Remnant 2: How To Find & Beat Astral Harvester Boss & Harvester Scythe

Remnant 2: How To Find & Beat Astral Harvester Boss & Harvester Scythe

As an experienced gamer who has spent countless hours navigating through the treacherous landscapes of Remnant, I must say that the Dark Horizon DLC in Remnant 2 offers a fresh and exhilarating challenge for even the most seasoned players. The hidden boss Astral Harvester is a perfect example of this, tucked away in a secluded ledge, challenging us to utilize our skills and strategies to emerge victorious.

In the Dark Horizon DLC of the game “Remnant 2”, players will encounter numerous fresh adversaries and treasures to plunder as they delve into the unexplored regions of Ner’ud for a standalone mission. As expected, there are many hidden aspects to reveal, such as the elusive Astral Harvester boss, which can be quite challenging to locate.

Initially, it’s essential for players to acclimate themselves with a novel movement technique: the Gliders. These friendly and beneficial drones will be dispersed across the levels of The Dark Horizon , providing assistance in navigating chasms filled with hazardous boiling sludge. Thus, let’s explore how to trace the correct route towards the Astral Harvester Hidden Boss.

Where To Find The Astral Harvester

The Astral Harvester is hidden in a nook close to the Agronomy Sector’s deep ravine, which serves as the initial location for players when they begin the Dark Horizon DLC expansion. To locate it, players should progress to the second checkpoint and engage with the friendly Prospector Drone.

Since the scenarios in the DLC are created automatically, the Second Checkpoint may vary slightly from what you see in the video. Be aware that a platform standing amidst three air currents might emerge from the abyss, followed by your character facing towards a fissure in the rock wall.

Users can press the Crouch key to lower themselves when soaring on drones, which helps them avoid getting trapped as they navigate through archways or hidden platforms.

In one wall of the cave, there will be a distinctly purple radiance emanating from a hole with stalactite-like features on its arch. This should make it relatively easy to find the correct spot. However, keep in mind that the drone might not initially point towards the grotto, so players must control their glider drones while simultaneously adjusting their aim to reach the target location.

Keep a close eye on adversaries, particularly

After players have their sights set correctly, they should glide towards the first breeze, then venture into the cave, ascend using the second breeze, and ultimately reach the third and concluding breeze. This will enable them to alight on the platform where the Astral Harvester is stationed.

How To Beat The Astral Harvester Hidden Boss

As soon as the players step onto the platform, the Astral Harvester will launch an assault. Similar to other Harvester foes, it has a set of attacks that are wise to dodge. Initially, it will zero in on the player and jump towards them. This attack is distinguishable as the robot crouches and readies to leap before soaring up and flattening the player.

At a short range, the Harvester emits a harmful gas cloud that causes rusting, making it advisable to keep your distance. Subsequently, it attempts to knock players off the edge, so if you can’t dodge its initial attack, it might lead to a fatal fall for you.

A superior approach to overcome it is by arming a character type renowned for its mobility, such as an Archon with Havoc Form, or an Invader utilizing Worm Hole. Players aim to evade falling off the edge at all costs, either teleporting away or moving and fighting while positioned opposite to the landing zone, ensuring they’re not pushed towards the ledge.

In simpler terms, the Archon character type excels at inflicting Shock damage quickly and recharging Mod energy rapidly. To dodge the Astral Harvester’s first attack and deal substantial damage afterwards, you might want to consider using the Havoc Form for this character.

Once players identify their objective, the Astral Harvester, they should focus on hitting the cansisters flanking it as these are its vulnerable areas. Additionally, employing weapons with attachments that inflict electrical damage can be highly effective against all robot adversaries due to their sensitivity to such effects.

When the Harvester’s health drops to half, it becomes more aggressive, leaping quicker and with greater frequency. This translates to it closing distance swiftly, employing a push attack, and potentially forcing players into the chasm if they aren’t careful about their surroundings. Continue dodging and aiming for its weak spot until it’s defeated. After that, you can collect your rewards.

Boss Drops & Harvester Scythe Location (New Melee Weapon)

After overpowering the Astral Harvester, players will be rewarded with a Purple Status Damage Shard, which is beneficial for enhancing the latest Prism system. Additionally, they’ll get the Detonator Mutator. Attaching this mutation to a ranged weapon triggers an explosion near the target whenever 10% of the magazine is spent. The destructive power of this effect can be amplified as the Detonator is upgraded, leading to even greater explosive impact. This Mutator works particularly well with the Detonating Cord, one of the new rings introduced in the DLC, which boosts damage from all explosive sources.

Moving forward, players should gaze across the gap towards where they’ll find a door that has been opened. Once inside the room, they’ll spot a distinctive purple gleam on a body leaning against the wall. Upon getting closer and picking it up, they’ll acquire the Harvester Scythe melee weapon. However, a Specter will materialize and attack right away, so players must evade its first strike and swiftly defeat it before this Elite can deploy its Soul Grabbing ability, which leads to an immediate demise.

The Harvester Scythe is a cool weapon that has the
Phantom Blade Trait
: Charged Melee Attacks release a Phantom that trails behind the host weapon, dealing 35% of the Harvester Scythe’s damage. Each hit of the Phantom Blade increases Melee Attack Speed and Melee Charge Speed by 6 % for 5 seconds (max 5 stacks).

Because the Specter is battled in a confined space, it could be extremely beneficial to coax it back to the platform where they previously fought the Astral Harvester. Moving ahead into the orange light will lead them to another region monitored by another Elite Harvester (not a boss), so they should take care not to get trapped between two Elite adversaries. That’s why the optimal strategy is to retreat and engage in combat on the platform instead.

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2024-09-26 20:23