Best Pets In Garena Free Fire

Best Pets In Garena Free Fire

Key Takeaways

  • Free Fire offers unique pet companions with abilities that can enhance player experiences, such as aerial defense and resource regen.
  • Players gearing up for Free Fire’s biggest tournament can practice creating character builds revolving around pets to improve performance.
  • Various pet benefits in Free Fire range from detecting enemies, extending throwable range, healing bonuses, and reducing explosive damage.

As a seasoned player of Battle Royale games, I’ve seen my fair share of unique characters and pets that can tip the scales in favor of the players who wield them. Among these, four stand out as particularly noteworthy in Free Fire – Sensei Tig, Dreki (Dragon Glare), Rockie (Stay Chill), and Detective Panda (Panda’s Blessing).

In the world of battle royale games, pioneers like “PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds” and its mobile version, “PUBG Mobile,” have earned much acclaim. Yet, developers and publishers such as Garena are eager to join the fray with their own take on the genre. As a consequence, although “Garena Free Fire” incorporates familiar aspects from the original games, it presents an unexpected twist for fans accustomed to titles like “PUBG” and “PUBG Mobile.” One intriguing difference is that “Free Fire” includes pets in its gameplay.

In contrast to other battle royale games, Free Fire offers an unique feature: players can take their pets into battles for added assistance – enhancing the appearance of characters during skirmishes, making them more appealing when exchanging gunfire. However, some of these game pets are noticeably superior to others.

It’s great to note that the game offers numerous Pets that can significantly impact a player’s journey, boasting abilities such as:

14 Falco (Skyline Spree)

Avoid Being Targeted In The Skies

Best Pets In Garena Free Fire

In the style of other battle royale games, Garena Free Fire starts by dropping players onto the battlefield from an airship. Players who choose to soar through the skies will eventually parachute down to solid ground, making them highly visible to opponents with keen eyesight and potentially setting them up for ambushes. However, utilizing Falco as a companion can provide players with an edge in airborne defense.

When players trigger the move called “Skyline Spree”, Falco helps players as they fall from the sky. Normally, players can aim and lock onto other opponents even when those opponents are in the air. However, Skyline Spree prevents this from happening to the player, giving them an advantage. This bonus could significantly impact the game for players who intend to rejoin the battlefield after being revived. Since enemies cannot target the players while they’re in the air, it provides the players with time to adjust their position upon landing, allowing them to dodge opponents trying to take a quick shot.

13 Kactus (Self-Sufficient)

Standing Still Now Has Perks

Best Pets In Garena Free Fire

In contrast to other games, Free Fire features a distinctive resource known as EP that serves multiple purposes. This resource is not only essential for most hero skills but also functions as a health source in the battle royale mode. When players lose health points (HP), the game gradually heals them at a rate of 1 HP per second by consuming their EP reserves. Regularly, players can replenish their EP only through Bonfires or Mushrooms, except for character abilities. However, with Kactus, simply standing still enables EP regeneration.

Kactus truly excels in its self-sufficient characteristic. This feature activates when its user remains stationary for six consecutive seconds, during which they regenerate 10 Energy Points (EP) per second. However, this benefit ceases as soon as the player moves or jumps. Despite its basic nature, the EP regeneration during rest encourages more strategic, time-based gameplay, particularly among players or teams whose tactics revolve around swiftly transitioning from one safe location to another.

12 Mr. Waggor (Smooth Gloo Wall)

Get A Constant Supply Of Gloo Walls

Best Pets In Garena Free Fire

In the game Free Fire, a notable feature is the inclusion of Gloo Walls – essentially harmless grenades that create up to three protective barriers for players’ safety. These barriers serve as strategic cover during combat, allowing players opportunities to regroup, reload, or even move towards critical areas of the map without incurring damage from enemy fire. Yet, with Mr. Waggor, players have a steady stream of this resource, along with an added advantage.

In line with Mr. Waggor’s penguin-like appearance, his unique talent could be referred to as the “Regenerative Gloo Wall.” This talent comes into play when players possess fewer than two (or one, depending on the player’s skill level) Gloo Wall Grenades. Upon activation, Mr. Waggor can generate a Gloo Wall Grenade for players every 120 seconds (or 100 seconds, again, depending on the skill level). This spare Gloo Wall Grenade can be particularly useful in the late stages of the game, as it facilitates repositioning, enabling players to swiftly eliminate opponents and secure a quick victory.

