The Best Tech Build Order In Frostpunk

The Best Tech Build Order In Frostpunk

Key Takeaways

  • Coal Thumper: Ensure a steady supply of coal early on with a Coal Thumper to avoid game over screens.
  • Hothouses: Address hunger needs by utilizing Hothouses for food production to sustain the city.
  • Steelworks: Prioritize building Steelworks for an almost limitless supply of steel for construction needs.

As a seasoned gamer who has braved countless storms and faced the harsh realities of survival in the frozen wastelands of Frostpunk, I can confidently say that the key to success lies in prioritizing your technology choices wisely. First things first, you need to ensure a steady supply of coal to keep your citizens warm and avoid those dreaded game over screens. The Coal Thumper is an essential early investment, especially if you’ve passed the Child Labor – Safe Jobs law.

In strategy games, technology trees are frequently crucial, helping civilizations navigate different time periods or simply keeping the player one step ahead of opponents. Deciding where to begin when faced with a vast, interconnected list of technologies can be challenging, and sometimes players may find themselves in the middle or even late stages of a game without technologies that could significantly ease their journey.

In games like Frostpunk, which are intricate city-building titles, players must ensure they have a strong workforce and adequate resource reserves to endure the challenges ahead, which can be both literal and symbolic storms. It’s crucial to establish a solid sequence of technologies from the early stages. This sequence spans across the initial technology tiers, so it’s essential to remember that the Workshop and Drawing Board technologies should be prioritized in this order.

4 Coal Thumper

A Solid Station For Producing Coal – Tier 0 technology

The Best Tech Build Order In Frostpunk

Prioritizing the essential: Without coal, there’s no warmth. No warmth equals a gloomy “Game Over” screen. Players must maintain a balanced supply and usage of coal in their city. The Coal Thumper facilitates this by using high-pressure water. This station can produce up to 560 coal daily, an ample amount for the early to mid stages of gameplay. It’s particularly beneficial, almost indispensable, if players have progressed beyond Child Labor – Safe Jobs.

“Child labor legislation is one element that gives Frostpunk its ominous tone. In this game, coal mining, which appears as a relatively safe job for children, contributes significantly to the economy with minimal unrest. However, it’s worth noting that fatalities are rare in this context, usually not impacting the Hope meter significantly.

3 Hothouses

A Steady Supply Of Food For The City – Tier 1 Technology

The Best Tech Build Order In Frostpunk

In essence, the city is pleasant and comfortable. A steady supply of coal is coming from the hardworking and valiant young laborers, which allows us to focus on another crucial aspect: feeding everyone. Hunting alone can only sustain a community for so long, but greenhouses offer an easy way to supplement the hunters’ catch. Just like Coal Thumpers, children can be assigned tasks in the greenhouses once the Child Labor – Safe Employment Act is enacted. This ensures that adult workers can handle more hazardous jobs and contribute to progressing our city beyond basic resources.

In Frostpunk, the weather significantly influences gameplay. It’s crucial that if severe weather reduces productivity, lower-tier resource producers have stored enough food to prevent the city from facing a hunger crisis during the storm.

2 Wall Drills

Infinite Wood In Solid Supply – Tier 1 Technology

The Best Tech Build Order In Frostpunk

With essential food and warmth supplies now secured for citizens, it’s time to focus on constructing larger, improved facilities. While bunkhouses might appear as an appealing upgrade from tents, they are initially costly and provide no additional housing space compared to tents during the early game stages. Before investing in such structures, it would be wise to first build a Wall Drill – a more efficient counterpart to the Sawmill. In many survival games, wood is a fundamental resource, and this is no exception in Frostpunk; it’s crucial for erecting significant buildings, and you will likely need a substantial amount of it, far surpassing the initial reserves.

Contrary to Sawmills, Wall Drills penetrate deep into the frozen forests, extracting an abundant supply of wood when fully functional. Given the hazardous nature of this occupation, it’s crucial that adults rather than children handle all tasks – not just those considered safe.

1 Steelworks

Almost Limitless Supply Of Steel – Tier 0 Technology

The Best Tech Build Order In Frostpunk

The most vital resource for the purposes of construction and upgrading into mid and late-game is steel. Like with a lot of steampunk titles, industrial production makes up a good deal of the aesthetic and mechanics of Frostpunk, and it’s important that once the necessities are taken care of, steel becomes the next priority. The Steelworks in particular are a dangerous job for workers, but steel is an essential resource for construction and technology, and with Extended Shifts put into effect, a very solid amount of steel for the early game can be accrued.

Before delving into the societal dynamics of Frostpunk 2, it’s beneficial to first understand the core technology mechanics, particularly the role of Steelworks as the initial industrial building that generates increasing amounts of steel for the city. Initially, wood is crucial in the early stages of the game, but as you progress, both resources are used together for most mid and late-game constructions. Given that wood is easier and safer to acquire compared to other means, it’s advisable to transition from maximizing wood collection to maintaining a stable wood supply while prioritizing steel production.

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2024-09-23 18:54