Best Pantheon In Civ 6

Best Pantheon In Civ 6

As a veteran Civilization player with countless hours spent strategizing and building empires, I can confidently say that the choice of Pantheon is crucial to achieving victory in any game. For those aiming for a Religion Victory, the aggressive expansionists among us should consider the God of War, Initiation Rites, and Religious Idols Pantheons. These pantheons reward players who are serious about expanding their territory and securing resources.

There are several difficult choices to make in Civilization 6, one of which is choosing a Pantheon. This is something that fans will need to do in the early turns of a game, and the sheer number of Pantheons in Civilization 6 can prove somewhat overwhelming. As such, this guide looks to shine some light on the best Civ 6 Pantheons and will hopefully make the decision at least a bit easier for new players.

Initially, it’s crucial to acknowledge that the ideal Pantheon in Civilization 6 isn’t universally superior, as the optimal pick depends on factors such as the type of victory a player aims for. However, there are several Pantheons that nearly always prove beneficial, and they could be the top picks for players targeting Domination or Diplomacy victories.

Although the Pantheon is the first aspect of a religion chosen by players, it’s certainly not unimportant, as the choice of Pantheon can have massive benefits during the length of the game. Some Pantheons offer great early-game boosts at the expense of efficacy later on, whereas others are much more consistent throughout the game. There’s a good range of options for players to choose from, and many are great choices situationally, but some choices are better than others most of the time.

City Patron Goddess

Best Pantheon In Civ 6

  • +25% Production toward districts in cities without a specialty district

While players will likely not receive the bonus from this Civ 6 pantheon in later stages, the extra Production can be a huge boon in the early game. Cities and districts can’t expand without Production, so capitalizing on this boost early on can give players a leg-up on the competition.

Fertility Rites

Best Pantheon In Civ 6
  • When chosen, receive a Builder in your capital. City growth rate is 10% higher

As a devoted follower, I’ve found that embracing this pantheon offers an exceptional edge for the future. The synergy of urban expansion and an added Builder makes it a compelling pick. Not only does it speed up city growth, but having an extra Builder as part of this divine group can prove beneficial. By skillfully utilizing this helpful addition, players stand to save some precious Gold and Production resources.

God Of The Forge

Best Pantheon In Civ 6
  • +25% Production toward Ancient and Classical military units

As a gamer, I’d say: “For those of us who love a good fight against barbarians or aiming for a Domination victory, this Civilization 6 Pantheon is a game-changer! It speeds up the production of military units, making it an ideal choice for aggressive players like me who prefer to overwhelm our enemies swiftly with unstoppable might. Early game positioning is crucial, and securing a strong starting point can save us from countless troubles down the line.

Having the capability to amass a substantial army during the Ancient and Classical periods offers a significant edge, regardless of the type of triumph players aim to achieve.

Religious Settlements

Best Pantheon In Civ 6
  • When chosen, receive a Settler in your capital. Border expansion rate is 15% faster

Just like Fertility Rites offer assistance for starting families, this Pantheon provides a complimentary Settler to players early in the game. These Settlers are essential for creating new settlements, so receiving an extra one for free allows the player more chances for territorial growth and expansion.

As a seasoned Civilization VI gamer, I’d always recommend picking one of these top-tier pantheons most times. However, if you’re aiming for a Culture, Religion, or Science victory, there are alternative choices you might want to explore as well.

River Goddess

Best Pantheon In Civ 6
  • Receive +2 Amenities and +2 Housing to cities with a Holy Site adjacent to a river

In Civilization 6, it might be challenging to find suitable housing and facilities due to some crucial buildings being locked within districts. Occasionally, shortages in Amenities or Housing may arise when there are no more construction spots available or your city’s population is not sufficient for a new district. However, the River Goddess Pantheon can be incredibly beneficial during these situations.

This is a pretty nice bonus that can make the difference between having to build Entertainment Districts or Neighborhoods now rather than later. The downside to the bonus is that some cities aren’t founded along a river, but a source of fresh water is always good to have. This Pantheon works well for Civs that want to build a lot of Holy Sites, too.

Best Pantheons For A Culture Victory

Best Pantheon In Civ 6

In this scenario, temples offering extra Culture are your best bet. The Goddess of Festivals and the God of the Open Sky are perfect examples. Here’s what they bring to the table:

  • Goddess of Festivals: +1 Culture from Plantations
  • God of the Open Sky: +1 Culture from Pastures

Based on the arrangement of the map and the proximity of resources, these Pantheons make excellent selections for individuals aiming to achieve a Cultural Victory. Players fortunate enough to start near regions where necessary resources for Plantations/Pastures are easily accessible will find these Pantheons incredibly beneficial in amassing Culture points.

Best Pantheons For A Religion Victory

Best Pantheon In Civ 6

Successfully winning through a religious conquest requires strong faith. The pantheons of war deities, initiation rites, and religious icons can serve as valuable resources to enhance one’s faith, paving the way towards achieving a victory by religion. Here are the stats for these pantheons:

  • God of War: Bonus Faith equal to 50% of the strength of each combat unit killed within 8 tiles of a Holy Site district
  • Initiation Rites: +50 Faith for each Barbarian Outpost cleared. The unit that cleared the Barbarian Outpost heals +100 HP
  • Religious Idols: +2 Faith from Mines over Luxury and Bonus resources

Furthermore, “Dance of the Aurora,” “Desert Folklore,” and “Earth Goddess” could also be suitable options, contingent upon the surrounding landscape. These pantheons share distinctive traits:

  • Dance of the Aurora: Holy Site districts get +1 Faith from adjacent Tundra tiles
  • Desert Folklore: Holy Site districts get +1 Faith from adjacent Desert tiles
  • Earth Goddess: +1 Faith from tiles with Breathtaking Appeal

Among these six Pantheons, any one could be beneficial when striving for a Religion Victory. The initial trio cater especially to players who are keen on aggressive expansion strategies. On the other hand, the latter set may require more consideration of location, but they can still offer advantage if the terrain turns out to be advantageous.

Best Pantheons For A Science Victory

Best Pantheon In Civ 6

Scientifically-minded players seeking a Science Victory may want to delve into the study of Pantheons. The Divine Spark, in particular, might intrigue those aiming to maximize the number of Great People within their civilization. This deity offers the following attributes:

  • Divine Spark: +1 Great Person point from Holy Sites (Prophet), Campuses with a Library (Scientist), and Theater Squares with an Amphitheater (Writer)

The Divine Spark serves as an excellent choice for Civ 6 leaders aiming to traverse the technology pathway. This Pantheon is particularly useful for fans who aspire to entice a Great Prophet and establish their own religious belief.

Best Pantheons for Early Wonder Production

Best Pantheon In Civ 6

In Civilization 6, certain civilizations can secure an edge over their opponents, be they AI or humans, by focusing on early production of Wonders. In such scenarios, the Monument to the Gods Pantheon proves particularly beneficial.

  • Monument to the Gods: +15% Production towards Ancient and Classical era Wonders

15% increase in production for Ancient and Classical era Wonders is a beneficial addition for players aiming to accelerate their early game Wonder construction, however, it’s important to consider that this Pantheon belief becomes irrelevant after all the Ancient and Classical era Wonders have been built. During its effectiveness, though, it can significantly aid players in swiftly constructing significant early-game wonders like the Great Bath or Temple of Zeus, among many others that offer potent early-game advantages.

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2024-09-26 23:24