Ara: History Untold review

Ara: History Untold review

As a gamer with a penchant for strategy games and a deep-rooted appreciation for history, Ara: History Untold has proven to be an absolute gem. Much like how I found myself engrossed in my high school history classes, this game manages to make the past feel alive and exciting. It’s not just about winning battles or expanding territories; it’s about understanding the intricacies of different cultures, eras, and advancements that shaped our world.

As much as Ara: History Untold is about being the sole victor among multiple leaders in an ever-changing world, it is also about celebrating our cultures and heritage. Oxide Games has put so much work into making its strategy game feel different than many others within the genre, and while it does just that, it also manages to dive into thousands of years of advancements and eras like those inspiring teachers we all had once of as a child. There’s a lot to wrap your head around, but once you become accustomed with the mechanics, it constantly rewards you for your time spent building your nation’s future.

In Ara: Untold, your mission is to journey through various historical eras by acquiring technologies of the time, boosting prestige, and outperforming other leaders in a quest to establish the most prosperous civilization globally. Initially, it might seem intimidating, but you’re provided with ample guidance to master the game’s complex mechanics. While expanding your empire, exploring new territories, and defending against rival nations are crucial aspects, ensuring your people’s wellbeing – their happiness and health – is of utmost importance as you make strategic decisions throughout the game.

Ara: History Untold review

As a devoted city-dweller, everything I construct within my urban landscape, along with the resources I gather from the land or produce in my workshops, significantly influences the wellbeing, health, and sustenance of my people. Choosing between one structure over another carries weight, for it shapes the destiny of my city. Although basic resources are essential, neglecting to provide food for my citizens can lead to dire repercussions. The path to progress was never intended to be a stroll in the park; however, the tutorial serves as a valuable guide, helping me grasp this fundamental idea that each decision I make could have far-reaching implications.

The different research you undertake throughout the various ages is both exciting to uncover and integral to you advancement. With each era comes new opportunities but also new challenges, and I was constantly choosing which new buildings to add to my expanding city. Focusing on your economy and potential trade opportunities is great, but making sure your military continues to advance will make sure any rival countries aren’t just going to be able to breach your walls and dominate you when all hell breaks loose. To really get the lead on your rivals is to build Triumphs like the Hanging Gardens of Babylon or Stone Henge, and working your way towards building these is perhaps my favourite thing to do.

Several Triumphs call for resources not typically used in everyday construction, such as specialized research topics and crafted items. After selecting a research topic and producing the required item, you can proceed to build your Triumph. It’s a challenging task, as you may find yourself diverted from it to address essential needs of your population. But when your people gather to celebrate your achievements at these grand structures, there’s nothing quite like it. These accomplishments also grant significant prestige, which plays a crucial role in your overall advancement.

Ara: History Untold review

Prestige can be earned in different ways, be it through better production rates, success in war, or unlocking new cities to name a few. At the end of each act (each act contains four eras), the leader with the lowest amount of prestige is essentially eliminated. Knowing where to throw your focus throughout your turns heats up as you get further along. You don’t have to research every topic before moving along to the next era, but by researching as much as possible, it will lead to more opportunities. Knowing where to spend your time and money makes all the difference, and like history, it is all a learning curve for what choices will keep you and your people afloat.

Engrossed in the thrill of assembling armies, particularly under the command of Boudica, became my primary concern. Initially, my forces consisted mainly of spearmen and archers, but over time, swordsmen joined our ranks. This evolution led me to engage in chariot rides for land battles, sail on ships during naval skirmishes, and more. The spectacle of history unfolding before my eyes was captivating, with the conquest of other lands through the strength and numbers of my armies being my ultimate goal. Seeing rival nations surrender due to the relentless power of my forces made me feel invincible. However, this drive for military advancement resulted in overpopulation within my cities, leading to food shortages; one of many challenges that arose from the path I had chosen.

You’re constantly setting goals, whether they’re from Ara: History Untold or personal ones like exploring hidden resource caches with your scout, negotiating trade deals with leaders, and forging alliances with different tribes. Over time, you can build relationships that might lead these tribes to join you. There may be instances where you can aid them, fostering their growth, or choose to prioritize your own resources. The same applies to other nations – they might seek your help, but being a good ally won’t always align with what’s best for your people.

Ara: History Untold review

In Ara: Stories Untold, there’s a wealth of tasks and considerations to handle, yet you’re always prepared to face whatever challenges come your way, as long as you’re patient. Mistakes will happen when you make the wrong choice, but such setbacks are normal. No leader has ever achieved perfection, and as long as you’re open to learning from mistakes, you’ll be fine. Managing multiple cities, crafting lines, armies, and relationships can feel overwhelming, but you have the luxury of taking your time between turns, ensuring that you meticulously plan every detail for your upcoming decisions. These decisions will play out simultaneously for everyone, giving you a chance to strategize effectively.

The game “History Untold” is remarkably beautiful. From observing events unfold from a distance or diving deep into cities to watch daily activities, the visuals are captivating. The depiction of various cultures is subtly woven throughout every aspect, and I appreciate the dedication of the developers in showcasing the awe-inspiring diversity of beliefs and lifestyles across history. Despite moments of chaos, it can be frustrating to see other leaders progress while you struggle, but there are always paths to climb back up or achieve success.

History Untold is a strategy game with intricate details that might be challenging at times. Although there’s a lot more to explore, assistance is provided throughout your journey. Some explanations could benefit from being clearer as the abundance of information can sometimes feel overwhelming. However, you always have the option to consult an encyclopedia whenever you need clarification on specific topics. From its stunning graphics to the depth of gameplay, I highly recommend this game, especially if you’re passionate about history.

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2024-09-23 16:16