Tower of God: The Significance of the Floor of Death, Explained

Tower of God: The Significance of the Floor of Death, Explained

Key Takeaways

  • The Floor of Death played a crucial role in early Tower history due to Arlen, V, and Zahard’s conflict.
  • Enryu’s arrival on the 43rd Floor led to a historic battle that changed the ecosystem and named it the Floor of Death.
  • The current state of the Floor of Death is lawless, and dangerous, with thin Shinsu supporting life via Gustang’s artificial system.

As a seasoned Tower of God enthusiast, I must say that the 43rd Floor, the infamous Floor of Death, is undoubtedly one of the most intriguing and gruesome floors in the Tower. Having followed the lives of these characters from the beginning, it’s heart-wrenching to see how the battle between Enryu and Administrator has left such a profound impact on the inhabitants of the Tower.

As a gamer immersed in the world of “Tower of God”, there’s no denying the significance of various landmarks that shape the narrative. Among these, the notorious 43rd Floor, often referred to as the Floor of Death, stands out like a looming shadow. Most inhabitants of this Tower are unaware of its true nature, but they certainly know its fearsome reputation and the chilling tales of its murky past.

In the intricate tapestry of the series, the Lethal Floor’s history is deeply connected to the Tower. For devoted fans, grasping this historical context is essential, as it shaped many pivotal plot points and provided the setting for some of the story’s most critical moments.

The Floor Of Death Served A Great Purpose In The Tower’s Early Days

Arlen And V’s Hideout

Tower of God: The Significance of the Floor of Death, Explained

After Zahard declared his intention to halt the Tower climb at the 134th floor, assuming the throne as “King” of the Tower, I found myself at odds with two of my closest confidants, Arlen Grace and her partner V. We strived to dissuade him from this course, but a colossal conflict erupted instead. In the end, Zahard’s dominion, the Ten Great Families backing him, led to their triumph in the ensuing war. Subsequently, Arlen Grace and V were forced to flee as refugees, seeking shelter on the 43rd Floor, where they eventually welcomed a son into the world.

The news of this infuriated Zahard, as Arlen was his first love, and he made it his mission to track them down. After he located them, Zahard killed Arlen’s son right in front of her eyes, causing Arlen to become suicidal, and V resorts to taking his own life to form some conflict resolution between Arlen and Zahard. But at that point, Arlen’s hate for Zahard was far too great, so she took her dead child’s corpse and found a way out of the Tower with the help of the Outside God. Years after the incident, Zahard created a shrine on the 43rd floor which his worshippers turned to a pilgrimage site and ensured to erase any trace of Arlen, V, and their child from the history books.

How The 43rd Floor Came To Be Known As The Floor Of Death

The Incident That Changed Everything

One day, unexpectedly, a character named Enryu, identified as an Irregular, materialized on the 43rd level of the Tower. He carried a supposed communication from a deity outside Zahard’s realm, intended for all his believers. This divine emissary declared:

Only those who believe in the false king will remain here and face death.

While numerous individuals chose to escape, followers of Zahard attempted aggression against Enryu, which led him to conjure a spell, causing Shinsu to fall as sharp spears that struck and defeated his foes. The Administrator on the 43rd Floor subsequently entered the fray following this show of might, for all Administrators have an agreement with Zahard to maintain his rain; however, the barrage of Shinsu spears eventually penetrated its barrier and dealt it a fatal blow as well.

In this extraordinary event, it was demonstrated that Administrators, believed by many to be immortal and superior in strength, were not invincible – Enryu proved otherwise. This brutal battle devastated the environment, transforming it beyond recognition, and leaving a lasting impact on its ecosystem. The earth turned crimson, and for decades, it rained a substance called Shinsu, staining the land. Eventually, all that was left of the Administrator was its corpse, submerged in a sea of its own blood. This floor became infamously known as the Floor of Death due to the catastrophic effects experienced by those who lived there – equivalent to being struck by a nuclear bomb. Many perished, and even the strongest Rankers began to age prematurely and experience deteriorating Shinsu.

The Zahard family sealed all access points on the Floor and eliminated those attempting to flee, aiming to contain gossip about Enryu’s power and the lethal thorn he left behind that could potentially slay Zahard. Grand De Sah and Grand De Jah opted for enchanting residents with magic to grant them everlasting life by housing their spirits in The Spirit Room; however, this remedy was met with discontent among many.

The Current Reality Of The Floor Of Death

The Conditions Of The 43rd Floor

Tower of God: The Significance of the Floor of Death, Explained

Hey Joe, from The Floor, eventually rose up in revolt alongside his fellow rebels, capturing South City and imprisoning Grand De Sah. However, their attempt to overthrow North City was thwarted by Grand De Jah’s foresight and Princess Garam Zahard, who wields the Blue August and Indigo July. These days, The Floor of Death is notoriously known among other Tower inhabitants as a lawless region teeming with the most formidable criminals, serving as a sanctuary for those resisting Zahard’s rule.

On the floor known as the Floor of Death, life is not sustainable due to the scant Shinsu available. To compensate for this, Po Bidau Gustang designed an innovative artificial life support system. This system relies on the Administrator’s blood, which is abundant in Shinsu, and his vascular network, to distribute it throughout the floor. The sea of the Administrator’s blood is so rich in Shinsu that even high-ranking individuals like Princess Ha Yuri Zahard cannot extract Shinsu while swimming within it. Interestingly, this is the only floor in the Tower where inhabitants can harness Shinsu without forming a contract with an Administrator, as the Floor Guardian has perished. This means that all contracts and spells are rendered null because there’s no one to enforce them on this floor.

On this particular level, regular individuals don’t need to undergo tests since they typically bypass it and head straight to the 44th floor via an alternative route. Consequently, there’s no Test Administrator stationed on this floor. Moreover, Zahard’s princesses are forbidden from entering this level, and only D-Rank Regulars with permission from the Hell Express can gain access to it. This unique test serves as a means to grant access to the 43rd floor.

On the Floor of Death, three lines of defense are employed by the guardians: rotating teams of Watchmen, Eye Bugs, and colossal, everlasting Giant Leeches. If a person somehow eludes these barriers, they must make a deal with the High-Leech Monk to forfeit their soul in exchange for access to the heart of the Floor of Death. Unfortunately, Guides and Red Witches face significant disadvantages on this dangerous terrain. Their powers diminish significantly on the Floor of Death, and the Red Witches must rely on ancient, ancestrally passed-down maps to navigate their way through.

Tower of God is available to stream on Crunchyroll.

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2024-09-29 19:33