Warcraft: The Most Epic Battles Between The Alliance and The Horde

Warcraft: The Most Epic Battles Between The Alliance and The Horde

Key Takeaways

  • The conflict between the Alliance and the Horde has been central to Warcraft, with various battles and betrayals over resources.
  • The Battle for Azeroth marked a major turning point, concluding the conflict but leaving a legacy of bloody battles.
  • Different story arcs, such as the Battle for Azeroth and Siege of Lordaeron, showcased pivotal moments in the ongoing war between factions.

As a long-time Warcraft fanatic who has witnessed the rise and fall of many powerful figures, I must say that these battles are etched deep into my memory. From the Siege of Lordaeron to the Battle at the Dark Portal, each conflict showcases the unyielding spirit of both factions and their leaders.

A key plotline and recurring theme in the Warcraft universe revolves around the ongoing struggle between two significant global entities: the Alliance and the Horde. Originally, the Horde was a union of orc tribes from Draenor, who sought to dominate a new planet, while the Alliance was an agreement forged among humans, dwarves, and high elves to safeguard their territories from the Horde. Over time, though, the makeup of these factions has evolved.

Throughout all the games within the Warcraft series, those two pacts have consistently been entwined in an unending struggle for supremacy, be it over resources, conflicting ideologies, or external interference. In Battle for Azeroth, it appears that this conflict has reached its culmination and hasn’t escalated since then. However, the factions have left behind a path of battles as devastatingly bloody as they were magnificently epic in their enormity.

11 Stormheim Expedition

Genn’s Quest For Vengeance

Warcraft: The Most Epic Battles Between The Alliance and The Horde

The Legion expansion kicked off with sorrow for both factions. Although the Alliance and the Horde fought together on the Broken Shore, the Horde’s withdrawal due to their leader being fatally wounded resulted in the death of King Varian Wrynn from the Alliance. Genn Greymane and his allies retaliated against the new war chief, Sylvanas, seeking vengeance.

Genn’s unexpected assault at Stormheim interrupted the search for Aegis of Aggramar, transforming the ancient terrain into a battlefield between two factions. Eventually, Genn was able to engage Sylvanas in a quick yet intense fight, thwarting her attempt at achieving immortality for herself and other Forsaken, right before her very eyes.

10 Battle Of The Black Temple

Draenor Torn Apart

Warcraft: The Most Epic Battles Between The Alliance and The Horde

The Alliance’s venture into Draenor was a bold initiative aimed at thwarting the Horde before they could retaliate. This endeavor was spearheaded by Paladin Turalyon, Archmage Khadgar, and Alleria Windrunner, who led their forces against the remaining Horde, commanded by Ner’zhul, across Draenor. The conflict raged throughout Draenor until it culminated in a decisive battle in the Shadowmoon Valley.

In the heat of the game, it seemed like we were about to seal a definitive win for the Alliance. But then, Ner’zhul pulled out his final ace – an unimaginable barrage of magical earthquakes that sprang up all over Draenor, thanks to countless portals opening in sync. The world crumbled under the strain, transforming into Outland, and our army found ourselves stranded on the other side of the Portal.

9 Krasarang Wilds Campaign

Offensive On A New Continent

Warcraft: The Most Epic Battles Between The Alliance and The Horde

As soon as Pandaria was uncovered, leaders from both the Alliance and Horde recognized a promising prospect, for this land seemed rich in resources, shrouded in mysteries, and full of potential allies. This realization sparked Varian Wrynn and Garrosh Hellscream to initiate attacks on the southernmost region of the continent, known as Krasarang Wilds.

The campaign spread throughout Pandaria, with members of different races participating, but the Wilds became the epicenter of the battle. Soldiers from both factions clashed with each other without mercy, forever tarnishing the once-peaceful land through bloodshed and war.

8 The Siege Of Stormwind

A City Razed

Warcraft: The Most Epic Battles Between The Alliance and The Horde

The First War concluded with a brutal takeover of Stormwind, orchestrated by the Horde, which was then under the control of demonic Legion powers. They stormed into the city, leaving no survivors in their wake. The once-thriving Stormwind was reduced to rubble. A vast number of innocent lives were lost, including King Llane Wrynn, who met his end at the hands of assassin Garona.

Yet, this destruction served as the catalyst for the formation of the Alliance. Under the leadership of Anduin Lothar, the city’s defense and the rescue of survivors fell upon him. By demonstrating the grave danger posed by the Horde, the remaining kingdoms joined forces, eventually transforming into a powerful alliance that emerged as a significant adversary to the Horde.

7 Battle For Gilneas

The Undead Against The Cursed

Warcraft: The Most Epic Battles Between The Alliance and The Horde

Initially sparked by the Horde invading a neutral realm, this struggle expanded into a broader conflict. Genn Greymane and his followers found refuge within a massive barrier shielding their peninsula from external forces; however, the Cataclysm weakened it, allowing the Forsaken to launch an assault.

