Frostpunk 2: How To Enforce Captain’s Rule?

Frostpunk 2: How To Enforce Captain's Rule?

As a seasoned Frostpunk 2 enthusiast with countless frozen hours under my belt, I must say that Chapter 5’s political crisis is one of the most exhilarating challenges the game has to offer! The tension between factions can be as chilling as the snowstorms outside Winterhome.

Towards the end of chapter 5 – “A Dream of Utopia” in Frostpunk 2, you’ll need to manage a political crisis between two conflicting factions. The choice between saving or abandoning Winterhome will intensify the tension to a critical point, and you must reduce it to high levels before the time limit expires. If you fail to meet this objective within the set timeframe, the game will end.

As a gamer in this immersive world, I find myself facing a crucial decision: how to manage this contentious situation. I have three strategies at my disposal: exile the dissenting group, negotiate peace between the feuding factions, or assert my authority as captain. If I opt for the latter, here’s what I need to do to quell the unrest:

Pass The Captain’s Rule Law In The Council

Frostpunk 2: How To Enforce Captain's Rule?

In the “Rules” section of the council, you can consolidate authority by enacting legislation that empowers you to form a militia (guard scouts), create a propaganda department, and ultimately assume total control (declare yourself a dictator).

In the initial stages of the game Frostpunk 2, you won’t be able to use the Captain’s Authority law. Instead, this law can only be utilized after you decide to impose your rule in Chapter 5. But before you can access it, you need to implement certain laws first.

  • Guard Enforcers
  • Steward’s Militia
  • Martial Law


  • Guided Voting
  • Bureau of Propaganda
  • Secret Police

After enacting a law in the council, there will be a two-week delay before you can pass, modify, or revoke another law. Nevertheless, it’s possible to convene an emergency council meeting ahead of the two weeks to approve an urgent law. But keep in mind that there are restrictions on calling emergency sessions, and with each call, you may face decreased trust from the factions.

Remember, passing any law under the Rule category requires a two-thirds majority in the council.

Frostpunk 2: How To Enforce Captain's Rule?

Following the implementation of the Captain’s Authority Act, it will be essential to have a minimum of 45 security personnel to maintain order. This team will help manage any dissenting groups, quell their enthusiasm, and decrease the overall tension within the city.

After ensuring you fulfill the guard prerequisites and maintaining an operational prison within your city, you can establish a captain’s rule by implementing these procedures:

  • Click the generator in your city to bring up the Central District panel.
  • Select the Secure Rule option.

Alternate Method To Enforce Captain’s Rule

Frostpunk 2: How To Enforce Captain's Rule?

If there are no existing laws in the “Rule” category, exercising Captain’s Authority may prove difficult due to time constraints. Nevertheless, you can attempt a takeover and proclaim yourself as the new captain of New London.

The chance to seize power via a coup will only become available if you don’t pass the Captain’s Authority law within several game weeks. When this situation presents itself, you’ll be given three options: declare yourself captain (if you have 90 guards at your disposal), hold your guards on reserve (if your numbers are low), or abandon the idea altogether.

Frostpunk 2: How To Enforce Captain's Rule?

On the Central District panel, you’ll find a new option labeled “Initiate Coup Attempt”, which is beside the ‘Secure Rule’ option. Choosing this option prompts your troops to take control of the city and arrest demonstrators.

After assuming leadership, your task now is to establish distinct settlements for the rival groups and erect lookout posts to maintain their separation. These tasks don’t have a deadline, allowing you to progress at your own speed.

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2024-10-08 11:23