How to Deal With Smelly Customers in TCG Card Shop Simulator

How to Deal With Smelly Customers in TCG Card Shop Simulator

As a seasoned gamer with a nose for smells and a keen eye for value, I can attest to the peculiar predicament presented by certain odiferous patrons in the trading card game community. The team behind TCG Card Shop Simulator has masterfully captured this quirky aspect of our hobby, making it necessary for us to deal with smelly customers if we want to keep our shops running smoothly.

In a straightforward and conversational manner, let’s discuss an awkward truth: Some enthusiasts within the trading card game community may have an unpleasant body odor. Regrettably, this is a reality we encounter in life, and it’s been reflected in TCG Card Shop Simulator – a game about management and simulation. In your shop, you’ll need to manage smelly customers; if not addressed, they could drive away other paying clients. Here’s how to tactfully handle the situation!

How to Handle Gross Customers in TCG Card Shop Simulator

From time to time, when managing your small card store, you might encounter an unusual customer who seems to emit a foul, green gas and a powerful odor. This stench is so strong that it feels as if you could actually smell and taste it. The situation is tricky because the scent scares off other customers too. You need to find a solution quickly. One option is to ask them to leave, thus potentially losing their money. However, this customer tends to make large purchases, including being your first $100 sale in TCG Card Shop Simulator. This dilemma presents a challenge.

Rather than evicting unpleasant, stinky clients in the TCG Card Shop Simulator, consider purchasing one of the Air Freshener machines via the My DIY Racks app on your smartphone instead. Position these devices around your store to maintain a clean and fragrant environment, eliminating odors as customers walk by. It’s an investment that pays off in the long run!

Instead, consider purchasing the Cleanser from the Stock Order section on your smartphone. You’ll find it in the Accessories category at the top of the tab. It’s a handy spray-can product that tackles odors. I suggest you store some of these cans somewhere behind the counter. Whenever you notice a customer with an unpleasant smell, feel free to grab one and gently spritz them for a fresher environment.

Related: How to Make Money Fast in TCG Card Shop Simulator

How to Unlock the Auto Scent Machines

How to Deal With Smelly Customers in TCG Card Shop Simulator

In my gaming world, as I progress and upgrade my store, I gain access to extra tools that simplify the process of selling goods. One such tool is the Auto Scent, which I invest in for the convenience of my customers. There’s a range of models available, with the premium ones being pricier but also more potent.

  • Auto Scent M100 (Shop Level 5)
  • Auto Scent G500 (Shop Level 18)
  • Auto Scent T1000 (Shop Level 40)

At present, buying two Auto Scent M100 devices each costing $500, and positioning them on both sides of your shop entrance should work well. This setup ensures that as customers walk in, they’ll walk past the M100 units, effectively neutralizing any unpleasant odors and maintaining a clean, fresh environment for everyone else throughout the store!

As a passionate enthusiast of TCG Card Shop Simulator, I’d recommend focusing on attracting more customers initially to upgrade your store and acquire fresh equipment to handle those pungent patrons. Remember, engaging discussions about PC gaming can be found within the TopMob community forums – come join us!

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2024-09-23 23:18