Black Ops 3: All Der Eisendrache Bow Upgrades Guide

Black Ops 3: All Der Eisendrache Bow Upgrades Guide

As someone who’s spent countless hours navigating the eerie halls of Der Riese, I can confidently say that this broken arrow quest is no walk in the park. The first step, heading to the Trophy Room, might seem straightforward, but it’s the subsequent steps where things get tricky.

The game “Call of Duty: Black Ops 3” boasts one of the best “Zombies” modes in the entire series, and it’s hard not to acknowledge Der Eisendrache for this. Der Eisendrache is an exceptional map, but hidden within the complex maze of Group 935’s castle lies the Wrath of the Ancients bow, a distinctive bow in the “COD Zombies” world that can be enhanced with four unique components.

Below, players can find the steps they need to obtain every elemental bow in Black Ops 3 Zombies, including the original. Upgrading the bows in Der Eisendrache is no simple task, but the steps listed will be easily digestible to those seeking greater power in one of COD Zombies’ best maps.

How to Get the Bow in Der Eisendrache

The Wrath of the Ancients

Black Ops 3: All Der Eisendrache Bow Upgrades Guide

In the Black Ops 3 Zombies Der Eisendrache map, you’ll find a weapon known as The Ancients’ Wrath. This bow comes equipped with 60 explosive-tipped arrows. Here’s the twist: players are invulnerable to the explosive damage these arrows cause! To inflict even more harm on the zombies, players can charge up the bow, releasing two powerful arrows that will deal extra damage to their undead foes.

When entering Der Esiendrache, players should search for three Dragon Statue Landmarks distributed across distinct areas within the map. You can find these Dragon Statues at the listed positions:

  • In the courtyard to the left of spawn when facing the tram cart, found by the castle wall and Mystery Box past Double Tap Root Beer.
  • Inside Mission Control directly above the fireplace past the Speed Cola machine.
  • Inside the Undercroft Pyramid room on the wall that is opposite the crafting table.

At these Dragon Head Statues, players need to bring each statue to life by slaying a zombie near it. Subsequently, they should offer the Dragon 8 zombies in total. It’s crucial that players wait until the Dragon has finished consuming a zombie before killing another, as the Dragon can only eat one at a time. Players will know they are doing it correctly when the dying zombie does a flip and gets pulled into the Dragon’s mouth. Once the Dragon has consumed 8 zombies, it will transform back into stone and eventually crumble.

After completing the three Dragon Head Statues, adventurers can descend through Mission Control, then move past Speed Cola, to find the final resting spot of a knight. At the back of his tomb lies the Wrath of the Ancients bow, ready for any player to claim it.

How to Get the Lightning Bow in Der Eisendrache

Kreema’ahm la Ahmahm

Black Ops 3: All Der Eisendrache Bow Upgrades Guide

The Lightning Bow carries 75 bolts, and every bolt discharges an electric shock that can stun zombies as well as link them together, similar to the Wunderwaffe DG-2. Firing each shot requires using two bolts and will conjure a thunderstorm that gathers zombies and electrocutes them, offering a 10-second storm of pure destruction. Here’s how to obtain it:

After obtaining the Wrath of the Ancients, players should make their way to the castle’s peak. Here, they’ll need to switch on the power and engage the Pack-a-Punch machine. Once there, aim towards the Clock Tower and utilize the Wrath of the Ancients to fire at the weathervane. This action will trigger an arrow to appear from the wall, which players can then gather for the next stage.

Black Ops 3: All Der Eisendrache Bow Upgrades Guide

After obtaining the damaged arrow, players must employ the “Wrath of the Ancients” bow to hit flames positioned beyond the map’s edge. Once hit, these flames will create a sweeping firestorm, signaling a successful action. Here are the locations for the three bonfires:

  • By the green computer terminals at the top part of the castle, hug the wall beside the Clock Tower to locate the broken part of the wall and look down to see a bastion with an unlit pyre.
  • When facing the tram in spawn, head left by the KRM-262 wall buy and look out of the map when standing next to the vehicle to see an unlit pyre.
  • Use the teleporter in the Undercroft Pyramid room to access the Rocket Platform, where the final bonfire can be found on the cliffside to the right of the rocket launch pad.

