Best System Mechanics In Platform Fighters

Best System Mechanics In Platform Fighters

Key Takeaways

  • Super Smash Bros 64 introduced damage percent, a staple for platform fighters, to make matches more approachable and strategic.
  • Final Smash in Super Smash Bros Brawl added chaotic and fun super moves unique to each character, varying gameplay styles significantly.
  • Platform fighters like Shovel Knight Showdown feature mechanics like parry that offer defensive strategies, adding depth to combat dynamics.

As someone who’s spent countless hours duking it out in various fighting games, let me tell you, there’s nothing quite like the adrenaline rush of unleashing a form’s ultimate move in a brawl! The sheer power and knockback it deals to multiple opponents is just… well, it’s like hitting a home run with a bat made of lightning!

The category of fighting games known as platform fighters didn’t immediately captivate the public, not even with the debut title, _Outfoxies_. It wasn’t until the creation of _Super Smash Bros 64_, featuring characters from Nintendo, that there was a surge in interest. A key factor for this lesser-known genre gaining popularity was the appearance of well-recognized intellectual properties squaring off against each other in battle.

Over time, the style of Super Smash Bros expanded significantly as it evolved. The series introduced various mechanisms to introduce novelty within its genre, which in turn motivated other creators to propose new concepts for their own platform fighting games. This broadened the scope and increased the popularity of this genre to unprecedented levels.

11 Damage Percent

The Bigger They Are, The Harder They Stand

In Super Smash Bros 64, damage percentage – a key feature for platform fighters – was first introduced. This innovative method differentiated health levels in a fighting game by indicating that higher damage percentages make characters vulnerable to being knocked out of the arena.

The design aimed to make it easier for casual players, similar to a King of the Hill-style game. Essentially, the aim is to push your opponent off the screen, depleting their lives or “stocks.” This feature makes the game more inviting to a wider range of people as many classic fighting games could be intimidating due to their complex moves and damage systems.

10 Final Smash

The Ultimate Chaos

In the game “Super Smash Bros Brawl,” Final Smashes were introduced as moves designed to shatter friendships – they could wipe out at least one opponent in a single attack. Players can obtain this destructive force only from the smash ball, a radiant metallic orb that becomes weaker when it stays on stage for too long or if players are losing.

Each character’s Final Smash varies in activation and impact. For instance, Mario and Samus unleash massive projectiles, while abilities like Super Sonic and Wario-Man temporarily boost the user’s power, enhancing their attacks. This diversity makes the gameplay dynamic, sometimes chaotic, yet always enjoyable.

9 Parry

Knightly blowback

In the game Shovel Knight Showdown, players must strategically consider the art of parrying. This defensive move safeguards the player from any incoming attack, then pushes back adjacent adversaries. It’s a tactic that can penalize aggressive opponents by sending them flying into potentially dangerous areas.

A significant downside is its delay in action following a block and the relatively short duration of reward. Failing to time the block correctly leaves the user vulnerable to harm. However, it does offer some protection, albeit not for an extended period, which means combat can resume swiftly. The user has only a limited number of frames to capitalize on a successful block before they must act again.

8 Rage

Guilty Gear Meter

In the game Brawlout, being able to get angry is crucial for staging a spectacular comeback or reducing a disadvantageous position. Offensively, a fighter can accumulate half a rage meter to activate a Rage Burst. This move pushes away any nearby opponents and halts the player’s movement, shielding them from a potentially fatal launch. Additionally, it can save a fighter who has become vulnerable after using a special move for recovery when falling into a weak state.

In an offensive manner, a fighter can build up their Rage Meter fully, allowing them to enter Rage Mode. This enhancement boosts both the power and push-back of the user’s attacks. However, using the entire meter comes at a cost, making it quite expensive. It is advisable to manage the rage meter carefully to prevent unnecessary resource depletion in various encounters.

7 Directional Influence

Influence Survival

The unique characteristic known as Directional Influence sets platform fighters such as Super Smash Bros Melee apart from conventional fighting games. This feature allows defenders to manage the trajectory of a potentially lethal blow, making it a key element in these games and a defining trait for the series.

Using Dodge-to-Recover (DI) can greatly aid a damaged player, but it’s essential to be mindful as it might have repercussions. An astute attacker could exploit this technique by luring the opponent into DI and inflicting additional harm. Moreover, the defender should not only use DI but also know which ones are suitable against specific attacks, as misuse could lead to a stock depleting quicker than anticipated.

