How To Get All Achievements In Crusader Kings 3

How To Get All Achievements In Crusader Kings 3

As a seasoned conqueror who’s seen more realms rise and fall than the sands of Byzantium, I must say that forming a dominant family within this ancient empire is no mean feat. But fear not, dear player! For with cunning strategy and a deft hand at influencing candidacy scores, thou shalt see thy House rise to prominence in no time.

In simpler terms, “Crusader Kings 3” is a game filled with numerous Accomplishments, and each major update for the game brings in more of these Accomplishments, ensuring that players are always ready for fresh challenges. The Accomplishments in CK3 are usually intricate, and quite a few demand players to begin as particular characters and accomplish highly specific objectives.

Console gamers should keep in mind that not all of the 158 Achievements/Trophies for CK3 will be accessible to them immediately, as expansions roll out over time. Fortunately, for PC users, most mods offer Achievements, though a few may disallow them. This guide on CK3 Achievements will steer players towards each challenge, but be aware that some of the hardest Achievements require full playthroughs to unlock.

All Base Game Achievements/Trophies In Crusader Kings 3 & How To Get Them

How To Get All Achievements In Crusader Kings 3

There are 56 Achievements for the base game of Crusader Kings 3. Here’s how to unlock them all.

NameDescriptionHow To Unlock
Until Death Do Us PartMarry another characterStart as an unmarried character.
Stressful SituationSuffer from a Mental BreakMake decisions that add Stress. This is easier with some Personality Traits, such as Shy.
Moving up in the WorldIncrease your RankStart as a Count and war or scheme your way to become a Duke. This also works for Duke to King and King to Emperor.
Know Your PlaceDefeat a faction in warEnact higher crown authority and annoy vassals to make them form a faction. Do this while building up a strong army.
Fine PrintUse a hook to modify a feudal contractSend your Spymaster to find secrets in the courts of vassals. Then blackmail them for hooks and click on them to modify a contract.
Non Nobis DomineFound a Holy OrderHave enough gold and Piety, and a city or castle to give away. There are other requirements which are shown in the decision.
Followed by ShadowsKnow 10 secrets simultaneouslyAssign your Spymaster to find secrets at other courts. Having high Intrigue helps too.
Bad BloodGo to war with one of your siblings over a ClaimPlay as an elderly ruler with at least two sons and wait for succession when titles will be split. More likely in 867.
The Succession is SafeHave 10 living childrenThis is easier for parents with high fertility and health, as well as the Lustful Trait. Isolate your capital from plagues to keep children safe.
SaintReach the highest possible Piety LevelGo on expensive pilgrimages and always make decisions that reward Piety. Catholics can exchange gold for Piety. Traits such as Zealous will help and any that are considered virtues are the best to get.
Dreadful RulerHave the maximum amount of dreadThe Intimidation lifestyle and Traits such as Wrathful and Sadistic will help. Execute prisoners and make other similar decisions.
Turning to DiamondsReach the highest possible Stress levelTake decisions that incur Stress and don’t choose coping mechanisms during a Mental Break.
For the Faith!Take part in a successful Great Holy War, on either sidePlay as a Catholic ruler in 1066 and build a strong army while waiting for the first crusade later in the 11th century.
CelebrityReach the highest possible Prestige LevelHaesteinn of Montaigu starts with a high level of fame. Travel and conquer new lands to gain more.
ProlificHave 100 living dynasty membersAlways arrange marriages to fertile spouses and starting with a large Dynasty helps. There should be plenty of large ones in 1178.
An Unfortunate AccidentInherit a title from someone you murdered.Have high Intrigue and the best Intrigue Perks. Wait till you’re the heir to the title of someone with low Intrigue, and plot a murder.
A Legacy to Last the AgesComplete an entire Dynasty LegacyCharles the Bold in 867 starts with Renown for two legacies and his Dynasty is large which helps.
