Frostpunk 2: Chapter 1 Walkthrough

Frostpunk 2: Chapter 1 Walkthrough

As a seasoned survivor of the frozen wastelands, I can tell you that finding oil in such harsh conditions is like striking gold. The Old Dreadnought, a relic from a time long past, now serves as our new hope for prosperity.

Kudos on successfully navigating the Whiteout in the Prologue and moving onto the opening chapter of Frostpunk 2! The initial chapter introduces fresh hurdles, broadening the gameplay experience with the addition of novel structures, concepts, and societal aspects. You’ll also find yourself responsible for overseeing a bigger city and its increasing populace. The primary objective in this chapter is to find an alternative energy source to keep the generator running.

Instead of tackling the main goal directly, it’s essential to break it down into smaller, manageable steps. Here’s a helpful guide that breaks each objective in this chapter down, making it easier for you to comprehend and accomplish them effectively.

Secure Coal And Expand Shelter

Frostpunk 2: Chapter 1 Walkthrough

In the initial phase of Frostpunk 2, the primary goal is to establish Extraction Districts over Coal Deposits to supply energy for the generator. Subsequently, you should construct two Residential Areas to ensure a comfortable living space for your inhabitants.

Frostbreak To Reach Shallow Coal Seam And Construct An Extraction District

Before you begin your frost-breaking tasks, press and hold down the “ALT” key on the left side of your keyboard to show the base economy overlay. Look for the Shallow Coal Seams within this overlay as they are easily identifiable by their unique symbol. When you hover your cursor over these symbols, the name of the extractable resource will appear. For a better understanding, take a look at the image provided above which displays how Shallow Coal Seam icons look in the game.

After locating the Shallow Coal Seam, go ahead and hit “X” to initiate the process of making coal seams ready for Extraction Districts by breaking the frost.

When breaking frost, target tiles rich in resources instead of those that are empty, to make the best use of your limited Heatstamps.

If you can reach the Shallow Coal Seams, go ahead and click “B”. This will open the District Construction menu where you should choose Extraction District. To construct an Extraction District, you’ll need six frostbroken tiles. So, pick the tiles that provide access to the Shallow Coal Seams for this task.

Turn On The Generator

Frostpunk 2: Chapter 1 Walkthrough

After the Extraction District has been constructed and coal begins to power the generator, you can activate it by simply tapping on the central generator within the city and moving the control lever to energize the system. This generator serves as a primary heat source for the entire urban area, making it essential that it remains operational at all times.

Construct New Housing District To Address Lack Of Shelter

Once we have the necessary energy and warmth, let’s focus on finding solutions for living spaces. In this game, Housing Districts can be established on tiles that don’t contain any resources to mine. Yet, you’ll need to ‘frostbreak’ in order to access these tiles. When selecting a location for your Housing Districts, opt for the ones marked in blue since they are safeguarded by environmental conditions and offer extra warmth. However, it’s not essential to always concentrate on these eco-friendly locations.

Building two Housing Districts adjacent to each other activates the Mutual Heating passive ability.

Scraping The Barrel

Frostpunk 2: Chapter 1 Walkthrough

Now that our initial goal has been achieved, let’s move on to the following tasks. One of these tasks will enable us to explore fresh concepts for research.

Expand An Existing Housing District

After constructing your Housing Districts, your next objective is to grow one of them further. To achieve this, simply tap on a fully constructed Housing District to access its management menu. Look at the provided image to locate the expand icon. Once found, press it and select three contiguous empty spaces to complete the expansion. Enlarging a Housing District offers an additional Building Slot, allowing you to equip these areas with technological advancements. It’s advisable to grow both newly built Housing Districts to meet the shelter demand.

In a game context, housing districts can undergo two expansions, given that there are at least three connected spaces (or tiles) available for each expansion. Each time a district expands, its capacity to accommodate residents grows, and it gains an additional two construction sites for buildings.

