Brawl Stars: Every Super Rare Brawler, Ranked

Brawl Stars: Every Super Rare Brawler, Ranked

Key Takeaways

  • Gus provides healing & shields, but lacks specialization in game modes.
  • Darryl with recent buffs is a top tank in the game and excels in multiple modes.
  • Tick excels in area control with mines & head explosion, great for zoning.

As a seasoned Brawl Star player with thousands of hours under my belt, I must say that these three brawlers – Tick, Dynamike, and Rico – are absolute game-changers!

In the bustling world of Supercell’s multiplayer mobile game, Brawl Stars, choosing the right brawler can be a challenge due to the abundance of options available. This is especially true during the initial stages when players are faced with numerous brawlers to unlock.

This list provides a helpful guide for choosing the top Super Rare brawlers within the game, as it takes into account their individual abilities, areas of excelence, and modes they perform best in. It also factors in the ease of using each brawler, making your selection and resource allocation decisions more informed and strategic.

10 Carl

Versatile At Range, But Vulnerable Up Close

  • Class: Damage Dealer
  • Movement Speed: Normal
  • Range: Long
  • Health: 8,000
  • Damage Per Hit: 1,480

Carl hurls his boomerang-style pickaxe that penetrates adversaries and comes back to him once it collides with a barrier or reaches its limit, causing harm as it goes and returns. Hitting an opponent twice inflicts substantial damage, but it’s not simple, and positioning is key. From afar, opponents at the edge of Carl’s range will get hit twice, while in close quarters, being near a wall enhances his damage output noticeably because the pickaxe comes back faster. However, when an adversary gets too close to Carl, he has trouble coping.

In simpler terms, when it comes to his abilities, Carl spins rapidly, causing harm to nearby adversaries. This move can be utilized either offensively to pursue an enemy or defensively to evade one, depending on the circumstances. In essence, while Carl has reasonable damage output and mobility, he doesn’t stand out in any specific game mode or map. Although he’s competent, there are usually better characters who provide more than him.

9 Penny

Good Area Control, But Situational

  • Class: Controller
  • Movement Speed: Normal
  • Range: Long
  • Health: 6,400
  • Damage Per Hit: 1,960

Penny excels at managing map zones using her attack and super abilities. Her cannonball-firing turret leaves a burning trail on the ground after hitting an object. Upon striking a target, Penny’s attack splits into three dispersing blasts, emanating from a cone shape, damaging any adversaries behind the initial impact. This makes it possible for her to inflict substantial damage on numerous opponents if they are grouped together, compelling enemies to disperse. Furthermore, with her Heavy Coffers star power, her attacks scatter into five pieces, causing more harm in a broader area.

Although Penny possesses strong control abilities, she may not deal the highest damage against individual opponents, and her turret can sometimes be evaded or destroyed based on the map layout. As a result, she is most effective in specific game modes like Heist, Hot Zone, and Gem Grab where her unique skills are more advantageous.

8 Jacky

Strong Splash Damage Tank

  • Class: Tank
  • Movement Speed: Fast
  • Range: Short
  • Health: 10,000
  • Maximum Damage Per Attack: 2,480

Jacky’s special ability lets her launch attacks that penetrate walls and harm enemies within a circular area around her. The closer the foes are, the more damage they sustain. This makes it easier for her to vanquish groups of adversaries, including those seeking cover. Her superpower synergizes effectively with her role as she can attract enemies towards herself, facilitating their elimination along with her team. Moreover, she proves particularly useful in Brawl Ball and on maps that offer numerous hiding spots, enabling her to deal damage from behind such cover.

Jacky’s two special abilities are both valuable upgrades to consider. Counter Crush transforms 30% of any harm Jacky sustains into her own offensive, intensifying her attack potency. On the other hand, Hardy Hard Hat decreases the damage Jacky receives by 20%, enhancing her durability and making it tougher to defeat her. Additionally, her Pneumatic Booster tool momentarily boosts her speed, enabling her to catch up with opponents and take them down. In summary, Jacky can be an effective choice against specific backline brawlers, but she may not perform as well against other tanks, leading to some inconsistency in her performance.

7 Gus

Ranged Support That’s Limited

  • Class: Support
  • Movement Speed: Normal
  • Range: Very Long
  • Health: 6,400
  • Damage: 2,240

As a devoted fan, I’d say: “I find myself captivated by Gus, who excels as a long-range support brawler dishing out potent single-target damage. Once he fires off four shots, a healing spirit appears that benefits my team or can be detonated to harm enemies with his Kooky Popper gadget. However, these spirits heal generously, they spawn wherever an enemy is hit, often in areas not occupied by us, thus reducing their healing effectiveness for us and making his explosive gadget even more crucial.

Gus uses a protective barrier that encircles him or another teammate, which gradually decreases. This is beneficial for boosting Gus’ resilience or aiding a low-health ally. However, it should be noted that while Gus is generally versatile in combat, he doesn’t excel in any specific game mode. Compared to other long-range brawlers, his strength may not be as impressive, and unlike some support brawlers, he lacks significant healing abilities.

6 8-Bit

Long-Range, High Damage, But Slow

  • Class: Damage Dealer
  • Movement Speed: Very Slow
  • Range: Very Long
  • Health: 10,000
  • Damage Per Beam: 640

Although 8-Bit may move slowly, he boasts a high health pool and excels at dishing out significant damage from any distance. He unleashes six beams with each ammo load, causing immense damage if they all hit their mark. Moreover, his super ability transforms into a turret that amplifies the firepower of nearby teammates by 35%. Although its reach isn’t extensive, the damage boost it provides is consistently valuable. Players should be mindful to avoid clustering too closely around the turret to prevent being wiped out in one swift attack.