Way of LifeComplete an entire Lifestyle (all three trees)This is easiest on a character with a 4-star Education Trait and even better with the Genius Trait to speed up how fast Lifestyle points are gained. The Learning Lifestyle is great because the first tree improves health, and living long is key for this Achievement.
The Emerald IsleStarting as an Irish ruler, hold the Kingdom of IrelandThis can be completed by continuing with the tutorial.
It’s not a CultCreate a FaithGet the Prophet Perk from the Learning lifestyle as this significantly reduces the cost of creating a Faith.
From Rags to RichesStarting as a Count, lead your line to rule an EmpireAyaz Alp Arslanonlu in 1066 starts as a Count and heir to the Seljuk Empire.
A House of My OwnCreate a Cadet Branch of your DynastyIt’s important that characters aren’t the House Head for this decision to be available.
Death Did Us PartMurder your spouseAn Intrigue lifestyle and Traits will help this. So will have a spouse with low Intrigue.
A Name Known Throughout the WorldHave a dynasty reach the highest possible Level of SplendorSome Dynasties start off with higher Splendor. Having Dynasty members as kings, dukes etc helps to generate Renown.
Not So Feudal SystemUse the Claim Throne scheme successfullyThis option is unlocked with Stewardship Perk; Meritocracy.
Paragon of VirtueHave three or more virtuous TraitsThe Turumism Faith is a good option as they can gain a third virtuous Trait by completing a hunt for the Hunter Trait.
MonumentalFully upgrade a duchy capital building anywhere in your personal domainStewardship will help with this for the gold and bonuses to building faster at cheaper prices.
Beacon of ProgressHave your culture unlock all innovations, excluding regional and culture-specific innovationsStart in 1178 to have more unlocked and focus on having a high Learning skill and some of the best Learning Perks. This will speed up fascination progress.
Keeping it in the FamilyHave a child with the Inbred traitKing Alfonso VI of Leon is already lovers with his sister in 1066.
Going PlacesAs Haesteinn of Montaigu in 867, hold any Kingdom tier title.Cornwall is an easy target, but Haesteinn will likely succeed anywhere.
The Things We Do for LoveMurder your lover’s spouseHaving high Intrigue and Perks relating to scheming will help. It’s easier if the target has low Intrigue and always assign your Spymaster to help.
Rise from the AshesRestore the Roman EmpireThe easiest start is the Byzantine Empire in 867, but players can also do this with the Holy Roman Empire. They will need to control the territory of the Roman Empire and meet other requirements.
Trapped in the WebHave strong hooks on three direct vassalsThis can be done with the Truth is Relative Intrigue Perk and by assigning your Spymaster to Find Secrets in the courts of vassals.
End of an EraPlay until 1453Start in 1178 and make sure you always have an heir to avoid a game over.
The Emperor’s New ClothesWhile holding any empire title, be nakedTry to convert to Adamitism as an Emperor as this Faith isn’t a fan of clothes. The Lunatic Trait also has a small chance of triggering a nude event.
Almost ThereAs Almos Arpad, form Hungary and convert to ChristianityThis is an 867 start. Use the Migrate to Pannonia casus belli to beat Bulgaria.
What Nepotism?Have your Dynasty rule ten independent realms of at least Kingdom tier simultaneouslyAs the ruler of a vast Empire made up of many Kingdoms, players should be able to appoint their family members to the Kingdoms.
Kings to the Seventh GenerationStarting as Count Eudes of Anjou in 867, lead your Dynasty to rule the Kingdom of FrancePlayers should focus on claiming the Duchy of Anjou and from there they can play tall until they are powerful enough to use the Claim Throne scheme which is unlocked with the Meritocracy Stewardship Perk.
SeductiveAs any one character, successfully seduce ten peopleThe Seducer Intrigue Lifestyle and Trait is key for this. Gaining attraction bonuses will also help. There are also a few ways to use 2 Personal Schemes at once. For example, having a level 10 Diplomatic court.
Above GodHave a strong hook on your Head of FaithThis is done with a high-Intrigue character who has the Truth is Relative Perk, which allows them to Fabricate a Hook. This is easier if the Pope has low Intrigue and you have good agents to help.