Here’s a simpler way of explaining it: When you initially build Housing Districts, they don’t come with any building spaces. To add those, you need to expand them. It’s beneficial to expand your Housing Districts as much as possible because there are no negative consequences for doing so.

Build A Research Institute

As a game enthusiast, I’ve just completed expanding my housing district. The next step is to construct a Research Institute, a place where ideas from the diverse factions in my city can be explored. However, building a Research Institute isn’t something I can do alone; it needs a well-developed Housing District with an open Building Slot available.

To establish a Research Institute, you will need 400 workers, 100 Heatstamps, and 50 Prefabs. Ensure you have these resources at hand. Once secured, hit “N” to open the Buildings menu and choose the Research Institute. You’ll notice that you can construct it in one of your enlarged Residential Districts. Make sure to finish building before proceeding to research your initial concept.

As winter draws near, it might be necessary for you to construct extra Extraction Districts over Shallow Coal Seams to cope with the rising warmth requirements due to increasing cold weather.

Research An Idea For New Coal Mines

After constructing the Research Institute, you now have the ability to utilize the “Idea Tree.” To open it, simply press the key labeled “R.” Your current assignment involves investigating a novel coal mining concept to enhance output from the Shallow Coal Seams. The Idea Tree offers six distinct sections, each catering to specific needs within your city. Navigate through these categories by clicking on the tabs located at the top of the screen to delve deeper into potential solutions.

Research pertaining to quests or promises you make to your factions is indicated by an exclamation mark. To research Coal Mining, click the Heating category, then Coal Mines. To research Coal Mining, click on the Heating category, then select Coal Mines. You’ll now see three coal mining ideas proposed by different factions. Let’s take a closer look at how these ideas differ from each other:

  • Dust Coal Mine: Proposed by the Frostlanders, Dust Coal Mining produces 150 coal while using only 20 Materials. However, it also increases the risk of disease among your citizens.
  • Blasting Coal Mine: This idea is shared by both the New Londoners and Stalwarts. Researching it will produce 180 coal but at the cost of 60 Materials. The Blasting Coal Mine prevents disease among workers but increases Squalor, which can eventually lead to illness and factory malfunction if not addressed.

It’s recommended to research Blasting Coal Mine over Dust Coal Mine to ensure a steady flow of coal while minimizing risks to your workers’ health.

Construct The Newly Researched Building In The Extraction District

Frostpunk 2: Chapter 1 Walkthrough

Based on whether you’re researching the Blasting Coal Mine or Dust Coal Mine, pick the appropriate structure from the Buildings menu by pressing ‘N’, then go to the Extraction tab. Move your cursor over the structure to learn where it can be constructed in an Extraction District. Once selected, begin construction and wait until it’s finished.

A Place To Settle Differences

Frostpunk 2: Chapter 1 Walkthrough

Since you’ve opted for one idea instead of another, one faction seems displeased with your decision. To alleviate their dissatisfaction, it’s essential that you now establish a Council and secure its approval through a Vote of Confidence.

Build A Council Hall

Frostpunk 2: Chapter 1 Walkthrough

To settle the disputes between factions, you must build a Council Hall, which can be done by pressing “N”, and then navigating to the Central tab. Constructing a Council Hall requires 200 Workforce, 80 Heatmaps, and 40 Prefabs. Hover over the Council Hall to see where it can be placed in your city. The Council Hall is where you’ll pass laws to streamline city management.

Pass The Vote Of Confidence

Frostpunk 2: Chapter 1 Walkthrough

After completing the construction of the Council Hall, it is now time for the vote of confidence to take place. During this meeting, the council members will determine whether or not you will continue to hold power. It’s worth noting that some council members support you strongly, while others oppose you. The majority, however, seem undecided.

However, you can tip the scales in your favor by negotiating with the factions. Clicking “Negotiate” will take you to the negotiation screen where you pick one of the deals proposed by each of the three factions and strike up a deal. These deals may involve researching new ideas, constructing structures, or enacting specific laws. Successfully negotiating can sway factions to vote for or against a law. In this scenario, consider negotiating a deal with each faction to increase your chances of staying in power.

