Remnant 2: Where To Find Detonating Cord Ring

Remnant 2: Where To Find Detonating Cord Ring

As a hardcore Remnant 2 player who’s spent countless hours traversing the procedurally generated maps of this thrilling game, I can confidently say that the Detonating Cord DLC has truly elevated my gaming experience to new heights.

As a thrilled fan, I’m ecstatic about the Remnant 2: The Dark Horizon DLC, as it has introduced an array of fresh equipment, weapons, and fashionable accessories to adorn my character. Among these, the Detonating Cord stands out as a game-changer, promising to reshape the meta with its potential for spectacular Area of Effect (AoE) builds.

To begin with: players should locate the ring first, and given that Remnant 2 uses procedural map generation, finding it might be challenging. However, don’t fret; this walkthrough helps you pinpoint the ring’s location to two potential spots within the Agronomy Sector in N’erud. Players searching for this potent artifact should embark on the one-shot adventure called The Dark Horizon, and from there, they can acquire this guide.

Detonating Cord Location One: Agronomy Sector North

Players should begin their journey at the initial point marked on the Dark Horizon Agronomy Sector map. From there, they should head northwards until they reach a junction. At this junction, they should opt for the path continuing towards the north. Along this route, they will encounter a drone rising from a platform, which they should collect.

If players guide the drone to fly into the warm air current ahead, it will lift them up to a platform situated one level higher than the edge. This spacious platform will host two large orange lamps lighting the crops and a Harvester roaming around. To progress, players must first defeat the Harvester, then scale the ledge on the left side, and subsequently an Amalgam will emerge.

Users can keep their drones aloft by utilizing warm air currents for extended flying times. However, to initiate a controlled descent, simply press the ‘Crouch’ button. This allows them to avoid overshooting their landing spot and manage their descent effectively.

Dealing with this cunning foe might prove challenging, but by arming yourself with a robust melee setup featuring a tank-like character type can be beneficial for players. They’ll need all the durability they can get to endure the continuous assaults from this monster. Fortunately, it doesn’t boast an extensive health pool, so firing several magazines of your primary weapon at its vulnerable spot – that distinctive orange object on its head – should take care of it.

Following that, I found myself drawn towards a radiant, violet luminescence emanating from beneath an orange table lamp. Upon closer inspection, there it was – a Detonating Cord casually resting on the ground.

Detonating Cord Location Two: Agronomy Sector East

Starting from Checkpoint 2, head eastward and locate the drone situated next to Spark, the affable Surveyor Robot known for his love of poetry. You’ll find two ledges ahead; opt for the elevated one as it leads away from the Stagnant Manufactory entrance. Instead, land on the higher ledge adorned with crops and illuminated by orange lamps.


Upon landing, players must sprint up the slope to engage with a Harvester guarding some crops and patrolling the area. Defeat it, and you’ll find yourself in a central region sandwiched between two cliffs. There, you’ll discover a fallen figure clutching a distinctive purple artifact – that’s the Detonating Cord.

The “Detonator Mutator” acquired from the “Astral Harvester Boss” works exceptionally well with the “Detonating Cord”. It enhances the explosive damage of each round fired, as well as amplifying the radius of the damage zone when its impact is triggered.

The Explosive Cord introduces a fresh impact that increases your Explosive Damage by 10% over a duration of 15 seconds. Simultaneously, it initiates an explosion dealing 362.5 base damage in the vicinity of the player. This blast’s power can escalate with enhancements to Explosive Damage, like those provided by the Explosive Cord or other items and traits with similar properties.

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2024-09-26 20:53