How to Play Mo & Krill in Deadlock

How to Play Mo & Krill in Deadlock

As a seasoned Deadlock player, I can confidently say that mastering Mo & Krill is no walk in the park, but it’s certainly worth the effort! This dynamic duo requires a bit of finesse and strategic planning to truly shine on the battlefield.

Mo & Krill significantly hinder the opposing team in Deadlock by disarming them, launching them into the air, or maintaining a single hero for their allies to defeat. To exacerbate the situation, they are challenging opponents to eliminate. They boast a formidable healing capacity that rapidly restores a significant portion of their depleted health, and when the going gets tough, they can burrow underground to minimize incoming damage.

Of course, putting all his abilities to use requires a good bit of practice and skill. We’ve compiled this complete build guide for Mo & Krill to help players who want to try their hand with this dynamic duo in Deadlock!

Deadlock Mo & Krill Overview and Ability Details

How to Play Mo & Krill in Deadlock

Mo & Krill is among the top-tier brawlers in Deadlock, capable of getting up close and dealing massive damage from the very start. His primary weapon, a shotgun, has a good rate of fire (DPS) from the get-go. This character performs well with Spirit Power and possesses four abilities, just like any other hero in Deadlock.

Here’s a quick breakdown of how his abilities work:

Ability NameEffectUpgrades
ScornDeal damage to nearby enemies and heal yourself based on the damage done. Heal is stronger against enemy heroes.

  • Damage: 60 (0.4x Spirit scaling modifier)
  • Hero Damage to Heal: 2x
  • Damage to Heal: 0.7x
  • Radius: 10m
  • Cooldown:12.5s
  • 1 AP: -3.75s Cooldown
  • 2 AP: +25 Damage
  • 5 AP: Adds a debuff to enemies that lets Mo & Krill deal +15% extra Damage to them. Stacks and lasts 16s.
BurrowBurrow underground, moving faster and gaining spirit and bullet armor. Damage from enemy heroes will reduce the speed bonus. When you jump out, knock enemies into the air and perform a spin attack that damages and slows. Cooldown starts when Burrow ends.

  • Move Speed: +4m/s
  • DPS: 80 (1.4x Spirit scaling modifier)
  • Spin Duration: 1.5s
  • Bullet Resist: +80%
  • Spirit Resist: +30%
  • Burrow Duration: 5s
  • Radius: 5m

Cooldown: 37s

  • 1 AP: Burrow Time +3s
  • 2 AP: +140 Spin DPS and +2 radius
  • 5 AP: -19s Cooldown and +2m/s Move Speed
Sand BlastSpray sand that disarms enemies in front of you and deals damage.

  • Damage: 40 (1x Spirit scaling modifier)
  • Range: 35m
  • Duration: 3.5s
  • Cooldown: 42s
  • 1 AP: +1s Duration
  • 2 AP: -19s Cooldown
  • 5 AP: Slow targets by -50%
ComboHold the target in place, stunning them and dealing damage during the channel. If they die during Combo, you permanently gain max health.

  • DPS: 60 (1.1x Spirit scaling modifier)
  • Bonus Max Health Per Kill: 30
  • Duration: 2.5s
  • Range: 5m
  • Cooldown: 95s
  • 1 AP: -28s Cooldown
  • 2 AP: +0.75s Combo Duration
  • 5 AP: +40 Damage Per Second and 100% Lifesteal

Mo & Krill Build Guide

How to Play Mo & Krill in Deadlock

In this strategy, both Mo and Krill’s skills perform exceptionally as their strength amplifies with Spirit Power. Let’s tailor our approach around this for the build. With this specific item setup and skill sequence, you’ll eventually transform into a robust frontliner capable of dishing out immense damage while maintaining exceptional crowd control by the end-game. Here’s an overview of how the strategy unfolds:

Mo & Krill Ability Order

How to Play Mo & Krill in Deadlock

With Mo & Krill, Scorn is the first ability you’ll want to unlock. This ability not only deals damage but also heals you for a portion of the damage it deals. So you’ll be able to trade hits with your opponent, run in close, and use Scorn to get back some of your lost HP. Go for Burrow as your next unlock, followed by Sand Blast. Unlock Combo when it becomes available.

To enhance your abilities, direct your initial Action Points (AP) towards Scorn initially, aiming to reach level 2. This upgrade will decrease its cooldown period and increase its damage output significantly. Next, prioritize Burrow for maximum leveling, followed by investing 5 APs into Scorn once it’s fully developed. Then, maximize the Upgrade Combo, and finally, allocate your remaining APs towards Sand Blast.

Mo & Krill Item Progression

How to Play Mo & Krill in Deadlock

Given our construction prioritizes maximizing damage from Mo and Krill’s abilities, we’ll opt for gear that boosts your Spirit Power. Notably, Mo and Krill possess one of the strongest healing capabilities in Deadlock, which also amplifies with Spirit Power. Consequently, this setup will make you a respectable tank in the game’s late stages. Here are the items you should aim to acquire on Mo & Krill for this build:

Early Game:

  • Monster Rounds
  • Close Quarters
  • Enduring Spirit
  • Healing Booster
  • Mystic Burst
  • Infuser
  • Sprint Boots
  • Extra Regen
  • Extra Spirit

A significant part of Mo & Krill’s early gameplay involves gathering items that boost his survivability and inflict spirit damage on enemies. However, the initial items you should prioritize are Monster Rounds and Close Quarters. Given that the hero prefers close combat, these two items will empower you for the early skirmishes. Following this, Enduring Spirit and Healing Boosters are essential purchases for maintaining your character’s longevity.