If you don’t keep your end of the agreed-upon deal, it will lead to a decrease in trust from the groups involved. You’ll then have to seek other methods to win back their confidence.

Find New Source Of Fuel

Frostpunk 2: Chapter 1 Walkthrough

The idea you researched was only a temporary solution to exploit the coal reserves, and the council understands that the city cannot depend on coal for powering the generator. You must now find a new source of fuel to keep the generator from shutting down.

After securing the vote of confidence by negotiating with the factions, it becomes essential for you to honor those agreements within the specified timeframe. The promises you made to the factions can be considered as part of your objectives, and they have a deadline for completion.

Build A Logistics District On An Old Waystation

Before building the Logistics District, you must first identify and access an Old Waystation. These stations are depicted with a compass symbol and, just like Shallow Coal Seam, you can easily identify them along with their names by holding down the “R” key. Frostbreak your way to one of the Old Waystations and press “R” to select the Logistics District and build over the Old Waystation.

Finishing the construction of the Logistics District opens up the opportunity for Expeditions, enabling you to venture into areas near New London for exploration.

Find A Permanent Source Of Fuel Outside The City

With Expeditions activated, you are now able to delve into every territory that has been designated as safe. Delving into these territories will yield materials, Steam Cores, and potential new residents eager to contribute to your city. I recommend investigating all areas marked with an exclamation point, and eventually, the Desolate Coast, a region where you’ll uncover oil resources.

The oil originates from the Old Dreadnought, which was also employed as the power source in the initial scene. Before employing the oil, a decision presents itself: either empty the oil tanks of the deceased or maintain their remains. Opting for reverence towards the dead seals off one of the oil storage areas, but this is not permanent; you can decide to open it again later.

Black Gold

Frostpunk 2: Chapter 1 Walkthrough

With the exciting discovery of oil as an alternative fuel source, I can’t help but feel a sense of anticipation. It’s time for us, the passionate Frostlanders, to establish a small community close to the ancient Old Dreadnought. This will serve not only as our new home but also as the starting point for the oil extraction process, harnessing this newfound energy source to fuel our future!

Establish A Small Colony At The Old Dreadnought

Frostpunk 2: Chapter 1 Walkthrough

Before you can send the colonists to the Old Dreadnought, you should build a trail that connects New London to the Dreadnought. The tighter your trail is, the fewer weeks it will take to transfer resources to and fro between the two locations. You can create a trail by clicking the “We Found Oil” option, and then proceed to connect the small markers, connecting both New London and the Old Dreadnought.

Once we’ve forged a path, a group of 3,000 settlers can be dispatched to settle the Old Dreadnought and initiate oil harvesting operations. The process of oil extraction mirrors coal mining. First, you need to break through the frost to access the oil tanks, followed by setting up an Extraction District above the tank. Since we’ve also sent settlers to the Old Dreadnought, it’s essential to construct the necessary Housing Districts and cater to their fundamental requirements. This is where Resource Transfer becomes crucial – we’ll delve deeper into that in the upcoming section.

Transfer At Least 75 Oil Output To New London

Frostpunk 2: Chapter 1 Walkthrough

After the oil has been found and removed from the Old Dreadnought, it’s now ready to be shipped to New London. To move the oil, simply tap on the oil barrel icon located at the top-right corner of your screen, then pick the “Resource Transfer” option. This will display the Resource Transfer panel, enabling you to transfer vital resources such as Oil, Materials, Food, and Merchandise between the two locations.

To speed up oil production, think about establishing Extraction Zones on existing oil reservoirs instead. Once you’ve accumulated a sufficient amount of oil, transport it to New London via the Resource Delivery system. Once you’ve sent 75 units of oil, Frostpunk 2’s Chapter 1 will finish, and Chapter 2 will start!

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2024-09-20 06:14