Times Superman Failed Metropolis

Times Superman Failed Metropolis

Key Takeaways

  • Superman fails Metropolis in various storylines due to his battles and decisions.
  • Examples include nuclear destruction, collateral damage, and leaving the city to villains.
  • His absence leads to increased crime, suffering, and destruction, showcasing his failures.

As a longtime resident of Metropolis, I can’t help but feel a profound sense of empathy for the Man of Steel. It seems like no matter how hard he tries to protect his city, it always finds itself in the crosshairs of one calamity or another.

From the very beginning, in Action Comics #1 back in 1938, Superman has been one of the most enduring and recognized superheroes worldwide. Representing DC Comics with distinction, Superman has devoted his existence to shielding Earth’s inhabitants from wickedness and confronted numerous catastrophic perils for the planet. He tirelessly champions truth, justice, and the values he embodies, serving as a symbol of hope for the citizens of Metropolis and those under his protection.

From my gaming perspective, even the Man of Steel isn’t infallible (and let’s face it, if he was, it wouldn’t make for an interesting read!). There are moments when Superman stumbles, and it’s not always due to some exotic Kryptonite or being outmatched. Sometimes, he just slips up like any other human. But when a being as powerful as Superman falters, the consequences can be catastrophic, particularly for the citizens of Metropolis, the city he calls home. Here are some instances where Superman’s failures have left a lasting impact on Metropolis, as seen across DC Comics, games, and movies. We’ve deliberately chosen to highlight times when he failed the city specifically, rather than focusing on his personal or global missteps.

1 That Time The Joker Nuked Metropolis

Injustice: Gods Among Us #1

Times Superman Failed Metropolis

Over time, fans have encountered numerous corrupt versions of Superman. One particularly wicked and strong rendition of Superman made its debut in the ‘Injustice’ video game and related literature. In this depiction, Kal-El was fashioned when the Joker successfully demonstrated that a single terrible day is all it takes for a hero to transform into a villain.

In truth, it was an exceptionally dreadful day. Utilizing a unique version of his toxic substance, the Joker managed to poison Superman, causing him to mistake a pregnant Lois Lane for his arch-nemesis Doomsday. In this misunderstanding, Superman ended up viciously attacking Lois, convinced she was Doomsday. Unaware to Superman, the Joker had secretly placed a detonator in Lois’s chest. As soon as her heart ceased beating, it triggered an explosive nuclear explosion in Metropolis.

A large portion of the city was devastated, leading to the loss of millions of lives. Tragically, Superman plunged into darkness, executing the Joker and assuming a tyrannical role as a dystopian leader. In this new authoritarian guise, he rebuilt Metropolis but failed it once more.

2 Fighting Zod Leads To Huge Collateral Damage

Man Of Steel (2013)

Times Superman Failed Metropolis

As a dedicated gamer, I’ve seen Superman go head-to-head with General Zod and his crew on numerous occasions, whether it’s in the comic books or on screen. It seems like an unwritten rule that when this Kryptonian makes an appearance, Metropolis is bound to have a rough day. Time and again, Zod has set his sights on our city, and while Superman typically saves the day in the end, it’s not hard to understand why the city might take a beating. However, his battle against Zod in 2013’s Man of Steel was an exception to the norm.

The movie “Man of Steel” showcases a less experienced and hesitant Superman, who isn’t as cautious as his traditional portrayal. Instead of prioritizing the protection of civilians, he often engages in combat, with the battle against Zod being the epitome of this behavior. As they clash across Metropolis, they indiscriminately destroy buildings, causing widespread damage, and it’s unclear if the city has been evacuated or not. Superman appears uncaring about the collateral damage, which becomes a significant point of contention between him and Batman in “Batman Vs. Superman.

3 When He Decided A Five-Year Year Holiday Was A Good Idea

Superman Returns (2006)

Times Superman Failed Metropolis

The movie “Superman Returns” is a film that stirs strong opinions among comic book enthusiasts, with some adoring it, while others find fault with it. Brandon Routh’s portrayal of Superman was generally well-received, but the film itself was criticized for its convoluted plot and questionable premise. This premise suggested that the world’s most powerful hero would abandon his loved ones and the planet he defends to take a lengthy vacation, which many found hard to accept.

If you haven’t watched it yet, the movie follows Superman as he reappears in Metropolis after a five-year absence, seeking his devastated home planet. This action, which is unusual for our beloved Boy Scout, is driven by self-interest. It’s no wonder that Superman’s disappearance wasn’t overlooked. To begin with, it resulted in Lex Luthor being freed from prison (not a positive development). Moreover, the city was left without its guardian, leading to a rise in criminal activities and general misfortunes.

One key topic explored in this movie revolves around the emotional and psychological effects on Metropolis citizens when their beloved superhero, Superman, disappears for an extended period. As Perry White expresses, the residents of Metropolis are weary of hardships. To compound matters, upon his return, Superman appears more focused on reconciliation with Lois Lane rather than addressing immediate issues, which some viewers might find inappropriate given the length of his absence (five years). While superheroes may deserve a break, this duration seems excessive.

