How to Set Up a Ara: History Untold Game

How to Set Up a Ara: History Untold Game

As a seasoned gamer with years of experience under my belt, I find myself thoroughly impressed by the intricate details and customization options presented in the multiplayer settings for Ara: History Untold. The ability to tailor the gameplay experience to suit not only my personal preferences but also those of up to 10 human players is a feature that sets this game apart from many others in its genre.

As a gamer diving into Ara: History Untold, it’s crucial to understand the customization features this game provides us. This way, we can tailor our gaming experience to suit whether we prefer a solo journey or multiplayer action. By knowing these settings, we can shape our own unique version of Ara: History Untold that caters to our specific gaming style.

This manual provides comprehensive information about the various choices and configurations found within the game Ara: History Untold, applicable to both online multiplayer and solo play scenarios.

How to Set a Single Player Game in Ara: History Untold

How to Set Up a Ara: History Untold Game

When I power up Ara: History Untold, I’m greeted by a main menu that gives me two options – dive into a Single Player adventure or team up with others for Multiplayer fun. If I fancy battling against some clever AI instead of human opponents, I simply click on the “New Game” option under the Single Player tab.

Ara: History Untold Nation Leader Selection Screen

How to Set Up a Ara: History Untold Game

To start their game, players need to pick the leader they prefer. In the strategy game Ara: History Untold, there are 42 leaders from different nations. Each one has a distinct advantage and some shared qualities. The distinctive trait of a leader will be highlighted above other traits in the top right corner on the leader selection screen.

How to Set Up a Ara: History Untold Game

Before proceeding to the following menu, players can pick the character skin for their leader from the “Appearance” section located at the bottom-left corner. It’s important to note that this decision only affects the appearance of the character and has no impact on gameplay.

Ara: History Untold Single Player Game Setup Options

How to Set Up a Ara: History Untold Game

After selecting their preferred leader, players can click on ‘Select’ to advance to the Game Configuration screen. Here, they need to choose fundamental options like the game’s level of difficulty, map style, and number of participating countries. However, they also have the opportunity to fine-tune the advanced settings to design a personalized gaming experience.

Basic Settings Options

  • Esquire (easiest)
  • Baron
  • Viscount
  • Earl (normal)
  • Marquess
  • Prince
  • Duke
  • Grand Duke
  • King
  • Emperor (hardest)
While the easiest difficulty in Ara: History Untold provides players with various bonuses and friendly AI players, as they increase the game’s difficulty, the bonuses start to dwindle and the AI becomes more aggressive. While Duke difficulty still grants minimal bonuses, Grand Buke includes no bonuses at all and gamers will have to face hostile AI more frequently.
Map TypeIndusA balanced map with a realistic distribution of food, wood, and materials.
GlobulousA balanced map with two large continents and scattered nearby islands.
NorthlandsA single continent full of trees, snow, and wild animals. Hunting will be more important than farming.
Great LakesA single continent with multiple inland seas. Temperate climate and resource nodes.
The TorusA single continent which wraps around the globe. Or, a single landmass with two large inland oceans.
TropicalA moderately sized continent surrounded by ocean and a few islands with no colder regions. Food is more plentiful.
HeatwaveA continents map with much less rainfall. Food is reduced everywhere and deserts are larger.

By default, the system will create a fresh map for you. But if players prefer a specific kind of terrain or setting, they have the option to choose from pre-set maps instead.

Nation Settings

Within the “Nation Setup” option, players need to select the quantity of countries that will appear on the game’s map. The range allows for a minimum of 2 countries and a maximum of 10, offering flexibility for gamers to tailor their gaming experience.

How to Set Up a Ara: History Untold Game

Additionally, players have the ability to tailor the identities of the participating nations prior to the game’s commencement, as well as adjust the AI difficulty for each nation.

Advanced Settings

Turn Limit
  • Brief (100)
  • Short (300)
  • Medium (750)
  • Long (1, 250)
Players can set a turn limit in Ara: History Untold so that if a player hasn’t obtained a victory by then, the game will end automatically once it reaches a certain number of turns.
Randomize Tech Draws
  • Disabled (On/Off)
This option randomizes the technologies that will appear per era.
Human Player Culling
  • Enabled (On/Off)
If this option is enabled, human players can be culled if at the bottom when an act transition occurs.
  • Low
  • Medium
  • High
This option determines the availability of plant-based resources.
  • Low
  • Medium
  • High
This option determines the availability of animal-based resources.
  • Low
  • Medium
  • High
This option determines the availability of ore-based resources.

How to Set Up a Multiplayer Game in Ara: History Untold

How to Set Up a Ara: History Untold Game

In the game called “Ara: History Untold“, players can start a multiplayer experience by choosing the “New Game” option from the Multiplayer menu visible on the main screen.

Ara: History Untold Multiplayer Game Setup Options

How to Set Up a Ara: History Untold Game

When configuring a multiplayer game within the title “Ara: History Untold”, players should bear in mind additional options they’ll need to adjust:

Lobby Settings

In the Lobby Configuration, players need to provide a unique name for their multiplayer game and choose settings that best match their personal preferences.

  • Game Name
  • Private Game (On/Off)
  • Join Code Displayed to Host Only (On/Off)
  • Hotjoining (On/Off)
  • Eligible Acts to Hotjoin (Act 1 Only/Act 1 & Act 2/Anytime)
  • Multiplayer Chat (On/Off)

Basic Settings – Map Generation Options

In the “Basic Settings” area, players need to select Game Difficulty and Map Type similarly to a typical single-player game. But if they opt for creating a fresh map, additional factors come into play that require consideration:

Map Style
  • Supercontinent
  • Global Archipelago
  • World Spine
  • Four Continents
  • Fractal Coasts
  • Great Inland Ocean
  • Continental Isthmus
  • Twin Continents
Map Size
  • Tiny
  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large
Wrapped Map
  • Enabled (On/Off)
  • Randomize
  • Custom
Axial Tilt
  • Earth
  • Jupiter
  • Mercury
  • Neptune
  • Uranus
  • Scorching
  • Tropical
  • Mild
  • Boreal
  • Polar
  • Arid
  • Semi-Arid
  • Humid
  • Wet
  • Monsoon
Sea Level
  • Dry
  • Shallow
  • Average
  • High
  • Global Ocean

Nation Settings

In addition to deciding the number of participating nations, the host will also need to determine the total count of human participants.

A limit of 10 nations and 10 human players is set. The host has flexibility in reducing the number of human players, but it’s essential to note that the count of human players should always be equal to or greater than the number of AI players at all times.

Multiplayer Settings

These options will determine multiplayer functions for the game.

Timer Type
  • Seconds
  • Minutes
  • Days
  • None
Act 1 Duration
  • 30-180 turns
Act 2 Duration
  • 30-180 turns
Act 3 Duration
  • 30-180 turns
Progress When All Turns Submitted
  • Enabled (On/Off)
Inactivity Penalty
  • Disabled (On/Off)
Player Pause
  • Disabled (On/Off)
Player AFK
  • Enabled
  • Disabled
Nation Actions During AFK
  • AI controlled
  • No AI actions
AFK Count
  • 1-10 times
AFK Duration
  • 1-20 turns

Advanced Settings

In multiplayer mode, the settings are identical to those found in standalone games.

How to Set Up a Ara: History Untold Game

After adjusting their preferences to suit them, players should click on “Submit” to proceed to the following screen where they can choose a leader for their multiplayer game within Ara: History Untold.

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2024-09-26 13:54