Age Of Mythology Retold: Best Units For Atlantean Civilizations

Age Of Mythology Retold: Best Units For Atlantean Civilizations

Key Takeaways

  • Citizens give Atlanteans a resource advantage with their speed and independent gathering.
  • Murmillo units are a versatile option for infantry due to speed and hero upgrade potential.
  • Destroyer units are effective anti-building infantry that can swiftly take down enemy bases.

As a long-time connoisseur of real-time strategy games, I must say that the units of the Atlantean civilization in Age of Mythology Retold have truly left me awestruck. Among these mighty warriors, three stand out as absolute game changers – the Fire Siphon, the Fanatic, and the Centimanus.

The reimagined strategic game titled “Age Of Mythology Retold” has been captivating both fans of the original and newcomers alike. While numerous players may have embarked on learning (or refreshing their knowledge) about the game’s civilizations through the campaign, which emphasizes the Greek Gods initially, it is the Atlantean civilization that demands considerable apprehension.

In the downloadable content for the initial release of Age Of Mythology, the Atlantean civilization is not part of the main campaign, but rather follows Titans instead of typical Gods. Skilled players can exploit their unique aggressive traits, which can become advantages if they know which units to prioritize during both early and late stages of gameplay in this refreshingly nostalgic strategy game for enthusiasts.

8 Citizens

A Massive Advantage

Age Of Mythology Retold: Best Units For Atlantean Civilizations
  • Can Be Trained Via Town Center
  • Costs 85 Food, 15 Wood

In contrast to most civilizations that include common villagers or workers, the Atlanteans boast exceptionally capable citizens. These individuals possess superior health and speed compared to regular villagers, allowing them to independently gather resources without additional drop sites or ox-drawn carts like those used by the Norse. This independence makes their labor force significantly more efficient than that of other civilizations within the game. The benefit of starting with these citizens in every game provides Atlantean players with a substantial advantage when it comes to resource collection right from the start.

Furthermore, to boost speed, Atlantean residents can be transformed into heroes. This enhancement significantly improves their combat effectiveness against adversaries, especially mythical creatures, and also expedites resource gathering and construction, resulting in overall advantageous units for this civilization. It is essential not to underestimate the numerous built-in advantages of these citizens.

7 Murmillo

Great Standard Infantry

Age Of Mythology Retold: Best Units For Atlantean Civilizations
  • Can Be Trained Via Military Barracks
  • Costs 55 Food, 30 Gold

Every civilization boasts a basic infantry unit that can be trained starting from the Classical Age. For the Atlanteans, this role is filled by the Murmillo, who offers several distinct advantages. He demonstrates decent resistance against all cavalry units and excels in melee combat, earning him comparisons to the Greek Hoplite due to his broad-spectrum strength.

Instead of other infantry units, Murmillo units boast several benefits. They excel particularly in speed, often outpacing their peers. Moreover, like many Atlantean soldiers, they can be upgraded individually into heroes. This unique feature allows them to not only stand ground against mythical units but also become formidable forces on their own. Despite being cost-effective when mass-produced, each individual Murmillo is capable of delivering a powerful blow.

6 Cheiroballista

Amazing Defensive Siege

Age Of Mythology Retold: Best Units For Atlantean Civilizations
  • Can Be Trained Via Counter Barracks
  • Costs 115 Wood, 100 Gold

The Cheiroballista, an Atlantean unit, serves dual purposes as both a siege weapon and an archer. It’s particularly effective in taking down enemy infantry, making it a potent force against foot soldiers. Unlike many siege weapons that focus on destroying buildings, the Cheiroballista excels at decimating infantry units and can even overpower individual archers. However, due to its sluggish speed and vulnerability against structures, the Cheiroballista is primarily employed as a formidable defensive weapon for the Atlanteans.

With several defensive infantry or cavalry units protecting it, or positioned behind a fortified wall with buildings providing additional defense, the Cheiroballista becomes a formidable weapon that can greatly hinder enemies planning an attack on the player. Eliminating an entire row of their infantry before they have a chance to build any defensive walls significantly weakens their offensive strategy.