Carolingian ConsolidationStarting as a Karling, be the only independent Karling to hold a landed titleStart as Count Herbert of Vermandois, who is the last Karling in 1066. Once you have enough power and allies, start an independence faction.
The Things Love Does for UsHave a lover save you from a murder attemptFind a lover with a high Intrigue stat and gain rivals to increase the odds of assassination attempts.
Sibling RivalryStarting as any of the Jimena siblings in 1066, become Emperor of SpainAlfonso can easily kill his brothers with high Intrigue to get their thrones. Then focus on conquering Navarra to be able to use the Unite the Spanish Thrones decision. After that you should be strong enough to eventually take the rest of the Iberian Peninsula.
Royal DignityStarting as Vratislav Premyslid in 1066, lead your Dynasty to rule Bohemia and the Holy Roman EmpireBy saving gold players can create the Duchy of Moravia and then the Kingdom of Bohemia. After that, scheme and sway to get elected as emperor.
Blood EagleStarting as any child of Ragnarr Lothbrok, conquer all of the British IslesHalfdan Whiteshirt in 867 is the easiest start as he already controls Jorvik and can quickly make a powerbase in the north of England.
Last Count, First KingStarting as Duke Nuno of Portucale in 1066, form PortugalThe Fates of Iberia DLC can make this easier as the Kingdom of Portugal can be founded without being independent while in the Opportunity Phase.
Give a dog a BoneStarting as Matilda di Canossa in 1066, rule Italy, have 50 Dynasty members, and found a Holy OrderUse your Realm Priest to Fabricate Claims on land to eventually gain the Kingdom of Italy. Make sure to marry your sons off to fertile spouses for the 50 Dynasty members. To found a Holy Order you will need one spare castle or city and lots of gold and Piety.
Norman YokeStarting as William in 1066, win the Invasion, become English, and have only English vassalsAfter winning the relatively easy war, move your capital to England for the decision to become English. You can then try to revoke titles over time or transfer non-English vassals to your English ones.
ReconquistaStarting as an Iberian Christian, convert all of Iberia to ChristianityIt will take time to conquer the non-Christian land, but the Theologian Lifestyle tree and Trait will help. Set your Realm Priest to Convert Faith. The 1178 start date should be the easiest, as more land is Christian.
Land of the RusStarting as Rurik the Troublemaker in 867, lead your dynasty to rule the Empire of RussiaThe Kingdom of Novgorod can be formed at the start of the game. From there you will need conquer land or convince others to accept vassalage.
Seven Holy CitiesAs a Hindu ruler, hold all seven Hindu Holy Sites at the same timeMaharaja Bhoja of Pratihara in 867 starts out with 6 of these Holy Sites. The other is held by a duke whom you’ll need to acquire a casus belli against.
Al-AdalusStarting as an Iberian Muslim, control Iberia and take the Avenge the Battle of Tours decisionEasiest in 867 as the Sultan already controls most of Iberia. You will also need to conquer part of the south of France to take the decision.
FrankokratiaAs a French Catholic, hold the Kingdom of Thessalonika without being vassalized to ByzantiumThis is arguably easiest in 1178 as the Byzantine Empire is at its weakest.
Wily as the FoxStarting as Robert the Fox in 1066, rule Sicily, hold a Greek Kingdom, and convert it to CatholicismIt’s possible to do this as a vassal to the Byzantine Empire and by warring with vassals for the Greek lands.
Mother of us AllStarting as Daurama Daura, have your line reform an African faith, and convert all of Africa to itPlayers will want to focus on Learning and the Theologian tree to reform a Faith easier. Taking the Faith Tenets of Mendicant Preachers and Sanctioned False Conversions can help convert Faith faster. Warmonger will also help.
A Perfect CircleHave only two distinct parents, grandparents, and great-grandparentsThe Messalianism Faith is best to allow incestuous marriages, and playing in an isolated region such as Iceland should prevent other Faiths from warring against you. Marry siblings for three generations, and try to make sure they don’t cheat.

