Jabul Ruins Complete Dungeon Walkthrough

Jabul Ruins Complete Dungeon Walkthrough

As a seasoned adventurer who’s faced countless foes in my time, I must say that Vocavor is one of the most intriguing challenges yet! This aquatic behemoth has got some moves, but fear not, for I have a strategy to tame this sea serpent.

In the game “The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom”, after conquering the Suthorn Ruins, Zelda must decide on her next destination. She has two paths to consider: venture west towards the Gerudo Desert and the Gerudo Sanctum dungeon, or journey east to aid the Zora in their main quest, Jabul Waters Rift. Both paths offer advantages, but eventually, you’ll have to explore both locations regardless of your initial choice. This guide will assist you in navigating the Jabul Ruins, the main dungeon of Jabul Waters.

Jabul Ruins Walkthrough – B1 Purple Button

Entering Jabul Ruins:

Jabul Ruins Complete Dungeon Walkthrough

The “Jabul Waters Rift” storyline culminates with the exploration of the “Jabul Ruins“, located at the conclusion of the “Calm Jabul Waters” section of the rift. As you step through the main entrance, you’ll find yourself in a first-floor corridor.

  • Important Task: Make sure to activate the Fast-Travel Waypoint on the right side of the entrance corridor.

Falling to B1:

Jabul Ruins Complete Dungeon Walkthrough

Advance towards the Swordfighter Form’s energy sphere situated in the central entrance hall. Upon entering the main corridor, the ground will give way underfoot, causing you to plummet down to the basement level. This section will be presented in a side-scrolling perspective.

Jabul Ruins Complete Dungeon Walkthrough
Jabul Ruins Complete Dungeon Walkthrough

Swim beneath the ocean floor and employ “Bind” to remove the colossal rocks obstructing your journey. Once you’ve moved the second giant rock, prepare for an encounter with “Vocavor”, the region’s formidable boss. In response, it will create a gigantic underwater vortex that Zelda must outswim.

Out-swim the Water Funnel:

In hot pursuit, I find myself navigating through a series of hurdles along the way. Here, I trod the chosen path:

  • Obstacle 1: Over, avoid enemies on lower level.
  • Obstacle 2: Over, it’s easier than quickly breaking the boxes below.
  • Obstacle 3: You’ll encounter electric jellyfish that create a shock hazard. Thread between the enemies, leaving enough room for the circular shock hazard.
  • Obstacle 4: Use Bind to move the large boulder.

B1 Mid-Level

Jabul Ruins Complete Dungeon Walkthrough

Leaving the side-scrolling stage will transport you to a level that is still classed as B1, which happens to be a spacious area populated by Tanglers, Sand Crabs, and Octoroks. If you possess them, consider deploying Level 2 Tanglers to deal with the aquatic foes, while any flying Echoes can be utilized to dispatch the Octoroks and Sand Crabs. In simpler terms, this level is home to Tanglers, Sand Crabs, and Octoroks, and Simple Echoes should be able to handle them effectively. If you have Level 2 Tanglers, use them against the fish, and any flying Echoes can help eliminate the Octoroks and Sand Crabs.

Moving forward isn’t about vanquishing every foe, and there’s nothing special given for doing so. Instead, head towards the west in this room, where you’ll find an exit that returns you to Floor 1.

Return to 1F:

Jabul Ruins Complete Dungeon Walkthrough

As you leave through the door, you’ll find yourself on the first floor, specifically at the far end of the hall that was broken. Remember to engage with the marker point before proceeding towards the main part of the dungeon.

Jabul Ruins Walkthrough – 1F Red and Blue Buttons

Jabul Ruins Complete Dungeon Walkthrough

As soon as you enter the primary room on the first floor level, you’ll find a button on the ground, colored in shades of purple. Give it a press to watch a short video that clarifies the function of the button.

Jabul Ruins Complete Dungeon Walkthrough

Above the row of buttons, there’s a colored grid on the wall. Each button matches one of the squares in color. When you press a button, water is released from the corresponding square on the wall. The first three buttons you press will trigger a spring that propels Zelda to the second floor. By observing the grid, you can determine the location of each button chamber. You’re free to start with either the red or blue button.

1F Red Button Path:

Jabul Ruins Complete Dungeon Walkthrough

Instead of choosing a direction randomly, opt for the route marked by the red line on the wall, which is the Red Button path starting at level 1 (1F). This path will lead you to acquire both the Map and a highly potent Echo.

Descending the ladder takes you to another side-scrolling area where you encounter several Bombfish and a single Needlefly. To defeat the Needlefly, utilize an aerial attack similar to a Guay. For the Bombfish, use your Bind ability to cluster them and cause them to detonate. At the end of the second water body, you’ll discover a treasure chest.

  • Treasure Chest 1: Dungeon Map

Make your way past the final Bombfish, and out the other side of the chamber.

