Crusader Kings 3: Roads to Power – Landless Adventurer Guide

Crusader Kings 3: Roads to Power - Landless Adventurer Guide

As an old-time Crusader Kings player with decades of experience under my belt, let me tell you, the new Landless Adventurer type is a breath of fresh air! I remember the days when being a landless wanderer meant nothing but endless wandering and no hope for advancement. But now, with this new role, I can finally feel like a true adventurer, seeking contracts, rescuing fair maidens, and amassing an army fit for a king!

In a fresh, conversational style:

In contrast to other rulers in Crusader Kings 3, the Landless Adventurer doesn’t possess any land; rather, this unique ruler type is a wandering traveler, traversing from one province to another in pursuit of fame, honor, and wealth. The Landless Adventurer introduces a distinct playstyle that sets it apart from other rulers in Crusader Kings 3, offering fresh approaches to the game. However, mastering this new type might require some initial adjustment due to its significant differences compared to a feudal lord.

How to Play as a Landless Adventurer

For those eager to embark as a Landless Adventurer straightaway, here are three possible ways:

The second choice involves generating a fresh character named a Landless Adventurer, which could be ideal for many players since it allows them to customize aspects like religion, culture, dynasty, and various other characteristics defining their adventurer’s identity. This personalization grants access to exclusive Men at Arms, religious options, or distinctive Cultural Traditions that may not be available otherwise. To create a Landless Adventurer, simply pick a county on the map and click the “Create a Landless Adventurer” button located in the lower right corner of the screen.

An alternative choice is to pick a noble figure with a modest domain (less than 3 holdings), who holds the title of Count or Duke, and whose civilization embraces either Swords for Hire, Horse Lords, Futuwaa, or Audacious Cadets as their Cultural Tradition. These monarchs can make use of the “Become an Adventurer” option within the Decisions menu.

Starting The Camp

Crusader Kings 3: Roads to Power - Landless Adventurer Guide

The major difference between a Landless Adventurer and a landed ruler is that the landed ruler has holdings that are limited to a specific county. Instead, a Landless Adventurer has a free-roaming Camp which can be set up in any county on the map, at the cost of a special resource type (Provisions) for traveling. The camp can be accessed by clicking on the Camp button at the bottom left of the screen, right where the Lifestyle and Inventory buttons are for a given character. The Camp itself is displayed as an image depicting a clearing with a tent in it, and it’s from this menu that players can construct ‘buildings’ for their camp which produce bonuses in a similar way to constructing buildings within a typical landed holding.

At the base of the Camp screen, you’ll find a button labeled “Move Camp.” This feature enables the player to utilize the game’s travel system to relocate their Camp to different locations across the world.


Crusader Kings 3: Roads to Power - Landless Adventurer Guide

In the game Crusader Kings 3, provisions symbolize the camp’s capacity to sustain itself. These are crucial as they are utilized during the camp’s actions, along with certain events. Provisions can be augmented through events, jobs of followers, or by making specific choices in the minor Adventurer Decisions, such as seeking provisions. A low supply of provisions may trigger undesirable events.

Landless Adventurer Camp Structures

You’ll find various designs for camps, each offering distinctive advantages, improvements, and personalized adjustments.

Camp Members

Crusader Kings 3: Roads to Power - Landless Adventurer Guide

In every adventuring group, there are Camp companions who can join the team. Initially, players may opt to start with two or none, but more members can be acquired during gameplay through various scenarios. A convenient method for finding new recruits is by utilizing the Travel menu; wandering Adventurers often travel extensively and have access to a unique recruitment activity. This feature allows you to discover potential knights or characters while on your journey. Additionally, events and some Contract results offer recruitment opportunities. Constructing a diverse group of followers is crucial for completing Contracts and may even lead to marriages.

Camp Mood

Crusader Kings 3: Roads to Power - Landless Adventurer Guide

On the side of the Camp interface, you’ll find buttons that let you assess the general sentiment of your Camp. This will help you determine if your leadership is well-received or facing opposition. With numerous new events incorporated into the Landless Adventurer ruler type, some events may raise or lower opinion. Therefore, it’s beneficial to have a spot to monitor the overall feeling within the Camp.

Camp Types

There are six distinct Camps in Crusader Kings 3, each with its unique emphasis, providing varying benefits based on the player’s preferred playstyle. For instance, the Legitimist camp is centered around asserting legitimate claims to titles, whereas the Explorer camp focuses more on discovery and exploration. Each camp type offers different advantages, such as specific roles for camp members, making it beneficial to familiarize yourself with their unique offerings.