All Royal Court DLC Achievements/Trophies In CK3 & How To Get Them

How To Get All Achievements In Crusader Kings 3

In the Royal Court expansion pack for Crusader Kings 3, there are a total of 20 achievements waiting to be unlocked. Here’s a guide on how to get them all.

NameDescriptionHow To Unlock
PatronageFund an Inspired Character’s Project, and receive the end resultWait for a Royal Court notification that a character is inspired. Make sure you have enough gold saved to fund it.
Changing CourseCreate a Divergent CultureThis can be easily done in the Culture menu.
Converging PathsCreate a Hybrid CultureIvar the Boneless can form a Hybrid Culture straight away in 867.
I Made ThisLoot an Artifact you do not have an Artifact Claim on and pass it down to your HeirPlay as a strong ruler and look for weak rulers with Artifacts, then siege their capital for a chance of stealing it.
PolyglotPersonally know 10 LanguagesObtain high Learning, and Perks such as Pedagogy and Open-Minded. The Astute Diplomats and Culture Blending Cultural Traditions help massively. Then use the Learn Language scheme.
Brave and BoldStarting as the Piasts in 867, rule Poland, adopt Feudalism, and own a Famed or Illustrious-rarity regalia, crown, weapon, and armor.Conquer land in Poland and convert to Catholicism. Then swear fealty to Great Moravia who is feudal. Players can then use the Adopt Feudal ways through liege decision. Eventually, they will want to fight back for Independence, whilst also spending gold on funding inspirations.
Creme de la CremeReach the maximum level of Court GrandeurStart as the Holy Roman Empire in 1178, and only spend gold on increasing court amenities and acquiring better artifacts. Make sure to display artifacts that provide the most Court Grandeur.
HoarderHave an Artifact in every slot in the Inventory and Royal CourtStart as a powerful ruler who already has lots of Artifacts, such as an emperor. Appoint an Antiquarian to unlock the Commission Artifact decision and use it whenever available. Always have gold to fund inspirations.
One of a KindObtain an epic Artifact from an adventurer inspirationEmperors have an increased chance to spawn adventurer guests, but other than having enough gold to fund them, this will come down to luck.
The True Royal CourtAs a Vassal to an Emperor, have a higher Court Grandeur than they doPlayers could grow their court as an independent king and then swear fealty to an empire with average Court Grandeur. Or at the game’s start, find a relatively weak empire, such as the Kirghiz Khanate in 867.
They Belong in a Museum!Appoint a Character with a completed Adventure Inspiration as your AntiquarianEmperors have an increased chance to spawn adventurer guests and should be able to fund them. Make sure to keep track of any adventures, and appoint them once complete.
Beta IsraelAs a Jewish King in East Africa, diverge your Culture.Duke Dawit of Aksum in 1066 is the best start, and swearing fealty to Negus of Abyssinia will hopefully result in some territories being handed over. Players can then scheme and war their way to eventually overtake the kingdom. Lots of Prestige will be needed to diverge Culture.
Bod Chen PoAs a member of the Pugyel Dynasty, re-create the Empire of TibetDiplomacy can work well here with the True Ruler Perk allowing much of Tibet to accept vassalization. Swaying these rulers should help. War will be needed for areas.
Delusions of GrandeurBe at least 6 levels above your Court Grandeur ExpectationsAcquire the best artifacts and spend as much money on amenities as possible.
InspirationalSponsor 30 successful Inspirations in one gameStable kingdoms or empires will help most with this achievement. Always having gold ready will help too.
Rise of the GhuridsStarting as the Duke of Ghur in 867 or 1066, conquer the Region of the Historical EmpireThe 1066 option is arguably easier as the Duke is in line for their liege’s title. Lots of wars will be needed, although at other times the True Ruler Perk may be used to vassalize fractured realms.
True ToleranceRule a Realm containing at least 10 Cultures with 95% or more Cultural AcceptanceSlavic Cultures already have a high acceptance of each other. The Polabian culture is best as it doesn’t have Staunch Traditionalists, which wouldn’t help. Use the Steward to promote Cultural Acceptance.
Turkish EagleAs the Seljuk Count in Samosata, form Rum and create a Hybrid Culture between Oghuz and GreekOnce players have conquered the required land, they will need to focus on raising the Cultural Acceptance between Oghuz and Greek. The Steward task can help with this.
Lingua FrancaHave all Royal Courts in the world speak your Court Language.Don’t use a custom character! One way to achieve this is by destroying all other Royal Courts, which means a lot of wars and world conquest.
Nobody Comes to FikaWith the County of Fika as your Primary Title, diverge your Culture and spread it to 30 Counties held by you or your VassalsAfter diverging Culture, players can swap out their Primary Title for something stronger after conquering a few weaker opponents.

All Northern Lords DLC Achievements/Trophies In CK3 & How To Get Them

How To Get All Achievements In Crusader Kings 3

In the expansion pack known as the Northern Lords DLC for Crusader Kings 3, there are a total of 10 achievements waiting to be unlocked. Here’s a guide on how to get them all.