4 His Fight Against Doomsday Nearly Destroyed The City

The Death Of Superman

Times Superman Failed Metropolis

1992’s “The Death of Superman” is undeniably one of the most memorable Superman stories ever penned. Unlike other instances where Superman seemed to meet his end, this time it felt truly momentous. The narrative unfolds with Superman squaring off against Doomsday, a formidable foe among his many nemeses, in Metropolis. As they clashed, the city bore witness to an unprecedented level of devastation.

In an attempt to maintain fairness towards Superman, it should be acknowledged that he strives diligently to minimize collateral damage. However, Doomsday’s extraordinary destructive force proves too formidable for him. Consequently, entire neighborhoods are reduced to rubble, and despite his efforts to save individuals amidst the chaos, there’s an undeniable loss of civilian lives during the battle. Many more are left without homes as a result.

Despite Superman successfully overpowering Doomsday, he tragically loses his life during the battle. Fans find it hard to blame him for this unfortunate demise, but it leaves Metropolis vulnerable to further hardships. This is not only because its citizens are left grieving their iconic hero, but because numerous frauds emerge, pretending to be Superman. This series of events led to the “Reign of the Supermen” storyline, during which Metropolis endured even more devastation in the genuine Superman’s absence.

5 The Battle Against Imperiex Destroyed Much Of The City

Our Worlds At War

Times Superman Failed Metropolis

One of the toughest realizations Superman has faced repeatedly is that sheer strength isn’t always enough; there’s always someone more powerful. This lesson was etched into him in 2001 when the cosmic antagonist Imperiex ignited a catastrophic intergalactic conflict, with Earth at its heart. Imperiex aims to demolish Earth’s core as part of a larger plan to reboot the entire universe. To achieve this, he deploys potent “Imperiex Probes” to assault locations globally.

Shockingly enough, one of these locations turns out to be Metropolis. Superman strives tirelessly to safeguard Metropolis, yet finds himself swiftly overpowered. Each probe holds destructive power on a planetary scale, and Superman must balance his attempts to halt the probe with fending off the villain’s troops. Regrettably, despite Superman’s valiant efforts, vast parts of the city are reduced to ruins, resulting in the tragic loss of countless lives. As the toll of casualties rises, Superman is compelled to grapple with tough choices: prioritizing global safety or defending the city he cherishes deeply.

In an unbearable predicament, Superman grapples with the consequences of his choice. This ordeal resulted in the loss of several dear ones to him, including his father, Jonathan Kent. The story concludes with Imperiex’s downfall, but Metropolis stands devastated, and Superman is filled with a sense of failure towards his city.

6 Doomsday Keeps Targeting Metropolis Because Of Superman

Reign Of Doomsday, Superman: Doomed, Day Of Doom

Times Superman Failed Metropolis

Occasionally, the citizens of Metropolis might question if it’s worth the hassle to have Superman around, despite his usefulness. He certainly has a knack for getting into trouble, and this time, it’s Doomsday, a genetically engineered monster with a bloodthirst for Superman. This recurring conflict often places Metropolis in grave danger.

During “The Death of Superman,” Superman succeeded in defeating Doomsday. However, this menacing character has resurfaced on numerous occasions, often targeting Metropolis as a means to reach Superman. Despite his awareness of this pattern, Superman has consistently failed to fortify himself or the city against Doomsday’s return. In 2011’s “Reign of Doomsday,” a more formidable and intelligent version of the creature emerged, wreaking havoc on the city.

Time and time again, conflicts resulted in widespread destruction. In 2014, Doomsday resurfaced, carrying a contagion that transformed Superman and numerous city residents into monstrous beings like Doomsday himself. Due to the frequent rampages of Doomsday in Metropolis, an entire comic series named “Day of Doom” was produced, focusing on the impact of these attacks on the citizens and their feelings of betrayal by Superman after each destructive episode.

7 He Retired And Left Metropolis In The Wrong Hands

Kingdom Come

Times Superman Failed Metropolis

In the story of 1996’s “Kingdom Come”, Superman faces numerous hardships throughout his life, and in this narrative, we imagine a scenario where he succumbs to despair. Lois Lane meets her tragic end at the hands of the Joker, who is later killed by Magog, a new hero. Instead of being held accountable for his actions, Magog is lauded by the people, causing Superman to lose faith in humanity’s capacity for peace. As a result, he decides to depart from Metropolis forever. The outcome, unsurprisingly, doesn’t turn out too positively.

With Superman stepping down, a fresh crop of aggressive, lawless superheroes emerge, turning major cities like Metropolis into war zones. Heroes and villains run rampant without restraint, leaving devastation in their wake. Once a symbol of hope, Metropolis undergoes a drastic transformation. Matters escalate to such an extent that Wonder Woman persuades Superman that the world is on the verge of collapse and desperately needs him back.

He takes that action, yet gradually becomes more authoritarian, which only causes further problems. The story “Kingdom Come” is one of Superman’s finest Elseworld tales because it imagines what might occur if our beacon of hope, Superman, ultimately grew weary of us and abandoned us. Superman let Metropolis down when he retired, but by opting for Magog instead of their hero, they essentially brought it upon themselves.

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2024-09-27 15:34