For the following move, competitors should venture into the Undercroft and make certain that they’ve triggered the low-gravitiy areas by positioning themselves on the four squares surrounding each side of the pyramid. After activation, players need to patiently wait for the reduced gravity before leaping across five extended hexagonal runes adorned with wind carvings. The aim is to traverse all five without touching the ground; however, recovery is straightforward thanks to the anti-gravity boosts.

Black Ops 3: All Der Eisendrache Bow Upgrades Guide

In the upcoming section, you’ll find three urns scattered around Der Eisendrache, easily identifiable by their flashes of lightning. These particular urns have been placed at distinct locations:

  • The room above Double Tap Root Beer, next to the crafting bench and the L-CAR 9 wall-buy.
  • The middle floor of the Clock Tower, beside the stairs and the communications table.
  • Inside the Rocket Launch room opposite the teleporter on the floor.

To transfer the zombie spirits into the urns, players should eliminate approximately five zombies at these designated spots. Once all the zombies in an area are slain, no more spirits will appear, signifying that the step is accomplished. Subsequently, players have to pull their bows towards the urns and generate an electric current within an arrow using the charged-up urns. Lastly, they must launch these electrified arrows into the same three bonfires, which will transform the flames into an electric blaze.

Head back to the weather vane and engage with the newly-appeared blue mist, which now fills the spot where players initially retrieved the damaged arrow.

In the last stage, players should go back to the Undercroft, where the pyramid stands, and press the interaction key on the box that features a tornado or lightning bolt design. This action will grant Max Ammo. Next, players need to eliminate 20 zombies within this sanctuary to transfer their spirits. Once no more spirits can be transferred, interact with the box again using the Wrath of the Ancients bow to obtain the upgraded lightning bow.

How to Get the Fire Bow in Der Eisendrache

Kreeaho-ahm nal Ahmhogaroc

Black Ops 3: All Der Eisendrache Bow Upgrades Guide

For every uncharged arrow fired from the Fire Bow, it discharges a projectile based on its 75 ammo capacity, leaving behind a trail of small lava blasts. In contrast, a charged shot has the ability to encase zombies within its blast radius in hardened magma. This trapped mass will eventually explode, inflicting heavy damage upon nearby enemies. Here’s how to use it:

Grab the Ancient’s Fury Bow, ascend to the peak of the Clock Tower, then aim for the wall bearing the red emblem and fire a shot to blow up that section of the wall and free a damaged arrow.

After picking up the damaged arrow, make your way to the Rocket Launch site and stay there until a rocket launching demonstration occurs. Once the demonstration finishes, leave the enclosed area and employ the Wrath of the Ancients bow to strike the luminescent red stone perched on top of the VMP wall’s right side. If performed successfully, the stone will detonate and release a burst. If this action doesn’t work out, just wait for another rocket demonstration, which could occur anywhere between 2 to 5 minutes later.

The following task could prove challenging for players, but perseverance is key and having an abundance of points at hand is beneficial. Now, players are required to fire their Wrath of the Ancients at 3 rings engraved on the floor, ensuring they do this from midair while utilizing the Wundersphere. Once a ring is successfully hit while in flight, it will ignite and glow with flames.

  • The first ring is by the KRM-262 and Double Tap perk by spawn, and it’s advised to take the Wundersphere from the Bastion to hit this one.
  • The second ring is by the Clock Tower and the green terminals. It’s best to take the Wundersphere in the Lower Courtyard that is found above Double Tap and by the L-CAR 9 wall-buy.
  • The third ring is at the top of the castle by the Death Ray in the Bastion, and taking the Wundersphere near to the Kuda wall-buy at the Upper Courtyard is advised.

In both cooperative play or solo mode, striking these targets is equally challenging, and each activation of a Wundersphere requires 500 points. Players are advised to activate the Wundersphere while standing at designated markings, enabling them to load up the bow quickly, react instinctively to fire it, thus creating the protective ring.

