Metaphor: ReFantazio – Recruitment Question Guide

Metaphor: ReFantazio - Recruitment Question Guide

As a seasoned gamer with countless hours spent on various RPGs under my belt, I can confidently say that the choice of answer in Metaphor: ReFantazio is indeed crucial for building the protagonist to one’s desired playstyle.

Upon arriving at the Recruitment Station, colloquially known as ReFantazio, the Arrogant Captain will initially inquire about some trivial matters and then request that you identify the Main Character. Although the first query might appear insignificant, the second one holds a greater importance than it appears at first glance.

In the second question, your choice impacts the initial attributes of the main character, either boosting one attribute while reducing another or several. To excel in this game, it’s crucial to give accurate answers to set your desired attributes. Below you will find details on the attributes associated with each response.

Which Skills Do You Have In Metaphor: ReFantazio?

In response to the second query from the captain, you’ll need to share any remarkable abilities or talents that would benefit the army. As you progress through levels, you’ll be granted one skill point to enhance any attribute of your preference, in addition to the stat that naturally improves with each level. The standard stats you acquire upon leveling up will be relatively evenly distributed among all attributes, providing a solid base for further development. The initial question posed by the captain doesn’t impact anything or alter the situation in any way.

The second query allows you to focus on the statistic of your choice from the very beginning, and a detailed outline of the initial stats for each option is provided as follows:

AnswerStarting Stats For The Protagonist
I’m stronger than I look.
  • St -7
  • Ma – 3
  • En – 5
  • Ag – 5
  • Lk – 5
I’ve got a sharp mind.
  • St – 3
  • Ma – 7
  • En – 5
  • Ag – 5
  • Lk – 5
I can take a lot of punishment.
  • St – 5
  • Ma – 5
  • En – 7
  • Ag – 3
  • Lk – 5
I’m small, but quick.
  • St – 5
  • Ma – 5
  • En – 3
  • Ag – 7
  • Lk – 5
I’ve always been lucky.
  • St – 4
  • Ma – 4
  • En – 4
  • Ag – 4
  • Lk – 9

Which Recruitment Answer Is Best In Metaphor: ReFantazio?

In simpler terms, the statistical differences between these questions may not matter much later in the game due to the advantage provided by your chosen Archetype. However, the optimal choice will depend on the play style you prefer – whether you want to concentrate on dealing Physical or Magical damage. Once you’ve made that decision, select one of the initial options to establish the build you wish to follow. Although other stats may seem crucial, it’s essential to ensure that your damage stat is always maximized. It would be best if you focus on either physical or magical and allocate all your points into just one for optimal results.

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2024-09-27 05:03