11 Arvon (Dinoculars)

See Enemy Locations

Best Pets In Garena Free Fire

In contrast to standard shooting games where adversaries are typically highlighted by color outlines, the expansive landscapes in battle royales necessitate players being particularly vigilant in spotting enemies moving across the terrain. This is one characteristic that makes battle royales challenging to fully appreciate, as a distant speck might actually be an enemy aiming a sniper rifle at players. However, with Arvon, Free Fire players won’t struggle as much to distinguish between objects, making it easier to identify enemies and potential threats.

First-time Arvon users may find that its “Dinoculars” possess a comparable function to Bloodhound from Apex Legends. Activating the Dinoculars enables you to spot adversaries at a minimum range of 50 meters, for a duration of three seconds. Unlike Bloodhound, Arvon can only employ this ability once per match initially, and up to three times per match at maximum skill level. Nevertheless, in critical stages of the game, particularly towards the end when positioning is vital, the Dinoculars can significantly alter the course of the game by allowing you to surprise your opponents unaware.

10 Beaston (Helping Hands)

Expand Throwable Range

Best Pets In Garena Free Fire

Players who favor an aggressive battle royale playstyle understand that throwable items like smoke grenades, flashbangs, and grenades can significantly affect the outcome of battles. However, these items may not be as effective when enemies are situated too far away. Fortunately, Beaston can provide a solution for such situations.

Using the “Helping Hands” skill, your pet will amplify the throwing range of playable characters whenever they use throwable items. Initially, this provides a 10% increase, but over time it offers larger enhancements. This feature is crucial for players who prefer aggressive gameplay and aim to surprise enemies from a distance, proving advantageous for ambushers and snipers alike.

9 Yeti (Frost Fortress)

Enhance One’s Defenses

Best Pets In Garena Free Fire

In any battle royale game, the fighting is frustrating not just because of bothersome opponents and their firearms, but mainly due to those who sneakily use explosives to take down players without allowing them a response. A well-placed grenade toss can eliminate players before they even have a chance to defend themselves. Fortunately, Yeti provides a way for players to avoid such peril.

Via the Frost Fortress, combatants who engage Yetis gain a decrease in explosive damage. Initially, this starts at a 15% reduction every 150 seconds, but at its maximum level, it offers a 30% damage reduction every 90 seconds. This can be quite advantageous for players who are actively seeking out fights.

8 Ottero (Double Blubber)

Get More Out Of Healing

Best Pets In Garena Free Fire

In a battle royale game like Free Fire, if you perish in combat, it’s essentially conceding the battle. To stay at your best in these fights, players should always have a supply of healing items on hand to maintain optimal health levels. Fortunately, Free Fire also offers an EP resource that restores HP automatically whenever available, and players can acquire this resource by finding campfires, mushrooms, or utilizing certain character skills. Thanks to Ottero and his Double Blubber ability, players can make the most out of their resources.

With the Double Blubber pet, you’ll receive extra Energy Points (EP) whenever you employ a healing item. Initially, this bonus EP equates to 35% of the HP restored, but it increases up to a maximum of 65% as your pet levels up. This feature can be a real lifesaver during extended adventures, as players often require as much Energy Points as possible for unexpected healings.

7 Spirit Fox (Well-Fed)

Get A Straightforward Healing Bonus

Best Pets In Garena Free Fire

For those seeking a simpler healing advantage, the Spirit Fox offers increased value from recovery items, enabling players to endure longer battles without constantly relying on their Emergency Points (EP) for emergency healing.

Due to the game Well-Fed, Spirit Fox has the ability to restore 4HP up to a maximum of 10HP for players whenever they utilize a healing item. This feature proves particularly useful during intense, close-range encounters, as a player’s timely use of recovery items like medkits can significantly impact the outcome of a battle, determining whether they emerge victorious or not in a fierce fight.

6 Agent Hop (Bouncing Bonus)

Get More Out Of The Zone

Best Pets In Garena Free Fire

In a battle royale game like ours, I can’t linger too long in one spot or else the safe area shrinks, pushing me towards other players. If I don’t move, I could end up taking damage. But with Agent Hop on my side, there’s an added reason to scout around and get ready for those unexpected run-ins with opponents.