Jabul Ruins Complete Dungeon Walkthrough

In the following room, you’ll encounter the highly perilous creature known as Chompfin Echo. When you swim beneath the bars into the main pool, make sure to be prepared to swiftly leave the water. There’s a small rock submerged among boxes that you can use for support. Yet, keep in mind that there are several Octoroks present within this room. Prior to engaging with Chompfin Echo, consider using a flying Echo to eliminate the Octoroks first.

Jabul Ruins Complete Dungeon Walkthrough

For the Chompfins, it’s advisable to start by adopting the Swordfighter Form. If you manage to target and master one shark using the Echo ability, you can utilize your own Chompfin to eliminate the rest efficiently. This method is most effective when dealing with them. Make sure to gather the Chompfin’s Echo before leaving the chamber.

  • Important Task: Collect Chompfin Echo

After vanquishing all foes, dive beneath the waves and search for a container at the bottom of the bars that partition the narrow space in the north end of the room. Retrieve the box and swim through the opening. Employ a Water Barrier to ascend the platform and snatch the treasure chest situated in the northwest corner of the chamber.

  • Treasure Chest 2: Purple (50) Rupee

First, navigate to the narrow wooden platform hidden behind the bars by employing Water Blocks. Subsequently, traverse the rope to make your way to the exit platform. Exit from this chamber and proceed into the subsequent one.

Jabul Ruins Complete Dungeon Walkthrough

In this subsequent room, you’ll encounter several Sand Crabs which Zelda needs to conquer to reach the final room. To defeat the Sand Crabs on dry land, utilize an Aerial Echo, and for those in the water, deploy your new ally Chompfin. This chamber should be a swift and relatively effortless challenge.

Jabul Ruins Complete Dungeon Walkthrough

Reach the last chamber and press the red button. Afterward, a short scene plays out, followed by the emergence of an exit beneath you. Jump down into the opening, which will lead you back to the initial room along the red pathway. Ascend the ladder on the left side to make your way back to the main chamber.

1F Blue Button Path:

Jabul Ruins Complete Dungeon Walkthrough

As a dedicated fan, I’d guide you this way: From the first floor’s central room, veer left to find the path leading to the blue button. After that, follow it down the ladder for a new side-scrolling adventure!

Jabul Ruins Complete Dungeon Walkthrough

In this submerged area, you’ll encounter Level 2 Tanglers, Biri, and Bio Deku Babas. Use Chompfin to quickly overcome them all. Unleashing Chompfin will help you breeze through this part at an incredible pace, but beware of the darkness. A certain water plant emits light if you immerse yourself in it. Keep in mind that some Bio Deku Babas are concealed in the dark corners.

Jabul Ruins Complete Dungeon Walkthrough

Make your way to the deepest part of the room to discover a chest full of treasures hidden in the darkness. To continue, proceed towards the western exit of the chamber.

  • Treasure Chest 3: Silver (100) Rupee
Jabul Ruins Complete Dungeon Walkthrough

In the following room, there are three braziers positioned along the walkways, and one submerged brazier in a pool. To lift the underwater brazier out of the water, use ‘Bind’. After all four braziers are accessible, utilize an Ignizol to ignite them. This action will trigger the door to open.

Jabul Ruins Complete Dungeon Walkthrough

This sequence will take you into the room with the blue button. Once there, press the blue button. After pressing it, make your way down the hole and re-enter the main chamber.

Jabul Ruins Walkthrough – 2F Yellow and White Buttons

Jabul Ruins Complete Dungeon Walkthrough

After coming back to the central room, Zelda finds herself capable of utilizing water to propel herself up to level 2. From here, she has two options: the path marked with a white button, or the one labeled with a yellow button.

2F Yellow Button Path:

Jabul Ruins Complete Dungeon Walkthrough

Heading west on 2F will lead to the Yellow Button path.

Jabul Ruins Complete Dungeon Walkthrough

Initially, Zelda finds herself before a swift-flowing stream with logs floating along its current. Her objective is to hop onto one of these drifting logs and navigate it all the way until she reaches the end, after which she should leap onto the nearby platform that awaits her.

Jabul Ruins Complete Dungeon Walkthrough

Now, Zelda needs to move to the other side, leaping from one platform to another, going against the flow. Make your way up and exit the room there. There’s no need to engage enemies within the room; simply try to dodge them as you navigate the wooden walkways.

Jabul Ruins Complete Dungeon Walkthrough

In the following room, you’ll find five activation mechanisms strategically placed. The objective is to strike each mechanism, causing the door to rise. This task may require some finesse. Initially, there are two triggers that can be accessed from the entrance. These specific triggers can be activated by a flying Echo. Once an Echo has been summoned, focus on locking onto the device using ZL.

Jabul Ruins Complete Dungeon Walkthrough

Item number three is positioned against the western wall and can be reached or affected by a flying Echo. The fourth item is situated in the northwest corner, on a secluded platform that’s surrounded by numerous crates. To access the platform, employ Water Blocks, and to clear the path, use Bombfish to explode the crates and activate the device.