NameDescriptionHow To Unlock
First of the Crusader KingsAs a Christian North Germanic, participate in the very first crusade from the startStart in 1066 and wait for the Pope to call a Crusade in the late 11th century.
VolvaStarting and staying as a North Germanic Asatruan of any kind, take the Found Witch Coven DecisionPlayers will need at least 7 House members and 60% of the House needs to have the Witch Trait or secret. You and you heir need it too. Convert others with a scheme.
A Dangerous BusinessAs a dwarf, win a Varangian Adventurer War anywhere outside of EuropeMake a custom Norse Dwarf character and use the Varangian Adventure casus belli.
Saga in StoneHave your Dynasty erect a hundred runestonesRunestones can be raised to celebrate dead ancestors, conquering a county, or increasing in rank. It costs just 50 gold, but players can’t be at war.
Far From HomeStarting and staying as a North Germanic Asatruan of any kind, have your Real Capital on any of the Islands in the Indian Ocean RegionStart as Haesteinn in 867 for an easier start. Conquer parts of north and east Africa and eventually use a Varangian Adventure casus belli on the island of Socotra.
Vladimir’s Second ChoiceStarting as a North Germanic Asatruan of any kind, convert to any Islamic Faith & convert all of the Russian Region to any Islamic FaithRurik Rurikid in 867 is a good choice as he already owns land in the region.
Canute the GreaterAs an unreformed Tribal, take the Secure the High Kingdom of the North Sea DecisionThis can be achieved with one of the sons of Ragnar’ sons such as Ivar the Boneless. The Kingdoms of England, Norway, and Denmark need to be held for 30 years in one ruler’s lifetime.
Faster than the FoxAs a Norse Asatruan of any kind, control the entirety of Sicily before 1407This can be done with Jarl Haesteinn in 867, by first taking the Duchy of Sicily while they are at war with the Byzantine Empire.
MiklagardarikiStarting and staying as a North Germanic Asatruan of any kind, Completely Control the Kingdom of Thessalonika & hold any Empire without holding the Byzantine EmpireJarl Haesteinn offers the easiest start, but he will first need to gain closer land to be within range of Thessalonika. Napoli can serve as a good base.
King of all the IslesStarting and staying as a North Germanic Asatruan of any kind, Completely Control everything in the Islands in the Atlantic and Mediterranean Region without ever having over 80 Realm SizeJarl Haesteinn is once again the best starting character to attempt this with, given his strength.

All Fate Of Iberia DLC Achievements/Trophies In CK3 & How To Get Them

How To Get All Achievements In Crusader Kings 3

As a dedicated gamer diving into the captivating world of Crusader Kings 3, here’s a heads up: There are a total of 11 enticing Achievements that the Fate of Iberia DLC has in store for us! Here’s a breakdown on how to unlock them all and claim my gaming glory!

NameDescriptionHow To Unlock
Basque In My GloryEmbrace the Euskal Erlijioa Faith during the Iberian StruggleWith the Basque culture and holding 9 counties from the region of Old Vasconia, players will need to take the decision ‘Champion the Faith of the Country Basques’. Start in 867 as this decision can’t be made after the year 1200.
Friendship Is MagicUse a friendship Hook on a different-Faith Ruler Involved in the Iberian StrugglePlayers will need to convince a friend to take the Oath of True Friendship to gain a hook. They could then convert Faith before using the hook.
History’s Best FriendsSleep with your best friend while having the Ritualized Friendship Cultural TraditionUtilize the Flatterer Diplomacy Perk to Befriend easier and the Seducer Intrigue Lifestyle and Perk to succeed with seduction.
High StakesBet a Title on a strategy game match against another Ruler and complete the matchIn 1066, the kings of Leon and Castille can play against each other.
Iberia or Iberia?As an Iberian character, control all of the Caucasian Iberia region.This could be done as a world conquest after taking all of Spain. The desired region is around the Duchy of Georgia.
Iberian CompromiseEnd the Iberian Struggle through the Status Quo EndingAs Involved characters, players will need to reach the Conciliation and then Compromise phases first. They will then be able to see the requirements for the Status Quo Ending.
Iberian HostilitiesEnd the Iberian Struggle through the Dominance EndingTry to reach the Hostility phase, and then the requirements should be visible for the Ending.
Holidaying in IberiaStart as an Uninvolved character, become Involved, and end the Iberian StruggleMu’minid in 1178 has an Invasion casus belli on Castille to become involved.
Iberian ConciliationEnd the Iberian Struggle through the Detente EndingReach the Conciliation phase as an Involved character and then look at the requirements for the Detente Ending.
The Andalusian InquisitionConvert all of Iberia to MozarabismThe Theologian Lifestyle and Trait helps your Realm Priest to convert counties.
Legacy of The CampeadoresCreate and rule Valencia as an heir to El CidThis is possible by starting with El Cid as an Adventurer, via the Wandering Exiles bookmark for 1066.

All Tours & Tournaments DLC Achievements/Trophies In CK3 & How To Get Them

How To Get All Achievements In Crusader Kings 3

In the game Crusader Kings 3, you’ll find a total of 20 Achievements associated with the Tours & Tournaments DLC expansion. Here’s a guide on how to unlock each and every one of them.

