Most Irredeemable Video Game Characters

Most Irredeemable Video Game Characters

As a scholar of narrative and human behavior, I find these characters to be fascinating examples of the darker side of humanity. Each one has a unique backstory that shapes their actions and motivations, making them complex and intriguing.

Occasionally, certain video game characters are created to embody detestable qualities entirely, yet there are instances where a character emerges who pushes the boundaries of ‘evil’ by committing heinous acts such as extreme violence, treachery, or power-hunger that defy description. Not every character who falls into this category is necessarily a villain; those driven by an intense desire for death, destruction, and control often drift away from their ethical standards. While some characters may act imprudently due to desperation or compulsion, and might be seen as misconstrued, others display no justification for the wicked deeds they commit (looking at you, Shepherd).

Regardless of their reasons, these villains are deeply corrupt and show no remorse for their actions. Their deeds are indefensible, and there’s no sympathetic background that makes us feel sorry for them. Thus, they can be categorized as the most irredeemable video game antagonists of all time.

1 Nashandra (Dark Souls 2)

Manipulated Others To Acquire The Throne Of Want

Seduction can be an extremely powerful tool in the wrong hands, as Vendrick discovered when he fell prey to the manipulation of Nashandra, one of the Children of the Dark and a direct descendant of Manus, Father of the Abyss, from whose soul she was conceived. Each of Manus’ daughters represents particular traits of his, so due to her pursuit of the Throne of Want, Nashandra represented greed and desire. In order to gain access to the Throne of Want, Nashandra seduces Vendrick and convinces him to attack the land of the Giants and steal an ancient artifact from them. Nashandra singlehandedly instigated a war that would pass down through generations and, during the events of Dark Souls 2, she also coerces the protagonist into completing a series of tasks to open the way to the Throne of Want. Then, Nashandra double-crosses them by revealing her true intentions and tries to usurp the throne by engaging the player in a battle to the death.

Born with an innate desire for power and a relentless hunger that could never be satisfied, Nashandra’s nature was such that she would ruthlessly trample over others to achieve her perceived destiny. Her actions were not driven by sympathy or genuine motivation, but rather a genetic greed passed down from Manus. To her, Vendrick was merely a means to an end – the key to seizing the true throne of Drangleic and becoming its undisputed ruler.

2 Mohg (Elden Ring)

Conducted Sacrificial Rituals As Part Of A Blood Cult

Essentially, if someone is a leader of a murderous cult, it’s unlikely they can be saved by traditional moral values. While it’s possible that Mohg had a sad past being banished with his twin brother Morgott, this doesn’t make forming a blood cult acceptable. Mohg demands that anyone who wants to join his lineage must kill a maiden and bring him a cloth stained with her blood. Given this, Mohg has both personally and indirectly caused the deaths of countless people and amassed enough blood in the Mohgwyn Palace to create rivers.

As a follower captivated by Miquella’s enchantment to venture into the Shadows, I can’t help but question his true nature. Despite being drawn there, it doesn’t change the fact that every act of violence and atrocity committed under his cult’s reign was entirely self-initiated. His ruthless experiments on Albinaurics, aiming to create nothing more than slaves, further solidify this suspicion. Moreover, he seems to view his family as mere tools for advancing his own selfish ambitions, rather than cherishing their bonds.

3 Albert Wesker (Resident Evil)

Sought World Domination And Brainwashed Jill Valentine

Originally serving alongside Jill Valentine as Captain Wesker within S.T.A.R.S., Albert Wesker encountered Dr. Oswell Spencer, a British nobleman with dreams of remolding the world using the T-Virus. Seizing an opportunity for immortality, Wesker aimed to usurp Spencer’s vision and transform himself into a superhuman. Adopting Spencer’s role, Wesker developed the Uroboros virus and gained heightened speed, resilience, and regenerative abilities. Wesker exhibits sociopathic and megalomaniac tendencies, viewing himself as superior to others, despising humanity for causing its own downfall, and believing that tyrannical rule is necessary to prevent self-destruction.

Wesker’s transformation into a power-crazed dictator isn’t explicitly explained, but it seems he developed an unhealthy obsession with absolute power in its purest form. This fixation led him to manipulate Jill, conduct grotesque experiments on Lisa Trevor, betray his S.T.A.R.S. teammates, and devise a plan to contaminate the world with Uroboros to separate the strong from the weak. Given these actions, it’s clear that he is indeed a villainous character.

4 Micah Bell (Red Dead Redemption 2)

Betrayed The Van Der Linde Gang And Manipulated Dutch

Known by Arthur Morgan and many players of Red Dead Redemption 2 as Micah Bell, he joined the Dutch van der Linde gang following a failed deal and saving Dutch’s life. However, any positive traits Micah might have are hard to spot. He is cunning, ruthless, manipulative, and always focused on how he can profit from a situation rather than considering its impact on others. As the story unfolds in Red Dead Redemption 2, it becomes apparent that Micah is exploiting Dutch’s desperation and greed for his own gain, shaping their future according to his plans. Initially, Micah convinces Dutch – who was losing his so-called “family” rapidly – that they could achieve the largest payday possible, remain unnoticed, and endure the demise of the American Frontier while staying true to their way of life.