Jabul Ruins Complete Dungeon Walkthrough

In simpler terms, the last gadget is submerged at the southern end of the room. When every gadget has been activated, Zelda will be able to exit the room.

Jabul Ruins Complete Dungeon Walkthrough

In the adjoining room, Zelda needs to defeat every foe to open the door. Given these jumping adversaries, a wise strategy would be to conjure an airborne Echo similar to the Guay, then pin them down with Bind, allowing the Guay to attack them instead.

Jabul Ruins Complete Dungeon Walkthrough

Exiting this room takes you to the Yellow Button Room. Push the button there, then come back to the main room.

2F White Button Path:

Jabul Ruins Complete Dungeon Walkthrough

Head east on 2F to reach the entrance to the white button path.

Jabul Ruins Complete Dungeon Walkthrough

In the initial room, utilize the Bind function to shift the wooden boards. If any boards require destruction, employ the Bombfish.

Jabul Ruins Complete Dungeon Walkthrough

Glancing at the map, you’ll notice there are two Treasure Chests in this room. The chest on the left side has a Golden Egg inside it. The second chest, located on the right, holds the Big Key, which opens the door to the boss chamber. There isn’t much else here, so head towards the eastern end and exit this room.

Jabul Ruins Complete Dungeon Walkthrough

In the following room, you’ll need to conquer numerous Shadow foes to open the door. The Chompfin Echo can quickly handle them, so be cautious while it does its job. Be aware that each enemy you defeat will yield energy orbs. Remember to preserve your energy for the upcoming final boss.

In the following room, you’ll spot a submerged white button surrounded by water. However, it’s not free for the taking as there are two Bio Deku Babas watching over it. To handle these foes, utilize your Chompfin. Once they’re defeated, summon a boulder and position it on the button. This action will reveal the exit hole. Afterward, head back to the primary chamber to advance to 3F.

How to Defeat Vocavor – 3F

Jabul Ruins Complete Dungeon Walkthrough

Prior to engaging in an underwater battle, consider stopping by a Juice Bar to concoct a beverage that will enhance your underwater breath-holding ability. Such a drink could prove beneficial during an aquatic confrontation.

Jabul Ruins Complete Dungeon Walkthrough

Upon your re-entry to the central room, a water spout is ready to hoist Zelda up to the third level. Use the Big Key to unlock the barred door and initiate the battle with the boss of Jabul Ruins, Vocavor.

In an underwater battle, it’s crucial to keep a close eye on your oxygen supply. Since there’s plenty of air bubble sources available, be sure to utilize them effectively.

Phase One:

Jabul Ruins Complete Dungeon Walkthrough

In the initial skirmish, Vocavor whips up a flurry of tiny tornadoes I gotta dance around. Once those swirls clear, there’s an opening where I can strike – aim for that glowing blue spot on his back, man!

Jabul Ruins Complete Dungeon Walkthrough

It’s advisable to hold off on using the Swordfighter Form until phase 2. During phase 1, aim ZL at Vocavor’s back, then call a swimming Echo creature similar to Chompfin. Position yourself above Vocavor’s back before summoning, as this offers your Echo the optimal attack position. If you manage to demolish the blue area entirely, Vocavor will release several hearts.

Jabul Ruins Complete Dungeon Walkthrough

After the period of vulnerability concludes, Vocavor will fire projectiles from its tail. If an Echo has been summoned, it will be the target rather than Zelda. This sequence continues until we reach Phase 2.

Phase 2:

Jabul Ruins Complete Dungeon Walkthrough

As a devoted fan, I’m excited to share that in Phase 2, two expansive sections of the arena will be emptied out. My magical Vocavor form allows me to traverse these areas effortlessly, but poor Zelda won’t be able to follow.

As a gamer, I’m about to unleash a flurry of whirlwind assaults! Wisely, Zelda will weave through these attacks by skirting along the narrow waterway right smack in the middle.

Jabul Ruins Complete Dungeon Walkthrough

Now, the susceptible areas are where the drained sections lie. It’s best to employ the Swordfighter Form during this time. Focus on striking Vocavor’s vulnerable spots repeatedly.

Jabul Ruins Complete Dungeon Walkthrough

After I run out of steam, I can choose to take down Vocavor by using my flying Echoes to strike his back in the vacant areas, or I can employ Chompfin to assault Vocavor while he’s swimming underneath the primary platforms where Zelda battles from.

Jabul Ruins Complete Dungeon Walkthrough

The pattern won’t change until you manage to conquer Vocavor, so keep steering clear of the vortexes, and employ the attacks that suit you best until it gets vanquished.


Overcoming Vocavor grants you a glowing, symbolic token of victory known as a Full Heart, five powerful crystals named Might Crystals, and an extraordinary skill to summon Echo’s from a distance.

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2024-09-28 12:24