As I activate the mystical rings scattered across the game world, I find myself ready to jump into any of them, where I’ll face off against hordes of zombies lurking nearby. To make things more challenging, I must remain within the ring boundaries while the zombies don’t have to be. After felling around ten undead creatures, no further souls can be harvested from each ring, prompting me to venture up to the Clock Tower’s upper level to unveil a secret symbol. Once revealed, I’ll need to track down a specific fireplace in the game map that matches my unique symbol. Here’s where I can find a guide for each symbol and its corresponding fireplace location:

  • Templar cross symbol – Fireplace by Samantha’s Room, with the corresponding ring located by the KRM-262 and Double Tap perk.
  • Arrow point right with two triangles underneath, aimed right – Fireplace underneath the Dragon Head Statue in the Control Room. The corresponding ring is located by the Death Ray and Wundersphere.
  • Two triangles pointing right, an arrow pointing right, two triangles pointing right – Fireplace in the Lower Courtyard up the stairs across from the Mystery Box and Dragon Head Statue. The corresponding ring is outside the Clock Tower.

As a passionate gamer, when I’ve located my symbol and fireplace, I need to head towards one of the glowing fire circles nearby. Upon entering the circle, a luminous haze surrounds my screen’s edges. To reach the fireplace, I must connect my charged arrows in sequence. Firing a charged arrow from within the circle at a greater distance triggers a volcanic rock to appear. Standing by this rock causes another glow on my screen, enabling me to fire yet another volcanic rock. With four chances to shoot, the last and final shot should be directed at the fireplace. If I successfully chain my shots and hit the fireplace, a Max Ammo will materialize, and I can press the interact button to claim it.

Performing this action will create a levitating ball of molten rock near the Death Ray at the castle’s peak, which they can engage with to acquire a specific arrow. With the arrow in hand, navigate towards the Undercroft and interact with the central red-ringed box located by the Pyramid. Use the arrow to activate the box, then eliminate 20 zombies near it. After completing this task, place the Wrath of the Ancients bow into the activated box to receive the Fire Bow.

How to Get the Wolf Bow in Der Eisendrache

Kreeholo lu Kreemasaleet

Black Ops 3: All Der Eisendrache Bow Upgrades Guide

The Wolf Bow possesses immense power, holding up to 75 ammunition. Its unique ability is to inflict and decelerate zombies within the vicinity of the blast. Charging this bow may consume two arrows initially, but it summons spectral wolves from the arrows to continue damaging and slowing down zombies as they pass. Here’s how you can obtain it: (additional information)

To use the Bow of the Ancients effectively, players should find and activate four distinct paintings on the map in a specific sequence. These paintings appear randomly in each game, but the order in which they need to be activated stays consistent. Players can confirm they’ve completed the step correctly by listening for a soft musical note. If players accidentally alter the order of activation, they will simply have to interact with all four paintings in the correct sequence again.

  • The Wolf King on a throne
  • The Knight on a horse
  • A fiery mountain and castle
  • The Wolf King and Arthur

The four paintings can be found in the following locations:

  • In Mission Control’s upper floor, opposite Speed Cola.
  • Beside the spiral staircase on the Clock Tower’s second floor by the radio desk.
  • Between Samantha’s room and the Armory within the castle just after the Dragon Statue Head.
  • Down the stairs of the Upper Courtyard, to the right of the Trophy Room.
Black Ops 3: All Der Eisendrache Bow Upgrades Guide

As I’ve experienced each artwork sequentially, a chilling wolf’s howl now fills the air, signaling the discovery of a shattered arrow hidden on the stairs leading left from the Undercroft. Grabbing this artifact, I find myself magically transported to the Rocket Launch site, where I wield the Wrath of the Ancients Bow. Venturing outside, I spot a red flag hanging above the exit door to the right of the launch pad – time to unleash an arrow towards it!

Firing the red flag makes a wolf skull materialize, which gamers should collect and take back to the side of the box near the Pyramid in the Undercroft, more precisely the one adorned with two wolf head carvings. Interacting with the skeleton beside this box summons a spectral wolf.

In the game now, track down the spectral hound until it pauses and starts digging. When it finishes, slay 10 zombies nearby to imbue the dirt with their spirits. Subsequently, the dog will dig again at the same location, allowing players to engage with the blue radiance to make it vanish. This action should be repeated thrice – follow the hound to its three designated spots in the Courtyard, near Double Tap, and the Undercroft. If matters become chaotic, interact with the box for a reset of the spectral dog’s last excavation site.

Once the final trench is excavated, the wolf will scratch at a structure beneath the Undercroft. Now, you must stand still on the four circular pads surrounding the Pyramid to trigger the anti-gravitational force field. With this activated, leap towards where the wolf is scratching and fire your weapon at the skull-like symbols in the open crypt. This will produce a platform. Position yourself on this new platform and press the interact key within the crypt to generate an arrow and subsequently gather it. Then, transport the arrow back to the box adorned with wolf heads near the Pyramid.

