Ghost of Tsushima: 10 Most Beautiful Locations, Ranked

Ghost of Tsushima: 10 Most Beautiful Locations, Ranked

As a seasoned gamer who has traversed countless virtual landscapes, I must say that the beauty and symbolism found within the world of Ghost of Tsushima is truly unparalleled. Among these stunning locations, three stand out as particularly captivating – the mysterious Komoda Prefecture, the Field of the Equinox Flower in Toyotama Region, and the resplendent Golden Temple nestled within the Ginkgo Forest.

In simpler terms, Ghost of Tsushima boasts breathtaking landscapes throughout the entirety of Tsushima Island.

There’s a general consensus that Sucker Punch’s distinctive game title won the Best Art Direction award at the 2020 Game Awards. This has left players eagerly anticipating the artistic style of the upcoming sequel, which hasn’t been named yet.

Upon the players’ revisit to Tsushima and Iki Island, they will once more be greeted by breathtaking scenery and a captivating charm that lingers in their memories.

Certain areas within the game harbor concealed riches, characters who offer assistance in enhancements or missions, and valuable items crucial for achieving a Platinum trophy or award.

One thing is consistent across all locations, though (including in their concept art): they’re absolutely beautiful.

10 Tadayori’s Rest

Izuhara Region, Ariake Prefecture

Ghost of Tsushima: 10 Most Beautiful Locations, Ranked

In The Legend of Tadayori quest, players initially discover Tadayori’s Rest as they decipher cryptic maps to find the legendary armor set belonging to Tadayori. This location is nestled within the Ariake Prefecture, which lies in the Izuhara Region.

Here at his final resting spot, I find myself facing off against Kaede, the sole living heir of Tadayori. She stands guard over this area, swiftly vanquishing any who dare to intrude, even someone like me, Jin Sakai, is not exempt.

She finds it hard to trust him when he claims to be a samurai instead of a scavenger. After their duel, she convinces Jin to pledge that he will wear the armor solely for the protection of the innocent, to which he consents.

The journey to Tadayori’s Rest is lined with vibrant violets amidst verdant mountains, and its beauty only deepens upon exploration.

The violets stand out brilliantly against the lush backdrop of the mountain, creating a serene and undisturbed scene that enhances the area’s natural charm.

This special feature in the game is often overlooked, but unluckily not for long; luckily, Kaede welcomes players to revisit and enjoy its beauty at their leisure.

9 Spirit Grove Cemetery

Toyotama Region, Akashima Prefecture

Ghost of Tsushima: 10 Most Beautiful Locations, Ranked

In most cases, I wouldn’t think to pair the words “beautiful” and “cemetery,” but in the captivating world of Ghost of Tsushima, these two terms beautifully coexist.

The tranquil Spirit Grove Cemetery lies nestled in the Akashima Prefecture, which is part of the Toyotama Region, and it possesses an unusual serenity that one might not expect from such a place.

The Fox Den located within the cemetery is particularly beautiful, surrounded by white lilies and mossy rocks.

1) In addition to being a burial ground, the cemetery houses Chirping Crickets, and gathering them gives Jin the power to alter weather conditions using his flute.

This spot carries a tranquil beauty reminiscent of a soothing melancholy. It’s an undisturbed and breathtaking area that serves as a serene sanctuary for remembrance, making it an ideal choice for those who wish to rest in peace following their departure from life.

8 Bamboo Forest

Toyotama Region, Kushi Prefecture

Ghost of Tsushima: 10 Most Beautiful Locations, Ranked

In the world of Ghost of Tsushima, I stumbled upon a hidden gem – the breathtaking Bamboo Forest nestled within the Kushi prefecture of the Toyotama region. This tranquil bamboo grove, reminiscent of Arashiyama in Kyoto, is a striking and underappreciated beauty that left me spellbound.

Nestled amidst a captivatingly enigmatic bamboo grove lies a hot spring (known as an “Onsen” in Japanese), which boosts Jin’s overall health capacity.

Navigating through the Bamboo Forest can sometimes feel confusing and disorienting, yet there’s no cause for concern as finding your way back is generally effortless. This is not only due to the ease of reorientation, but also because the captivating beauty surrounding you makes the experience all the more enjoyable.

In Japanese art, the Bamboo Forest holds significant symbolism. It’s truly astonishing to witness its interpretation within the game. Remarkably, it evokes the same enchantment experienced while traversing real-life locations such as Arashiyama, and it remains equally stunning.

7 Hiyoshi Springs

Izuhara Region, Hiyoshi Prefecture

Ghost of Tsushima: 10 Most Beautiful Locations, Ranked

The Hiyoshi Springs is located outside, nestled close to the secluded Hidden Springs Forest within the Hiyoshi Prefecture, a region known as Izuhara. It offers both hot spring facilities and lodging.

Players may encounter it as they progress through the Incident at Hiyoshi Pass or the questline known as The Curse of Uchitsune.

The onsen boasts a hot spring that Jin is welcome to enjoy, much like you’d anticipate. Moreover, it houses a Bower, a Trapper, and a Merchant, each of whom could aid Jin in his battle against the Mongols in one manner or another.

I must admit, there’s something truly breathtaking about this communal bath, mirroring the mesmerizing water dynamics skillfully woven into the game. Onsens, after all, are perfect sanctuaries for unwinding and appreciating nature’s splendor, and Hiyoshi Springs certainly does justice to that ideal.

6 Omi Monastery

Toyotama Region, Kubara Prefecture

Ghost of Tsushima: 10 Most Beautiful Locations, Ranked

Nestled serenely within the Kubara Prefecture, in the Toyotama Region, lies the enchanting Omi Monastery, a monk sanctuary. Situated close to the humble Omi Village, this monastery becomes a covert refuge for many commoners during the Mongol Invasion. Among those seeking shelter, some were sent by Jin, fully aware of its safety and protection.