NameDescriptionHow To Unlock
Hunting AccidentSucceed with the Murder intent while on a HuntTry targeting a low-Intrigue character.
A Thousand & One NightsOrchestrate a Grand Wedding where the Spouses become SoulmatesThis is easier if players control one of the spouses so that they can set their Intent and make choices during the events.
Black DinnerSuccessfully host a Murder Feast or a Bloody WeddingThe Forever Infamous Intrigue Perk is required for this Activity.
Fly, My Pretty!Finish the Falconer track in the Hunter TraitHave a good Master of the Hunt employed to improve success chances. Accept other rulers’ invites while your Hunt is on cooldown.
Imperial MarchAs an Emperor, go on an Intimidation Tour visiting all of your Powerful VassalsPlay as the Holy Roman Emperor in 1066 to do this from the start.
Lions & Tigers & Bears, Oh My!Capture a large wild animal while on a huntChoose to corner a large animal rather than ambush it.
Pathway to HeavenWith any one Character, go on Pilgrimages to all of your Holy SitesHaving ways to increase travel speed will make this easier. You’ll always want to make sure the character lives a long life.
Sir Lance-a-LotParticipate in a Joust with a maxed out Horse track for the Hastiluder TraitThere is an Activities Legacy that increases the rate at which Hastiluder levels up. The 1178 start is best to have the technology for Jousts. The Gallant lifestyle helps too.
The Grandest TourVisit 10 Kingdom Tier Vassals on a Grand TourTry to found an Empire in a region where there are many small Kingdoms. North of India is a good option.
The Very BestFinish any track in the Hastiluder TraitAim for the Gallant lifestyle, and it helps to have the Activities Legacy which helps Hastiluder level up faster.
A.E.I.O.U & MeStarting as the Hapsburgs, rule the Archduchy of Austria, arrange 5+ Grand Weddings, and don’t wage WarThis is a 1066 start and players can marry their son into the Duchy of Austria and then murder the heirs to eventually claim it as the grandchild.
A Knight’s TaleHave one of your Lowborn Knights win a Grand Tournament, then Land themBefore the Joust starts, players can decide which of their knights compete.
A True & Perfect KnightHave a max rank Acclaimed Knight with the Warrior of the Faith TraitConstant wars are the best way to level up Acclaimed Knights. The Trait is earned via a Holy War.
In My Element(s)Pass through every Terrain, including naval, whilst on the same TravelThere are 16 terrains: Taiga, Forest, Steppe, Wetlands, Mountains, Coastal Sea, Sea, Oasis, Floodplains, Desert, Plains, Farmlands, Jungle, Drylands, Desert Mountains, Hills.
There and Back AgainFinish both Tracks of the Traveler TraitKeep traveling and allow danger events to happen as this levels up the Seasoned track.
The Iron and Golden KingHave a capital Barony with 60+ Income, a 500+ Stationed Heavy Cavalry Regiment, and a mineGottingen in Germany has a good mine and should be stable enough to play tall.
Your Eternal RewardAs a Regent, successfully Coup your Liege and take their Realm without War or SchemesTip the scales as a regent and succeed at the mandate events to reach the maximum level.
AhabSucceed at a Legendary HuntHave a good Master of the Hunt as a Court Position to increase your chances of sighting a Legendary animal.
Like No One Ever WasFinish all Tracks in the Hastiluder TraitAim for the Gallant lifestyle, and it helps to have the Activities Legacy which helps Hastiluder level up faster.
Little William MarshalWin every Contest at a Grand Tournament with at least three ContestsPlay as a Gallant Martial character, level up your Hastiluder Trait, and always use the Train for Tournament decision.

All Legacy Of Persia DLC Achievements/Trophies In CK3 & How To Get Them

How To Get All Achievements In Crusader Kings 3

In the expansion pack known as “Legacy of Persia” for the game “Crusader Kings 3”, there are a total of 10 Achievements waiting to be unlocked. Here’s a guide on how to get them all.