Eliminate approximately 20 zombies near this crate to collect their spirits within it. Once no more spirits remain, approach the box while wielding the Wrath of the Ancients bow to trigger the acquisition of the wolf bow upgrade.

How to Get the Void Bow in Der Eisendrache

Kreegakaleet lu Gosata’ahm

Black Ops 3: All Der Eisendrache Bow Upgrades Guide

The Void Bow is quite intriguing. When discharged without charge using its 75 arrows, it triggers a small explosion that spawns a skull which devours 2-3 zombies. However, the charged shot takes things up a notch. It consumes two arrows and creates a portal from where a horde of skulls emerges to feast on the zombies. Here’s how you can acquire it:

After grabbing the Wrath of the Ancients, as a gamer, I’ll be heading towards the area where the Double Tap perk machine is located, and there, you’ll find the Gate Trap. When standing in front of it, look skyward, and you’ll spot some purple marks on the ceiling. With my trusty bow, I’ll aim and fire at these marks. Once hit, I can then collect the broken arrow that falls from above.

Making my way across the courtyard, I find myself drawn toward the heart of the Trophy Room, nestled beneath the grand Clocktower. There, right at the center, a radiant, violet-hued tile catches my eye.

Black Ops 3: All Der Eisendrache Bow Upgrades Guide

On certain occasions, players should perform a close combat attack (melee) on a zombie positioned precisely above an urn. This action will cause the urn to drop, and subsequently interacting with it becomes necessary. It’s recommended to carry out this task during early rounds or using a Bowie Knife for the melee kill.

After acquiring the urn, it’s now your task to search for and gather six Keeper skulls that are spread across the game map. These skulls will remain in the same locations for each playthrough.

  • Outside the stairs to Mission Control on the church’s windowsill.
  • In spawn, head up to the Mule Kick room and halfway to Mule Kick and the spawn room will be a skull in the broken part of the wall.
  • When facing the Double Tap perk machine, look to the right on the broken wall.
  • Inside Samantha’s Room, there’s a skull in her toy box to the left.
  • Enter the teleporter room when facing the teleporter head right to find the skull in a sink.
  • Go to the Rocket Launch Pad area and look at the back of the truck found in the launch room on the left.

Go back to the Trophy Chamber and supply the central glowing orb with 6 crawler zombies. You can accomplish this efficiently using grenades or any other destructive weaponry. Once you’ve offered 6 shattered spirits to the urn, a demonic voice will utter 3 out of 6 words.

  • Crown
  • Door
  • Griffin
  • Heart
  • Horn
  • Stag

In case players forget the sequence of the three spoken words, they can just aim at the levitating urn using the Wrath of the Ancients bow. This action triggers a repetition of the words by a demonic voice.

Players should venture into the room linking the Power Switch Room and Samantha’s Room, where you’ll find six knight statues. Each statue has a sign with a symbol matching what the demonic voice mentioned. To proceed, players need to interact with these statues in the order specified by the voice. With each interaction, a brief purple emblem will become visible. Remember, it’s essential to recall the sequence of these unique symbols for a crucial step later on.

In this game, zombies are now spawning and when killed, they might drop special symbols known as glyphs as a power-up. Quickly run towards these glyphs upon their appearance to collect them. You only require three glyphs that match the words your character speaks, but gathering other glyphs won’t affect the quest in any way. Once you have all three corresponding symbols, return to the Trophy Room. Inside this circle, you can observe the activated glyphs you’ve collected. To proceed, aim the Wrath of the Ancients Bow at the three correct glyphs in their designated sequence and fire them. This will cause a burst of purple fire from the center, revealing the magic arrow that must be picked up.

Should players arrange the symbols incorrectly, the skulls surrounding the summoning circle may become active and attempt to attack or consume them. In such cases, it’s best to exit the room and try again once everything has settled.

Make your way swiftly back to the Undercroft area, find the box near the pyramid that matches the arrow indicated by the intricate purple designs featuring skulls. Slay approximately 20 zombies lurking around this box. Once done, engage with the box to obtain the Void Bow.

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2024-09-29 17:04