Boosting your gameplay, Mystic Burst and Infuser enhance your power to deal more damage with spells. Sprint Boots follow suit to quicken your movement pace. Lastly, grab Extra Regeneration and Extra Spirit for a formidable edge in the initial battles, making you quite resilient early on.

If your current lane is going well, you might choose to bypass the Extra Regen as Scorn provides some healing early in the game, which could suffice for your needs.

Mid Game:

  • Duration Extender
  • Improved Cooldown
  • Melee Charge
  • Fleetfoot
  • Surge of Power
  • Improved Spirit Torment Pulse
  • Spirit Armor (Situational)
  • Point Blank (Situational)

In the heart of the game, focus on obtaining items that decrease your cooldown times. By doing so, you’ll be able to use your abilities more frequently during team fights. Additionally, this speed increases your ability to clear jungle camps quickly using Mo & Krill. Duration Extender and Improved Cooldown are the most effective items for this purpose. Once these items are purchased, aim for Melee Charge next. This upgrade will significantly boost your Heavy Melee power upon exiting Burrow.

As a gamer, I strategize my moves: Fleetfoot’s my next step to eliminate movement penalties during shooting. Following that, I prioritize Surge of Power, Improved Spirit, and Torment Pulse. The reason? These boost my Spirit Power, amplifying the damage output from my abilities. Spirit Armor is a situational pick, used only when I’m struggling to withstand enemy team’s spirit abilities. Point Blank, on the other hand, is an upgrade over Close Quarters, and if I’m playing close quarters combat, it’s a smart choice at this stage.

Late Game:

  • Superior Cooldown
  • Superior Duration
  • Boundless Spirit
  • Echo Shard
  • Spiritual Overflow
  • Pristine Emblem
  • Enduring Speed
  • Superior Stamina
  • Unstoppable
  • Mystic Slow (Situational)
  • Improved Reach (Situational)
  • Escalating Exposure (Situational)
  • Refresher (Situational)
  • Siphon Bullets (Situational)
  • Warp Stone (Situational)

In the later stages of the game, make sure to prioritize improving Cooldown Reduction and Duration to a superior level as quickly as you can, in order to minimize the time between using your abilities. Subsequently, focus on acquiring Boundless Spirit and Echo Shard to amplify the damage of your skills. Swap out your affordable orange items for Spiritual Overflow and Pristine Emblem. Upgrade your Sprint Boots to Enduring Speed, grab Superior Stamina, and obtain Unstoppable so that you can use your ultimate on an opponent hero without disruption.

With that said, your build is almost fully constructed. Nevertheless, if you find any remaining Flex inventory slots to be empty, there are some suitable options. Mystic Slow, Improved Reach, and Escalating Exposure are superb picks for Mo & Krill due to their passive traits and Spirit Power. Refresher could be beneficial, as it enables you to unleash Scorn and Burrow twice during a fight. Siphon Bullets provides a nice boost in survivability for the hero. Lastly, Warp Stone can aid in quickly positioning yourself for your ultimate or even provide an escape route when situations become unfavorable.

Warp Stone can also be picked up early in the game
against heroes like Kelvin
to chase them down.

How to Play Mo & Krill in Deadlock

How to Play Mo & Krill in Deadlock

For Mo & Krill, contempt is your primary strategy during early game encounters. You can leverage it on Trooper waves to restore a reasonable amount of health if it dips too low. Stick close to the minions and snatch last hits to amass Souls and procure your initial items. Becoming more offensive post your first few acquisitions and ability unlocks is advisable. If you’re in a solo lane, position yourself behind the enemy minion wave to keep them at bay. In duo lanes, adopt a slightly more cautious approach.

With Mystic Burst equipped and Scorn at level 2, you have the ability to unleash a substantial burst of damage whenever your skills are ready to use again. You can choose to utilize this power surge to harass the enemy hero, putting them under pressure, or push the lane towards their tower, making it easier for you to take down their structures using your abilities. Additionally, amassing an early lead in Souls will aid in a smoother transition into the mid-game.

In team confrontations, Mo and Krill can take on the role of initiators. Rush into battle by Burrowing and bridging the gap with the adversary’s hero, employ Sand Blast to disarm them, use Scorn for healing, and then activate Combo to immobilize an enemy core. Keep your team informed to ensure they concentrate on the target you lock down with Combo.

Successfully defeating the character you focus with your Combination skill boosts your maximum health, further enhancing your durability.

In this setup, your skills serve as your main method of dealing damage. Given that you’ll often find yourself near the opposing team, mastering the art of parrying in Deadlock becomes crucial for your survival. Furthermore, keep in mind to activate your Scorn when surrounded by at least two or more enemy units or heroes. This will grant you additional health, providing you with more tactical options.

Mastering Mo & Krill effectively lies in understanding when to push your boundaries. While these characters can exhibit tremendous aggression once their skills are no longer on cooldown, it’s crucial to remember that death may still be imminent if the enemy team skillfully evades your abilities and maintains a safe distance. In such scenarios, it’s advisable to retreat and seek cover to minimize unnecessary damage.

Mo & Krill becomes an enjoyable hero to overuse after getting past the initial learning hurdle. Although mastering him can be challenging, once you understand his skill set and optimal item combinations, you won’t find it difficult to triumph in games using this hero in the game called Deadlock.

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2024-10-01 14:04