NameDescriptionHow To Unlock
Abbasid MightTake the Renewed Caliphate ending in the Iranian Intermezzo StrugglePlay as the Abbasid Caliph in 867 and start by conquering Arabia. The aim is for the Stabilization phase, but other requirements can be seen on the ending options.
Rich in DiversityAs a character of a faith with the Jizya or Tax Nonbelievers doctrines, have 10 Vassals of other faithsThis is easy for the Seljuk Emperor in 1066.
Royal FlushAs a character of a Faith with the Fedayeen Doctrine, dispose of a Lowborn, a King, and an EmperorAzraqism and Nizarism have this tenet. Players must appoint a Master Assassin for these kills.
All Your Caliphate Are Belong To UsTake the ‘Dominate the Caliph’ foundation as part of the Abbasid Humiliation ending in the Iranian Intermezzo StrugglePlay as someone with the Detractor of the Caliphate Trait in 867 and follow the requirements seen in the ending section.
Fiscal ResponsibilityFill 5 Tax Collector slots with excellent aptitude charactersTo get 5 slots, you will need an Emperor title, the Legalistic Cultural Tradition, the Bailiffs Innovation, and support from the Vizier. High Learning is good for Tax Collectors and there is a decision to find them.
Mulct Them DryLoot four Illustrious tier Vizier Extravagance modifiers from your VizierWait around 2 decades for a skilled Vizier to get the four modifiers. Then click on them and choose Mulct Vizier.
Iranian RevivalTake the Iranian Resurgence ending in the Iranian Intermezzo StruggleThere is a way to cheese this by replacing the Caliph with a custom Persian with Traits that will make him likable.
Shia RebornTake the Found a New Caliphate foundation as part of the Abbasid Humiliation ending in the Iranian Intermezzo StrugglePlay as a member of Isma’ilism and be a Detractor of the Caliphate. Avoid the Concession phase and acquire the requirements that can be seen in the menu.
Darius RevengeAs a character of Iranian heritage, hold the Empire of Persia, Kingdom of Thessalonika, and Kingdom of HellasThis should be easier in 1178 as the Byzantine Empire is at its weakest. Start as the Seljuk leader of Rum.
The Umayyad Strikes BackStarting as a member of the Umayyad dynasty, hold the Empire of Arabia and the Sunni CaliphateExpand towards the Abbasid Caliphate until you can choose to become a vassal. Then claim the throne using the Meritocracy Perk.

All Legends Of The Dead DLC Achievements/Trophies In CK3 & How To Get Them

How To Get All Achievements In Crusader Kings 3

In the Dead DLC expansion for Crusader Kings 3, there are a total of 10 accomplishments waiting for you, the Legendary players. Here’s a guide on how to achieve them all.

NameDescriptionHow To Unlock
Legendary!Complete a LegendChanging the game rules around Legends can make this easier.
You’ll Never Take Me Alive!Travel to a safe Holding while your Capital is infected by a PlagueIncreasing the plague frequency in the game rules grants more opportunities.
Neverending StoryComplete your ancestor’s Legend after their deathHold off on completing a Legend until your character dies. Then finish it immediately as the heir.
Pay RespectsHost a Funeral for your Legend ProtagonistWhen a family member dies, make them a Legend Protagonist before starting a funeral.
CanonizedManage to make your Legend Protagonist a SaintGet the 3rd Heroic Bloodline Legacy. Then complete a Holy Legend for your own character with Mythical quality.
Divine RightReach the maximum Level of LegitimacyThe Diplomat and Just Traits will help with this, as well as high Diplomacy education. There are other ways to gain Legitimacy too.
Local LegendsAs a Count, complete a Mythical LegendThe game rules for Legend spread rate and cost can help make this easier.
Upward MobilitySuccessfully claim your Liege’s title while having a higher Legitimacy Level than themThe Diplomat and Just Traits will help with this, as well as high Diplomacy education as these all improve Legitimacy. Roads to Power can help with this as players can lower their liege’s Legitimacy.
Not TodayContract, and recover from, the Bubonic PlagueAllow plagues to happen frequently in the game rules and allow the Black Death to occur at any time. Employ a highly skilled Physician and gain Traits that improve Health.
The Pharaoh IslandsAs a Scottish character, complete a Legend claiming your descent from Ancient EgyptStart as the King of Scotland and save up Prestige and gold to start the Legend. Use game rules to make Legends easier. This is one of the best Legends Seeds in CK3.
Can’t Touch ThisHave an infected Barony at the maximum Plague ResistanceUpgrade Temple holdings and build a Burial Site (Duchy Building). Build and upgrade Hospices. Set your skilled Physician to ‘Control Plagues’.

All Roads To Power DLC Achievements/Trophies In CK3 & How To Get Them

How To Get All Achievements In Crusader Kings 3

In the expansion pack “Roads to Power” for the game “Crusader Kings 3”, you’ll find a total of 20 Achievements. Here’s a guide on how to earn them all.

