Venom 3’s Latest Rumors Confusing Everyone

Venom 3's Latest Rumors Confusing Everyone

Key Takeaways

  • The introduction of the powerful villain Knull in Venom 3 raises concerns about the rushed conclusion.
  • Rumors suggest Venom could transition from Sony Marvel universe to MCU, although past misdirects cast doubt.
  • If Knull is as powerful as in comics, potential crossover to MCU could require significant lore changes.

As a seasoned gamer and comic book enthusiast with over two decades of experience under my belt, I can’t help but feel a mix of excitement and skepticism regarding the upcoming Venom 3: The Last Dance. The introduction of Knull, a villain powerful enough to challenge the mighty Thanos, has me intrigued, yet concerned about the rushed conclusion.

In the freshly released trailer for “Venom: The Last Dance,” it’s clear that one of the most formidable villains across all superhero realms has been revealed. It appears that Tom Hardy’s Eddie Brock is being given a stern warning – this specific adversary is the cause behind the symbiotes’ presence on Earth. This final chapter in the trilogy certainly promises an exhilarating conclusion, and it’s undeniable that the trilogy will indeed come to an end, as suggested by the film’s title “the last dance.” Some movies have been more explicit about their conclusions, but this one leaves no room for ambiguity.

In the upcoming movie titled “Venom: The Last Dance“, although it seems intriguing as a series finale, it does present some challenges. Moreover, there’s speculation regarding Knull’s introduction in a film that won’t have an extended runtime beyond typical movie length. Even without these rumors, it feels unusual to introduce a character with power surpassing Thanos in the last film of a trilogy. It seems as though they’re rushing the conclusion, making it appear strange if they could have introduced Knull in the initial Venom movie and spread out the battle against ultimate evil across multiple installments. However, this assessment assumes that the story will be concluded. If it’s not, then perhaps introducing Knull at this stage makes more sense.

Could Venom Be Headed To The MCU?

Venom 3's Latest Rumors Confusing Everyone

There’s been a lot of chatter within the superhero film community suggesting that the final promotions for Venom 3 may indeed reveal Eddie Brock and his symbiote partner transitioning from Sony’s Marvel universe to the MCU. It’s also being speculated that the storyline involving Knull won’t mark an ending, but rather a continuation. However, it’s important to remember that similar rumors have circulated in the past.

To put it another way, Sony has a history of creating false expectations in this particular field, and the idea that Venom might appear in a Spider-Man film isn’t new. It seems like Sony keeps moving the goalposts, much like Lucy did to Charlie Brown. Given their past behavior, it’s not unreasonable to think they might do it again, hoping to draw audiences to the last movie of their Venom series.

How Could Venom’s Story Be Incorporated?

Venom 3's Latest Rumors Confusing Everyone

As a die-hard fan, I’ve pondered over the idea that linking “Venom: The Last Dance” to “Spider-Man 4” might not be the most logical move, given the original storyline. In the comics, the symbiote was shrouded in mystery, with Peter Parker unaware of its true nature and potential consequences when he fully bonded with it.

Sony has now spent three movies turning the villain into a hero.

To seamlessly integrate Venom into the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), Kevin Feige and his team will likely need to modify some aspects of Venom’s established lore, which might not sit well with Marvel fans. The speculation that Tom Holland’s Spider-Man character could discover the suit and subsequently encounter numerous complications underscores this point.

A Thanos Approach To Knull Would Be Intriguing

Venom 3's Latest Rumors Confusing Everyone

It’s clear why fans are eager for a connection between the Venom series and Spider-Man and the MCU, given that if Knull possesses the power he does in the comics – potentially matching or exceeding Thanos – it would be logical to introduce him in Venom: The Last Dance first, and then continue his storyline.

Sony has hinted at MCU crossovers with no payoff several times before.

If the comics depict him as being extremely powerful, it’s unlikely that he could be defeated in just one movie, especially if he debuts late. This scenario seems fitting for Venom 3, as it provides clarity amidst all the rumors. However, this would require significant alterations to the story about how Peter Parker acquires the suit and subsequent events. Unless the plan is to introduce Venom as an ally in the MCU without Peter Parker wearing the suit at all, which is a possibility. Many of these uncertainties might be addressed when Venom: The Last Dance releases on October 25.

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2024-09-27 01:04