Camp Types:

  • Explorers
  • Wanderers
  • Swords for Hire
  • Legitimists
  • Freebooters
  • Scholars

Landless Adventurer Lifestyle Focus Types

For the Landless Adventurer character class, the choice of Focus types in lifestyles is distinctively tailored. This type has the ability to traverse all practical lifestyle paths, yet the specific Focus types provided are uniquely crafted to foster the spirit of a Landless Adventurer. Here’s a look at some new Focus options:

  • Valor
  • Heralding
  • Bartering
  • Subterfuge
  • Sagacity

What To Do as a Landless Adventurer in Crusader Kings 3

As a roaming gamer in Crusader Kings 3, I can tell you that Landless Adventurers play the game in a way that’s night and day compared to feudal, tribal, clan, or administrative rulers. Unlike them, my primary goal isn’t to claim a vast territory from the get-go. You see, an adventurer starts with no land claims and no army at hand. Instead, I must navigate the realm through alliances, cunning, and sheer determination to eventually carve out a place for myself amidst the nobles.

In the gameplay of Crusader Kings 3 with the expansion Roads to Power, the focus lies on the diverse tasks assigned to Landless Adventurers by noble rulers, termed as ‘Contracts’. These contracts can range from Diplomacy missions to Stewardship and encompass all other character traits. This versatility allows players of any playstyle to find suitable objectives. The Contracts themselves are intricate, with some utilizing the novel Scheme system and others being event-driven. Since your Camp is mobile across the map, moving it to less profitable or Contract-scarce regions may provide the adventure with a much-needed change of scenery.

Completing a Contract

Crusader Kings 3: Roads to Power - Landless Adventurer Guide

In the game Crusader Kings 3, you’ll discover contracts spread out on the map. To maximize your opportunities, remember that contracts can only be found within a limited area surrounding your Camp. Therefore, moving your Camp occasionally allows you to explore new contracts in various realms. Clicking on a contract icon on the map will reveal its details, including the conditions for success, rewards, and potential consequences if it fails. Notably, many contracts make use of the Scheme system from the Intrigue menu, which requires assigning characters as “agents” to specific tasks in order to enhance your chances of completion.

Special Adventurer Decisions

In the game menu of “Crusader Kings 3,” the Adventurer rule type opens up various unique choices labeled as Decisions. These Decisions span from significant ones (Major Decisions) to common ones. The Major Decisions serve as main objectives, offering a diverse selection of play styles. Some paths lead to acquiring land and titles for seamless integration into the standard gameplay, others focus on religious activities, and yet others revolve around earning fame and glory without holding any land (Landless Adventurer). These objectives are engaging and many contracts help in enhancing a character’s capacity to make these Major Decisions. This style of play is distinct from that of a landed ruler, so newcomers might feel a bit lost at first. The Major Decisions offer valuable guidance on activities to perform for various results.

Instead of focusing on less crucial decisions, an Adventurer might consider stopping by a nearby fortress to enlist soldiers or gather supplies for the encampment. Among several options, this choice could potentially trigger distinctive occurrences specifically related to the character type known as the Landless Ruler.

How to Marry as a Landless Adventurer

Contrary to popular belief, Landless Adventurers do not have queues of suitors eagerly waiting for a chance at marriage. Typically, the “arranged marriage” option yields no results, making it challenging to find a fitting partner to produce an heir and prevent game over. However, Landless Adventurers must still secure offspring. The scarcity of suitable wives poses a potential threat to the game’s continuation. Thankfully, there are methods for Landless Adventurers to obtain a spouse. Numerous events may bring women to the Camp as followers. It is worth mentioning that Landless Adventurer females never find themselves short of companions.

A more effective approach for a Landless Adventurer to find a spouse could be by entering into a “Save the Noble Captive Agreement.” This contract involves rescuing a clever and attractive member of the opposing gender from the court, who is also your character’s opposite in gender. Once the mission is complete, there’s an opening to enlist this noble captive into your camp. Afterward, they become eligible for marriage.

Amassing an Army as a Landless Adventurer

Crusader Kings 3: Roads to Power - Landless Adventurer Guide

As a Landless Adventurer in the realm of Crusader Kings 3, though there’s a plethora of non-military content to explore, I’ve found that this game is fundamentally about lords and soldiers. Many gamers aspire to rule as a landed lord, but that dream can be tough without an army at your back. Thankfully, the Landless Adventurer ruler type has the unique ability to hire Men at Arms for their journeys. These Men at Arms aren’t like the regular kind; they don’t require any upkeep, but you’ll need gold and Provisions to increase their numbers. Despite this twist, having these Landless Adventurer Men at Arms gives me a solid foundation to build a small yet formidable army for hire.

This implies that the character has an opportunity to engage in military-centric missions, and potentially gain influence or control within the game’s universe.

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2024-09-28 10:04