As a gamer controlling 8-Bit, I can vouch for his star power Boosted Booster. It amplifies the turret’s radius by half and cranks up its damage output by an extra 15%. However, it’s his Plugged-In star power that usually takes the cake. This ability enhances my movement speed when near the booster, addressing a significant weakness of mine. In essence, 8-Bit is a formidable force in dishing out damage and excels at backing up the team in control game modes like Hot Zone and Gem Grab.

5 Jessie

Spawns A Terrific Turret

  • Class: Controller
  • Movement Speed: Normal
  • Range: Long
  • Health: 6,000
  • Damage Per Shot: 2,120

In a simpler phrasing: Jessie fires energy projectiles that jump among adversaries when they hit a target, bouncing up to thrice. This makes it easier for her to retaliate against enemies who gather together. Furthermore, her super ability summons a device called Scrappy, which attacks opponents and secures an area until destroyed. Although Jessie’s damage isn’t the highest, Scrappy can absorb a significant amount of damage while dishing out its own. Moreover, with her hypercharge activated, Scrappy becomes larger and inflicts even more damage.

Jessie excels in game modes like Gem Grab, Hot Zone, and Brawl Ball, but truly shines in Heist. In this mode, her turret can inflict massive damage to the enemy safe unless handled properly. To summarize, Jessie is a versatile brawler who becomes even more formidable as she unlocks her gadgets, star powers, and hypercharge.

4 Darryl

Roll In, And Take Out

  • Class: Tank
  • Movement Speed: Fast
  • Range: Normal
  • Health: 10,600
  • Damage Per Blast: 480

Initially, Darryl was quite feeble as a brawler, but following a recent upgrade, he’s become one of the top tanks in the game. His standard attack fires multiple shotgun pellets that inflict substantial damage at close quarters. For his special ability, Darryl rolls into action, triggering a 50% damage reduction shield, rebounding off walls, and knocking back enemies he collides with. This move is usually employed to confront opponents at short range, but it can also be used to escape from challenging circumstances. The upgrade boosted the number of rolls for each super from one to two, enhancing his ability to enter and exit battles more deftly.

Consequently, Darryl has the ability to swiftly catch up to his adversary, take them down, and then retreat for recovery and reloading. Additionally, his super power naturally strengthens over time. Essentially, Darryl excels as a brawler in close quarters combat and performs well across various game modes and maps.

3 Tick

Annoying Area Control

  • Class: Artillery
  • Movement Speed: Normal
  • Range: Long
  • Health: 4,400
  • Damage Per Mine: 1,280

When Tick drops three mines, they fan out in a triangular pattern upon landing. These mines detonate after a brief delay or when they collide with an opponent, allowing him to effectively block off parts of the map from a safe vantage point and at long range. However, his relatively slow reload time is a drawback, but he can consistently protect vital spots with his mines, making him exceptionally effective in Hot Zone and Gem Grab game modes. Furthermore, Tick’s special ability causes his head to fly forward and detonate upon hitting enemies, inflicting massive damage.

This character, Tick, really shines in overcoming his main disadvantage – close-quarter fights due to his small health reserve. Dropping his head onto an opponent not only inflicts heavy damage but also pushes them back, allowing Tick to retreat. In summary, Tick is outstanding at maintaining pressure on enemies and controlling specific zones across any map.

2 Dynamike

High Damage Thrower

  • Class: Artillery
  • Movement Speed: Fast
  • Range: Long
  • Health: 5,600
  • Damage Per Dynamite: 1,600

In simpler terms, Dynamike’s standard attack launches twin sticks of dynamite which detonate upon collision, inflicting significant damage. His special ability unleashes a massive barrel of dynamite causing immense harm if it strikes an opponent. He can dish out this damage while hiding behind walls for protection. Similar to other characters in the game, Dynamike’s main vulnerability is when enemies get too close; any brawler who manages to approach him without being defeated first will likely defeat him instead.

In contrast to Tick, who may have better map control due to his throwables exploding after landing, Dynamike delivers significantly higher damage. His super, Demolition, hypercharge, Boomer, and Satchel Charge gadget all contribute to this increased damage output. Additionally, Dynamike is an excellent choice in any game mode, but he truly shines on maps with extensive cover, as it provides him with ample opportunities for surprise attacks and stuns, potentially leading to easy kills on enemies.

1 Rico

Shoots Bouncy Bullets Of Destruction

  • Class: Damage Dealer
  • Movement Speed: Normal
  • Range: Very Long
  • Health: 5,600
  • Damage Per Bullet: 640

As a gamer, I, Rico, pack quite the punch when it comes to long-range combat. Each of my attacks unleashes five bullets that can ricochet off walls, letting me take down enemies hiding behind cover or lurking around corners. This versatility makes me a force to be reckoned with in various game modes and maps – whether there’s an abundance of cover or none at all.

Rico’s special ability involves firing a dozen elastic rounds that can penetrate foes and increase their reach as they rebound. This trait makes him exceptional for dishing out massive burst damage and swiftly eliminating clusters of opponents. In essence, Rico is an outstanding brawler, with attacks effective at any distance, and his ricocheting bullets becoming even more potent the longer they’re used.

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2024-10-07 13:34