All Factions And Communities In Frostpunk 2

All Factions And Communities In Frostpunk 2

As a seasoned survivor of the frozen wastelands, I find myself drawn to the resilient and resourceful Menders faction. Their ability to adapt to ever-changing circumstances aligns perfectly with my own experiences navigating the treacherous Frostlands.

In the icy metropolises of Frostpunk 2, conflict isn’t uncommon, as various factions and communities within the game hold diverse views on city governance. With a world in deep freeze, disagreements among these groups can escalate swiftly, leading to significant strife.

In the game Frostpunk 2, merely knowing about district synergies and bonuses isn’t enough to maintain a city. Absent a clear vision and the populace’s backing, even the most effective cities will eventually crumble. Thus, grasping how factions operate in this game can be crucial for achieving either utopia or destruction.

What Are Factions In Frostpunk 2?

All Factions And Communities In Frostpunk 2

Factions are essentially groups within a political system, each holding firm beliefs. Some might favor technological advancements, while others prioritize adaptability to their specific circumstances. It’s crucial for players to strengthen their ties with the factions in Frostpunk 2 to maintain their position as Steward, but remember, it’s impossible to satisfy everyone entirely.

All Factions And Communities In Frostpunk 2

All Factions And Communities In Frostpunk 2

In this game, there are multiple groups, each offering distinct advantages tied to their perspectives. Choosing one might strain your ties with another, or even create a brand-new alliance. Here is a list of all the factions and communities that have appeared in the game so far.

New London Factions

Here are the groups that gameplayers might come across in the Story Mode of Frostpunk 2. As your city develops and legislation preferring specific City Policies gets enacted, additional factions could emerge, challenging the existing power structure.

FactionCity DirectionFaction And Ability Descriptions
  • Adaptation
  • Merit
  • Reason
Individuals who prefer sound reasoning and adaptation over religious fanaticism and over-reliance on technology. Improves Production Efficiency.
  • Progress
  • Equality
  • Tradition
Religious followers of the movement established by the Captain. Increases Trust.
  • Tradition
  • Equality
  • Adaptation
Traditionalists who believe in adapting to the Frostlands instead of circumventing it through technology. Significantly decreases exploration time.
  • Reason
  • Merit
  • Progress
Peacekeepers dedicated to keeping law and order. Provides additional Guard Squads.

Utopia Builder Factions

In Utopia Builder games, you might encounter various factions that could potentially emerge. Each faction possesses an active skill along with a passive ability that gets triggered when they approve of your governance. For instance, the Legionnaires can provide Prefabs in Frostpunk 2, and if they’re content with your rule, additional Guard Squads will be sent to your city. It would be beneficial for players to ensure that at least one faction remains satisfied.

FactionOpposed ByCity DirectionAbility Summary
  • Adaptation
  • Equality
  • Reason
Improves Trust and your relations with communities.
  • Adaptation
  • Equality
  • Tradition
Reduces Expedition durations and increases population by rescuing survivors from the Frostlands.
  • Adaptation
  • Merit
  • Tradition
Increases your overall food production.
  • Progress
  • Equality
  • Tradition
Provides instant Prefabs and additional Guard Squads.
  • Progress
  • Merit
  • Reason
Increases Heatstamp income and recruits additional Guard Squads.
  • Adaptation
  • Merit
  • Reason
Reduces disease and instantly cures diseased workforce members.
  • Progress
  • Merit
  • Tradition
Improves Production Efficiency and reduces Crime.
  • Progress
  • Equality
  • Reason
Increases Research Speed and reduces Material Demand.


As a gamer, I find that Communities, unlike larger factions, are more adaptable and agile. They have a singular focus on one City Direction, making it possible for players to engage in dialogue with them, even influencing their decisions through votes. Unlike the radical factions, there’s no need to exert effort into changing their ideologies.

CommunityCity Direction
New LondonersProgress

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2024-09-22 13:53