the way for more items, content, and features to follow. As Hello Games continues developing updates for the game, future Exocraft might be designed with underwater exploration in mind.

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2024-09-20 01:03