6 Wavedash

Advanced Movement

In the realm of Rivals of Aether, I’ve found myself utterly enamored by the ingenious Wavedash mechanic. Unlike other games, it’s remarkably user-friendly here. This nifty feature grants players the ability to swiftly dart back and forth, all while keeping a ready hand for an instantaneous attack throw. It’s like we’re stepping into the Street Fighter arena, engaging in a dance of sorts – a strategic interplay of footwork, where we bait our opponents with feints, only to punish their missteps ruthlessly when they whiff an attack.

Wavelanding is an innovative feature introduced to the platform genre, enabling users to glide along the ground. This maneuver allows for a variety of landings that test both the user’s and their opponent’s reflexes and predictive skills. It can be used tactically to dodge potential attacks or strategically to surprise the opponent with an unexpected move.

5 Slime

Moves With A Bit Of Slime

The Slime Meter was unveiled as an innovative feature in the upcoming game, “Nick All-Star Brawl II“. It functions much like the mechanics in other fighting games such as “Guilty Gear“, “King of Fighters“, and “Street Fighter“. Essentially, it’s a powerful tool that amplifies your moves.

As a devoted gamer, I’ve found that this game mechanic significantly enhances both my offensive and defensive strategies, broadening the range of moves at my disposal. In the heat of battle, when I dish out or take damage, I accumulate slime. One slime bar allows me to interrupt an action for a seamless combo or boost one of my unique abilities with enhanced properties. If I’m in a tight spot and under attack or launched, spending two slime bars can help push back my opponent and regain control of the situation. The ultimate showstopper is using all three bars for my character’s ultimate move, dealing massive damage and knockback to multiple enemies. It’s a game-changer!

4 Weapons

Arms Master

In a Brawlhalla match, it’s always smart to stock up on weapons. Arming myself with one enhances my damage output and reach. Every character comes equipped with two types of weapons from a total of thirteen categories, each offering unique advantages.

  • Sword
  • Spear
  • Cannon
  • Gauntlet
  • Great sword
  • Rocket lance
  • Bow
  • Kars
  • Hammer
  • Orb
  • Scythe
  • Axe
  • Blasters

At the beginning of each battle, every combatant initiates with their primary, unarmed technique. Over the course of the fight, a flaming sword might unexpectedly appear on the arena floor for anyone to seize. Should a warrior secure the weapon, they’ll be endowed with one of their two weapon expertise at random. This empowers them with unique combos when executing special moves that involve the weapon or hurling it towards their opponent.

3 Perks

Diverse Abilities

In the game of MultiVersus, I can tweak my gaming experience by choosing from a variety of perks that offer unique bonuses and skills. These perks are divided into three groups: red ones for offensive advantages, blue for defensive perks, and green for utility enhancements. While it’s always an option to pick any perk for personalization, teamwork can be maximized when both players select the same perks, as this grants additional stat boosts.

Each combatant can arm themselves with up to three perks, but each character possesses distinctive signature perks that are unique to them. These signature perks are specifically connected to a character’s moveset, like Bugs Bunny’s tunnel shockwave or Batman’s enhanced boomerang. A fighter can only wield one signature perk, which adds complexity to their playing style.

2 Custom Moves

Smash Bros Variants

In the game “Super Smash Bros For Wii U”, Custom Moves offered numerous customizable options. Each character on the initial roster featured two additional settings for each special move, enabling alterations to their characteristics and effects. For instance, Mario’s shock cape or Marth’s dolphin jump could be modified in this way. Characters like Palutena even possessed custom moves that fundamentally transformed their unique abilities.

This design resembles the character variations found in Mortal Kombat X, allowing different fighting styles by altering a fighter’s technique options. The addition of custom moves significantly expanded each fighter’s capabilities, particularly for Mii fighters who could adjust their weight and height for varying statistics. Unfortunately, these custom moves were not accessible to DLC characters, restricting them to a single playstyle.

1 Final Zoom

Impactful Finish

In no game has the thrill of knockouts been as intense as with the Finish Zoom in Super Smash Bros Ultimate. The Finish Zoom takes place when both players deliver a powerful, match-ending strike. This unique feature slows down the action and provides a close-up view of the final attack before ejection. However, it only occurs if the ejected player is on their last life, although it can also signal an impending stock-losing attack with its electrifying spark effect.

In most cases, this move doesn’t ensure an immediate defeat of the opponent. The recipient of the attack can persist if they utilize proper defense strategies effectively. It primarily serves to provide time for the weaker player to comprehend their predicament and take actions to save themselves before they reach their final stand, but if their damage is excessive, it might not be enough.

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2024-09-27 05:34