Initially, Sylvanas Windrunner forced the Gilneans out of their homeland, which led them to seek aid from the Alliance, supported by the Night Elves. For many years following this, Gilneas served as a battleground between the Alliance forces and the Forsaken, a struggle that persisted until after the Battle for Azeroth.

6 Battle For Dazar’alor

Alliance’s Counterattack

Warcraft: The Most Epic Battles Between The Alliance and The Horde

The conflict known as the “Battle for Azeroth” started with a series of heavy losses on the Alliance’s part, most notably the incineration of Teldrassil. Despite these setbacks, they were readying their response. In update 8.1, Tides of Vengeance, the Alliance launched an offensive against the Zandalari city, Dazar’alor, in full strength. The battle commenced with the obliteration of the Zandalari fleet and the penetration of the Kul Tiran navy into the harbor.

In this conflict, there’s a distinct twist as it transforms into a raid experience, with varying viewpoints based on the player’s alliance. It features a grand showdown against King Rastakhan within his throne room and another intense battle against Jaina Proudmoore, who orchestrates a secure retreat for her navy.

5 Battle For Ashenvale

An Endless Struggle For Resources

Warcraft: The Most Epic Battles Between The Alliance and The Horde

For over 10 millennia, Kalimdor maintained tranquility, yet its serenity was disrupted when the Orcs invaded. They settled in the rugged lands of Durotar, scarcely endowed with resources, while the Kaldorei thrived in lush woodlands teeming with fertile resources. This disparity ignited a long-standing conflict between these factions, which intensified significantly during the Cataclysm era.

The main battles were fought primarily between the Orcs and the Night Elves, each vying for dominance over Ashenvale. The Horde utilized advanced technology like shredders to clear the forests, while the Night Elves leaned on natural forces and the magic of Druidism to protect their territories.

4 Fall Of Theramore

Garrosh’s Onslaught

Warcraft: The Most Epic Battles Between The Alliance and The Horde

Initially, Mists of Pandaria appeared to be a playful expansion compared to Cataclysm. However, upon its unveiling, it presented a much darker scenario. Notably, Garrosh led his troops towards Theramore – a city known to Jaina Proudmoore and significant since the days of Warcraft 3.

In the game, players on either side were given a playable storyline depicting Theramore’s destruction, customized for their respective factions (Horde and Alliance). This confrontation underscores Garrosh’s brutal nature, positioning him as the main adversary for the expansion. Simultaneously, it illustrates Jaina’s transformation from a steadfast pacifist to someone driven by circumstances.

3 The War Of Thorns

A Declaration Of War

Warcraft: The Most Epic Battles Between The Alliance and The Horde

The War of Thorns marked a brutal and rapid initiation of the Battle for Azeroth. Sylvanas Windrunner initiated her offensive against the night elves with the objective of claiming Kalimdor for the Horde. Although it was later discovered that her intentions were self-serving, the majority of the Horde followed suit and participated in this confrontation.

On their march through Ashenvale, Horde soldiers encountered night elves, including their potent chieftains like Malfurion Stormrage. In a climactic turn of events, Sylvanas gave the order to torch Teldrassil, an act that enraged Varok Saurfang and ignited the final significant conflict between these warring factions.

2 The Battle At The Dark Portal

The Old Horde’s Downfall

Warcraft: The Most Epic Battles Between The Alliance and The Horde

The Second War brought destruction upon the Eastern Kingdoms as the Horde marched northwards with ambitions of conquest. However, their series of victories was halted due to Gul’dan’s treachery, making the Horde vulnerable for a retaliation from the Alliance forces. These forces were under the leadership of Anduin Lothar, who unfortunately met his end in combat against Orgrim Doomhammer.

Following Lothar’s passing, Turalyon assumed control as his apprentice. He pushed the Horde towards the south and back to the Dark Portal, leading to a fierce clash between the factions. Although both sides suffered significant casualties, the Alliance emerged triumphant in subduing the Horde’s forces and forcing Doomhammer to surrender.

1 Siege Of Lordaeron

A Devastating Clash

Warcraft: The Most Epic Battles Between The Alliance and The Horde

Following Teldrassil’s destruction, it was inevitable that the Alliance would retaliate, which led to a massive attack on Lordaeron aimed at dethroning Sylvanas. This confrontation decimated the Undercity and left nearby territories contaminated with plague, making it difficult for anyone to pass through unscathed, except for Jaina who managed to clear a path.

The siege featured various tools, including siege engines, ingenious devices, and abandoned fortifications. Remarkable acts were carried out by leaders such as Jaina, Alleria, and Sylvanas during the conflict. A confrontation between Saurfang and the Alliance champions marked the thrilling culmination of the intense struggle between factions.

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2024-09-30 12:34