You’ll be absolutely captivated by the Photo Mode; it features an enormous, breathtaking Buddha statue that looms overhead among vibrant red trees, a grand temple providing sanctuary to refugees, all nestled within the beautiful backdrop of late autumn scenery.

The enchanting Omi Monastery, tucked away in a secret corner, leaves visitors spellbound upon discovery. Some players can locate it only by following the famous Golden Bird trail. Regardless of individual opinions, everyone agrees that the experience of being there is breathtakingly magnificent.

5 Spring Falls Shrine

Izuhara Region, Komoda Prefecture

Ghost of Tsushima: 10 Most Beautiful Locations, Ranked

At the sanctuary dedicated to the water deity known as Mizu-no-Kami, you’ll find Spring Falls Shrine, which is naturally encompassed by flowing water.

Nestled in the Komoda Prefecture within the Izuhara Region, visitors will find themselves climbing up various elevations to reach the shrine. Fortunately, no grappling hooks are required for this journey! This makes things easier on everyone involved.

Upon creation, they are astonished by the sight of breathtakingly beautiful water and stone formations covered in lush moss.

There seems to be an almost unlimited amount of waterfalls, and the flow of water isn’t deafening or turbulent; rather, it’s soothing. It’s almost like a meditation, which makes it understandable why many gamers often revisit this location.

As I complete this enchanting shrine, I’m richly rewarded with a charm that significantly boosts my parrying skills, making perfect parries a breeze. This place is already magical, and now it’s even more enticing!

4 Senjo Gorge

Iki Island

Ghost of Tsushima: 10 Most Beautiful Locations, Ranked

The Senjo Gorge plays a crucial role in the storyline of the Iki Island downloadable content. Without giving away too much, Jin Sakai carries a significant past with Iki Island that creates an equally intense atmosphere as soon as he arrives there.

While there are challenging aspects, it’s important to note that Iki Island boasts some of the game’s most picturesque and stunning locales, many of which are centered around or near Senjo Gorge.

Indeed, you’ll find a hot spring nestled within the canyon itself, perched atop the mountains, and commanding a breathtaking view of the waterfall. This natural wonder is not only picturesque but also boasts health-enhancing properties.

Additionally, there’s a modest structure nestled at the foot of it all, serving as the backdrop for the heart of the narrative. Important events unfold here, culminating in the DLC’s conclusion and weaving a traditional Japanese feudal storyline.

On Iki Island, you’ll find wisteria vines almost everywhere, and they always take your breath away when you catch a glimpse. Notably, the majority of these blossoms can be found nestled within the island’s gorge, making it the most stunning locale on all of Iki Island.

3 First General’s Field

Izuhara Region, Komoda Prefecture

Ghost of Tsushima: 10 Most Beautiful Locations, Ranked

In the game, the breathtaking landscape known as the First General’s Field is prominently featured during the opening sequence. As Jin rides his horse, he moves his hand through the waving pampas grass that stretches across this iconic field.

Although the game’s conclusion doesn’t occur in this specific spot, its portrayal is so vivid that the setting becomes undeniably recognizable to players.

They wouldn’t need to be aware that it’s situated in the Komoda Prefecture of the Izuhara Region, or that it leads to the Golden Temple and Ginkgo Forest – they simply understand that this is where the tale unfolds, and it holds significant importance within the game due to this alone.

The beauty of this place is rooted in its notoriety and its straightforwardness, making it an awe-inspiring locale overall. It leaves gamers yearning for another encounter with the pampas grass in the next installment.

2 Field of the Equinox Flower

Toyotama Region, Umugi Prefecture

Ghost of Tsushima: 10 Most Beautiful Locations, Ranked

As a gamer, I can’t help but be captivated by the stunning spectacle that is the Equinox Flower Field, nestled within the Umugi Prefecture of the Toyotama Region. This breathtaking spot stands out among all other locations in the game with its mesmerizing dance of light and color.

The expansive area teems with thousands of red spider lilies and features a distinctive Torii gate. The abundance of red is nearly overpowering, yet it leaves a vivid impression instead.

In the traditional customs of Japan, the Higanbana, or “tiger lilies,” are often associated with the concept of death, much like how cherry blossoms represent life during the spring season.

It’s clear how these visitors, who arrive at the time of the autumnal equinox and possess harmful bulbs, echo similarities with Jin’s narrative.

In essence, his transformation into “The Ghost” serves as a sort of reflection on Jin’s life as a samurai. As he chose this path resembling a ninja, the samurai that Lord Shimura once knew is virtually non-existent now, making the game’s setting one of the most striking symbols in video game history.

1 Golden Temple

Izuhara Region, Ariake Prefecture

Ghost of Tsushima: 10 Most Beautiful Locations, Ranked

As a gamer, I can confidently say that among all the locations in this captivating virtual world, none compare to the stunning beauty of the Golden Temple nestled within the Ginkgo Forest, found in the Izuhara Region of the Ariake Prefecture. This temple stands out as one of the most breathtaking and iconic landmarks within the game, leaving an indelible impression on every player who sets foot there.

The temple houses multiple quests and various Non-Player Characters (NPCs). It includes a workshop, an armorer, a blacksmith for swords, and even boasts a Gift Altar offering extra resources.

Remarkably, despite its stunning golden exterior, the Golden Temple manages to avoid an overpowering design. It isn’t excessively brilliant or dazzling, yet neither does it appear drab. Rather, every aspect of it seems lively and radiant.

Among all areas within the game, this one stands out as the most breathtakingly beautiful. It leaves me wondering, what could possibly be more stunning in the upcoming game, Ghost of Yotei?

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2024-10-02 13:39