In a more natural and conversational way: Micah took advantage of Dutch’s need for absolute compliance and unquestioning devotion. Throughout their relationship, Micah was adept at tugging at Dutch’s emotions and exposing his weaknesses. On the other hand, Arthur emerged as a challenge to Dutch’s leadership. To add to that, it’s worth mentioning that in the bad ending of Red Dead Redemption 2, Micah ruthlessly kills Arthur without hesitation, an act that is nearly unforgivable.

5 Daniel (Amnesia: The Dark Descent)

Participated In The Kidnapping And Murder Of Innocent People For Selfish Gain

Despite Daniel from Amnesia: The Dark Descent not being traditionally classified as an antagonist, his actions are certainly reprehensible. His self-preservation often took precedence over others’ wellbeing, leading him to engage in heinous acts such as kidnapping and torture for vitae and protection against the Shadow. While Alexander may have influenced Daniel to commit these atrocities, he was never coerced into doing so. Instead, his actions were driven by a selfish desire for self-preservation and maintaining the Shadow’s hunger. Although Daniel portrayed himself as cleansing the world of “criminals,” it was later discovered that most, if not all, of the individuals he sacrificed were innocent. When Daniel and Alexander kidnapped the Zimmermann family, their daughter Elise managed to escape, with Daniel later pursuing her relentlessly.

In essence, Daniel resorted to hunting Elise down and killing her out of selfish motives. Despite feeling repulsed by his own actions, Daniel deliberately induced memory loss to erase the recollection of murdering Elise. Later, he vowed revenge on Alexander. To put it simply, Daniel avoided taking responsibility for his actions by choosing to forget them entirely. And if that doesn’t signify a low character, nothing does.

6 William Birkin (Resident Evil)

Directly Responsible For The T-Virus Outbreak And Murdered His Own Wife

Immediately, anyone close to Albert Wesker can be expected to have questionable ethics and a inflated sense of self-worth. Interestingly, William Birkin, the primary antagonist from Resident Evil 2, displays these same characteristics in the Resident Evil series. With his wife, Annette Birkin, William developed the G-Virus, initially harvested from Lisa Trevor’s body. It was Birkin who granted Wesker his extraordinary powers by fusing him with Uroboros. During the Raccoon City Incident, Birkin’s research was stolen by Umbrella’s Alpha Team, he was shot by an overenthusiastic soldier, and left for dead. Before that occurred, however, William Birkin chose to inject himself with the G-Virus in a desperate attempt to save his own life. This self-preservation led to infected rat swarms infesting Raccoon City, making Birkin solely responsible for unleashing the T-Virus outbreak.

In the original Resident Evil 2, I found myself horrified by William Birkin’s actions towards his own wife, Annette Birkin, who he brutally clawed to death. Not only that, but he also infected Sherry with the deadly G-Virus, causing a chain reaction of chaos and destruction in Raccoon City. Interestingly, at one point, he did manage to save both Claire and Sherry from Mr. X, yet his reasons for doing so remain unclear. Upon reflection, I believe that the G-Virus’ need for near-identical DNA may have played a role in this. As the virus took over Birkin’s mind, it likely saw Sherry as a means of reproducing and, therefore, chose to save her out of necessity.

7 Handsome Jack (Borderlands 2)

Sought To Exploit His Daughter’s Siren Abilities And Murdered His Employees

In the world of Borderlands, there’s no clear distinction between “good” and “bad” characters, but Handsome Jack stands out as exceptionally malevolent. As Sir Alistair Hammerlock aptly puts it, Jack pretends to promote peace, only to gun down innocent men, women, and children without remorse. This so-called “hero” of Pandora is actually a tyrant who uses his power to oppress and kill for his own entertainment.

In the game “Borderlands 2”, the villain Handsome Jack callously slays Bloodwing and manipulates Angel to power up the vault key. Later, when Angel succumbs to exposure following disconnection from Eridium, Handsome Jack abducts Lilith, another Siren, in a desperate bid to reestablish a link with the Vault Hunters. If someone is willing to endanger their own daughter like that, it’s hard to find any good traits in them.

8 David (The Last of Us)

Tried To Sexually Abuse Ellie And Turned A Community Into Cannibals

Although David might not spend much time on screen, he certainly leaves an indelible mark in “The Last of Us.” During the winter chapter, Ellie encounters David after she has hunted and killed a deer. This stranger, who appears mild-mannered, offers Ellie some antibiotics in exchange for a portion of the deer meat. Given her justified suspicion, Ellie is hesitant to trust him.

It strongly suggests that David has romantic or sexual feelings towards Ellie, rather than merely intending to harm her for cannibalistic purposes. This scene is unsettling, shedding a disturbing perspective on David’s sadism. The game provides little background about why David behaves the way he does, leading players to presume that his cannibalism is a lifestyle choice for survival. However, this doesn’t make it any less morally questionable.

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2024-09-23 04:34