Thanks to the “Bouncing Bonus” feature, players are rewarded with up to 50EP each time the zone contracts, providing them with a useful EP regeneration capability that comes in handy during emergency healing situations. For those who prefer a more proactive playstyle, Agent Hop offers a consistent EP bonus, eliminating the need to search for mushrooms and allowing for more time to focus on pursuing other players.

5 Poring (Stitch And Patch)

Boost Defenses The Longer One Stays In Battle

Best Pets In Garena Free Fire

As a dedicated player, I’ve always valued the protective gear – armor and helmet – that safeguards me from potential harm during games. However, there are instances when these defensive elements can become overpowered, necessitating frequent replacements. But thanks to the extraordinary abilities of the Poring, such constant upgrades might not be required anymore.

Using the Mend and Reinforce feature, a Poring can incrementally enhance the durability of worn helmets and armors by 1 point every 3 seconds. At its base level, this ability safeguards Level 1 armor and helmets from harm, but when fully upgraded, it can shield even Level 3 armor and helmets. This feature is particularly beneficial for players who prioritize strategic gameplay, as a sudden surprise in combat could lead to a swift defeat if not properly prepared.

4 Sensei Tig (Nimble Ninja)

Capitalize On The Potential Of Stealth

Best Pets In Garena Free Fire

In a gunfight, swiftly identifying opponents is usually what distinguishes a survivor from an unfortunate casualty. Man-marking is an effective tactic for this purpose. By man-marking, players can spot other players in their vicinity using specific abilities. However, those who have Sensei Tig with them can exploit the power of stealth to neutralize these advantages.

As a devoted follower of Sensei Tig’s teachings, I can’t help but marvel at the impact of his Nimble Ninja technique. With this skill, he significantly shortens the duration that opponents are under man-marking from 30% to an impressive 50%. In a tense gunfight scenario, when utilized strategically, a player can deceptively retreat, only to catch their enemies off guard. Once they’ve lost sight of us, we have the perfect opportunity for a swift and powerful counterattack. The Nimble Ninja truly empowers us to dance around our opponents with grace and ferocity!

3 Dreki (Dragon Glare)

Spot Enemies To Get The Jump On Them

Best Pets In Garena Free Fire

Legendary tales portray dragons as awe-inspiring beasts that strike terror in the hearts of others, thus facilitating their pursuit and capture of prey. Similarly, the pet Dreki offers a comparable advantage to gamers, enabling swift detection of opponents when they are momentarily vulnerable.

As a devoted fan, I’d express it like this: “The Dragon Glare ability is my go-to tool for keeping tabs on enemies. It triggers when opponents are deploying recovery items at a specific range, first within a 10-meter span and potentially expanding to 30 meters. Though it lasts only 5 seconds, it offers ample time for me and my team to set up an ambush.

2 Rockie (Stay Chill)

Activate Skills As Soon As Possible

Best Pets In Garena Free Fire

Instead of most battle royale games, Free Fire provides distinctive characters for players to choose as their avatars, many equipped with special abilities that significantly impact the battlefield dynamics. Similar to other games, these abilities have a cool-down period before they can be reused, restricting overly aggressive strategies. However, when used strategically, characters like Rockie can alter this dynamic in an advantageous way.

Due to its “Cool Down Reduction” trait, Rockie is capable of shortening the waiting period for a character’s activated skill. Initially, this reduction starts at 6% and can increase up to a maximum of 15%. This feature significantly benefits players who control characters like Chrono, Skyler, and DJ Alok, all of whom have active skills and aim to utilize their abilities swiftly.

1 Detective Panda (Panda’s Blessing)

Kill For More HP

Best Pets In Garena Free Fire

Battle royales are typically won by employing two primary tactics: taking out as many opponents as feasible or holding out until only one team is left standing. It’s indisputable that players must kill at least one rival squad to emerge victorious. This could be a blessing for aggressive gamers, as Detective Panda boosts the effectiveness of a more action-oriented approach due to its special advantages.

With the “Panda’s Favor,” this panda-themed pet awards players additional Health Points (HP) each time they secure a kill. This begins at 4HP per kill, and over time, it advances to a maximum of 10HP per kill. This bonus can be particularly beneficial for aggressive players, as the extra HP they gain could mean the difference between survival and defeat in a combat situation.

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2024-10-10 01:54