5 Destroyer

Human Siege Units

Age Of Mythology Retold: Best Units For Atlantean Civilizations
  • Can Be Trained Via Palace
  • Costs 70 Food, 60 Gold

In most civilizations, human soldier teams aren’t typically powerful against structures, a role often filled by mythical units and siege weapons. But the Destroyer unit, introduced in the Heroic Age, are unique infantry soldiers that specialize in destroying buildings. Unlike slow-moving siege engines, players can quickly move in and out, demolishing enemy bases or structures with a group of faster-moving destroyers. These units can even be upgraded to heroes for additional power.

In Age of Mythology Retold, the Destroyer unit is exceptionally effective at breaching enemy bases due to its robust hack armor and impressive pierce armor. This makes it one of the strongest building-destroying units in terms of defense. Furthermore, players can supplement their attacks with additional units for added support.

4 Behemoth

Monstrous Battering Rams

Age Of Mythology Retold: Best Units For Atlantean Civilizations
  • Can Be Trained Via Temples
  • Costs 300 Food, 20 Favor

Every civilization boasts mighty mythical entities, and while the Atlanteans are no more privileged than others in this regard, savvy players can seize an edge by deploying the right creatures. During the Heroic Age, trainees under Rheia can summon the Behemoth. This towering beast resembles a tank, excelling in demolishing structures, but offers additional benefits such as robust armor, resistance to other units (except heroes), and substantial health points.

In simpler terms, Mythical units tend to be costly, and the Behemoth stands out as the most powerful Atlantean mythical option for both early and mid-game phases in Age Of Mythology Retold. It’s not an exaggeration to consider them the top choice before reaching the Mythic Age among all units within the game. These mythical creatures indeed embody the wild, legendary nature of mythology.

3 Fire Siphon

Devastating Siege Unit

Age Of Mythology Retold: Best Units For Atlantean Civilizations
  • Can Be Trained Via Temples
  • Costs 275 Wood, 180 Gold

In the mythical Atlantean civilization, there are intriguing choices for siege units, ranging from legendary creatures to ordinary human soldiers. However, it’s the Fire Siphon that stands out as the most destructive. This weapon resembles a catapult enclosed in a box but functions as a long-range fire-shooting device, capable of obliterating targets at a distance. Despite its slow speed, the Fire Siphon is an essential tool for taking down massive enemy fortifications during late-game scenarios in the game Age of Mythology Retold.

In the game Age Of Mythology Retold, the Fire Siphon is a robust and powerful tool that isn’t as fragile or simple to demolish as some other siege weapons. However, players should be aware that relying solely on Fire Siphons might not ensure their longevity; instead, they should supplement them with different troops for extended survival, as destroying a single building may be quicker than the lifespan of the Fire Siphon itself.

2 Fanatic

Incredible Overall Soldier

Age Of Mythology Retold: Best Units For Atlantean Civilizations
  • Can Be Trained Via Palace
  • Costs 75 Food, 55 Gold

In the Atlantean Civilization, arguably the most formidable overall unit, possibly even across the entire game, is the Fanatic. This infantry warrior is equipped with not one but two swords and can be trained exclusively in the Mythic Age. Late in the game, this Atlantean asset becomes an impressive tool for taking down massive enemy civilizations and armies.

This is due to the fact that he initiates with a strong attack, substantial bonuses against human troops, and furthermore, has the ability to acquire upgrades that increase his attack for each depleted health point. This implies that even when at a disadvantage, the Fanatic can inflict significant damage on enemies, potentially wiping out entire armies if many are grouped together. It’s also worth noting that like other Atlantean units, players can upgrade Fanatics to heroes, making them even more formidable and just as threatening to mythical units as they are to all humans.

1 Centimanus

One-Man Army

Age Of Mythology Retold: Best Units For Atlantean Civilizations
  • Can Be Trained Via Temples
  • Costs 300 Gold, 25 Favor

In the game, it’s possible that the most destructive mythical unit is the Centimanus. This many-armed warrior becomes available when players pay homage to Helios during the Mythic Age. Later in the game, he proves incredibly valuable, as his unique ability triggers earthquakes that hurl nearby enemies off balance and leaves them exposed for further attacks. Consequently, the Centimanus can be a formidable addition to any army.

However, when standing solo, he should not be underestimated. Generally, he overpowers other units and is robust against structures as well. He’s a versatile unit, and a group of them can easily overcome most enemy forces lacking an abundance of heroes, which can often pose a challenge for the Egyptians.

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2024-09-30 14:14