NameDescriptionHow To Unlock
Despoiler of ByzantiumBecome the Emperor of a newly-formed Latin Empire through a CrusadePlay as a powerful Catholic ruler in 1178 and focus on building up an army.
Not Content to ServeIn 1178, start as the Palaiologos and become Emperors of ByzantiumStart as Strategos Alexios of Bulgaria and don’t worry about having to complete it in his lifetime.
ByzyworkHave five simultaneous House members as Theme governors (not including you) while not being the EmperorUse Influence to increase the Candidacy Scores of your family members. When they are in line, use various schemes or leverages to get the current Governor out of office.
DespoticAs Co-Emperor, rule a DespotatePlay as the Co-Emperor Strategos Michael of Philippopolis in 1066. Reach the 3rd level of Power in the diarchy, and then demand a Despotate.
It’s OK, I Got a PermitAs a non-Powerful family, buy a Remit and successfully Raid the Estate of a Powerful FamilyYou will need to be able to convince the Emperor, perhaps with a hook and other leverage, such as him having a high Opinion of you.
In Good EstateUpgrade your Estate with a lvl 5 Villa and fill all external slotsThis simply takes time and lots of gold.
Against the OddsStarting in 1178, Re-Establish the Theodosian BordersStart as the Byzantine Emperor and focus on gaining stability at first. Then look at the requirements for the decision and start conquering.
Epic PaperworkAdopt the Administrative Government via DecisionThis can be done by playing close to the Byzantine Empire and swearing fealty. The decision will then become available.
Chaos is a ladderBecome a Dominant Family within ByzantiumA House must control 25% of the realm to become Dominant. This is done by influencing candidacy scores to get your House members into Governorships.
Historically InaccurateChoose to set out on an Adventure as a spawned Historical CharacterHave the game rules allow notifications of Historical Characters from anywhere. Starting in the Byzantine Empire is good, because they have more of these characters spawn.
Tamar MepeAs Princess Tamar, rule all of Georgia and fully Conquer Armenia and DaylamYou will gain Georgia fairly early when the King dies. Then you just need to conquer the extra lands. This is an 1178 start.
Rags to Riches to Rags to RichesStarting as a Count, rule an Empire, become an Adventurer, then rule an Empire againAyaz Alp Arslanonlu of West Tokharestan in 1066 is a count and heir to the Seljuk Empire. Then take the decision to become an Adventurer after succeeding to the throne. Focus on building up a strong army.
New Management, same as the Old ManagementAs an Islamic Sultanate of Rum, adopt Administrative Government while owning ConstantinoplePlay as Sultan Kilji Arslan in 1178 and conquer all the way to Constantinople.
Kingdom of HeavenAs Baudouin of Jerusalem in 1178, defeat Saladin in a warTurn Conquerors off in the game rules to make Saladin easier. Focus on Martial and buy Men-at-Arms. Ask a skilled Physician for a risky treatment to hopefully live longer.
Quantum LeapChoose a New Destiny 5 times in the same campaignPush characters towards death by gaining Stress on purpose. On death always select Choose a New Destiny.
BirthrightAs a Legitimist Adventurer, win a claim war for a Kingdom or EmpireAn easier option is King Harold Godwinson of England in 1066. After losing or surrendering, become a Legitimist Adventurer. Try to get a Legitimist Support Contract from the King of Scotland. This can be done by raising his Opinion by completing Contracts and Sway schemes.
Mio CidComplete El Cid’s unique content with the ‘An Honorable Man’ endingMake choices that are loyal to the king and reach the end of his story. This is in 1066 as the Adventurer Rodrigo Diaz.
Band of BrothersHave every camp followers temperament be positive and have at least 10 camp followersUse Diplomacy and Sway schemes to make followers like you. Followers can be gained by visiting holdings and going to the tavern or sparring with guards.
The old man of the mountainComplete Hassan-i Sabahs unique content by destroying an EmpireThis is a 1066 start as an Adventurer. Complete his story and win the final war, all of which is fairly scripted.
Started from the Bottom now we’re EREAs an Adventurer, buy an Estate in Byzantium and lead your line to become EmperorsComplete contracts for one Strategos until you get a hook on them to purchase an estate. Lots of gold will be needed too. These tips should help players earn more gold as an Adventurer in Roads to Power.

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2024-09-28 17:14