The Case For and Against Sebastian Being Redeemed in Hogwarts Legacy 2

The Case For and Against Sebastian Being Redeemed in Hogwarts Legacy 2

As a seasoned gamer with countless hours spent immersing myself in the magical world of Harry Potter, I find myself at the crossroads of anticipation and speculation regarding Sebastian Sallow’s potential return in Hogwarts Legacy 2.

Making decisions on which characters to continue in future installments can be one of the trickier narrative choices for gaming franchises like Hogwarts Legacy 2. Regardless of where Warner Bros decides to place the sequel within the timeline, it presents some challenging decisions. The developer’s vision for the plot remains unclear, but a question that demands immediate attention is what becomes of the fourth-year protagonist in Hogwarts Legacy. Similarly, the role of significant supporting characters such as Sebastian Sallow has yet to be defined, with limited information about the sequel available to the public. If a sequel game comes into being, as it seems likely based on current indications, there are compelling arguments for and against bringing back the Slytherin wizard.

In the thrilling premiere of Hogwarts Legacy, multiple engaging storylines unfolded. You could find yourself rescuing imprisoned dragons during Ranrok’s goblin rebellion or forming friendships with fellow pupils in classes at the famous wizardry and witchcraft school. There was no dearth of amusement! Among these tales, Sebastian Sallow’s journey stands out for its depth, as his relentless pursuit to heal his sister significantly influenced spellcasting abilities. His story concluded tragically, and depending on player decisions, he might be expelled or retain his status as a student – each outcome affecting the narrative of Hogwarts Legacy in the subsequent chapters.

Sebastian’s Dynamism Puts Hogwarts Legacy 2 at a Crossroads

The Case Against Sebastian Sallow Returning to Hogwarts Legacy

In Harry Potter, the story revolves around good triumphing over evil and making wrongdoers pay for their actions. Given this theme, it might make sense for the creator to send Sebastian’s character to Azkaban, thereby completing the storyline that began with his expulsion. However, turning him into an evil ruler after a prison escape is a stretch, considering Azkaban’s almost impenetrable reputation.

In essence, it’s questionable whether Sebastian would feature in the sequel to Hogwarts Legacy, given his incarceration for his actions. The story might still reference him subtly, perhaps through occasional letters expressing concern for the protagonist’s welfare. Critics have pointed out that Hogwarts Legacy seemed overly lenient in its portrayal of the Dark Arts, with only Solomon Sallow showing a strong disapproval when these arts were practiced near him. Warner Bros could address this concern by making Sebastian a character from the past.

In relation to the main plot, if Sebastian is punished for his mistakes, it signifies that his character development has completed its full cycle. However, the creator might choose to resurrect the antagonist theme like Voldemort and make Sebastian the new major antagonist in the next Harry Potter series. Yet, they could also opt to leave things as they are and take a fresh, original approach for the sequel instead.

The Case for Sebastian Sallow’s Inclusion in Hogwarts Legacy’s Sequel

Morally speaking, it would be correct for Avalanche Software to flip the page on Sebastian since he killed his uncle using an Unforgivable Curse. However, the case for his exclusion from the franchise’s future isn’t so cut and dry. Sebastian directly influences Hogwarts Legacy‘s protagonist’s skills in combat, from introducing players to the Battle Arena to learning Unforgivable Curses. Apart from his unofficial tutelage role, he’s also a close confidant, which makes removing him entirely from the sequel a decision in poor taste. Whether as a prisoner in Azkaban or a closeted criminal, one could argue Sebastian has yet another key role to play in Hogwarts Legacy‘s follow-up title.

As a devoted fan, I can’t help but feel there’s untapped potential in the Slytherin wizard’s storyline. He has undeniably embodied the “the end justifies the means” archetype, aligning him with some of the darker characters within the Harry Potter universe. His trajectory towards a Voldemort-like figure in the 1800s seems almost inevitable, whether he faces expulsion for his actions or manages to evade punishment. Remorseful as he may be about killing his uncle, it’s clear that he doesn’t regret the choices that led to this pivotal moment. This could make him an intriguing villain in sequels and future games. It’s a narrative direction that I believe the Harry Potter franchise needs to explore for continued success, and it would be a missed opportunity if the developers were to overlook such a promising character choice.

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2024-10-06 21:34