Fun Off-Meta Picks In League Of Legends

Fun Off-Meta Picks In League Of Legends

Key Takeaways

  • Off-meta picks in LoL add fun and surprise to the game, sometimes becoming the norm over time.
  • Zoe support offers great poke and easy kills with Sleep against squishy ADCs.
  • Ashe top provides perma slows and shreds with BotRK against melee Tops, denying farm.

As someone who has spent countless hours mastering the art of League of Legends, I can confidently say that off-meta picks are often the most rewarding. They offer a unique twist to the game, keeping it fresh and exciting, just like a well-aged cheese or a finely brewed craft beer.

The League of Legends game, which has been dominating the gaming scene for more than ten years, maintains its popularity due to its high replayability factor. With approximately 160 unique characters, numerous items, and a dynamic meta that changes frequently, the game consistently offers fresh experiences. What’s more, players aren’t restricted to traditional roles in this game, with originality often being rewarded.

Experimenting with less common character choices in League of Legends (LoL) can be one of the most enjoyable aspects of the game, as players can catch opponents off guard with unique builds or by utilizing champions in unconventional roles. It’s often this element of surprise that makes these non-traditional picks effective, although at other times it’s because a new approach to a champion secretly has hidden power. Over time, many of the most successful off-meta picks in LoL eventually become standard playstyle options.

5 Zoe Support

Great Poke & Put Squishy ADCs To Sleep For Easy Kills

Fun Off-Meta Picks In League Of Legends

The Support position is arguably the most fun for off-meta picks, and over the years almost every type of champion has been played Support, either for their engage, damage, lane control, or weird interactions with a Bot Lane partner. In terms of funoff-meta Supports who are currently strong, Zoe support is a great option.

She boasts strong attack damage on her poke abilities, which gradually weakens the enemy ADC. Unlike her role in Mid Lane, there are large barriers in the Bot Lane that allow Zoe to pass her bubble through them effectively. If she successfully puts the ADC or a fragile Support to sleep with her bubble, Zoe and her lane partner can deal significant damage to them. Additionally, Bot Lane tends to use twice as many Summoner Spells, giving Zoe more opportunities to utilize Spell Thief.

4 Ashe Top

Keep Melee Tops At A Distance With Perma Slows & Shred With BotRK

Fun Off-Meta Picks In League Of Legends

In certain matchups, marksmen positioned in the Top Lane are not just common, but incredibly potent. A case in point is Ashe Top, who can be selected against melee champions lacking dashes. Tactically challenged opponents like Darius, Mordekaiser, and Yorick find it difficult to reach Ashe without using their Flash, and her slow on every attack keeps them at bay while gradually depleting their health.

Sure thing!

3 Nasus Mid

Get More Involved As A Champion Who Often Gets Left Alone

Fun Off-Meta Picks In League Of Legends

Among a small group of League of Legends characters, Nasus stands out as one who can accumulate indefinitely, and he was among the first to possess this ability originally. He offers the dream of truly dominating like a raid boss, but only if he can stack. Fortunately, given the current Mid lane meta, he can achieve this stacking relatively consistently, while also addressing one of Nasus’ other challenges.

Traditional Top Lane Nasus is frequently seen as very secluded due to his lack of mobility and preference for stacking items. Some players might find this aspect of the game a bit monotonous. However, opting for Mid Lane Nasus allows for greater engagement with the overall game from a more central position.

2 Nautilus Jungle

Great Ganks & Much More Tankiness Than As A Support

Fun Off-Meta Picks In League Of Legends

For beginners in League, mastering the Jungle isn’t straightforward, but selecting champions that are simple and tanky can significantly ease the learning process. Nautilus is an excellent example of this choice, and players transitioning from Support roles might already be familiar with his playstyle. Equipped with a hook and other crowd control abilities, he offers remarkable potential for ganks and catching opponents.

1) Using his shield and area-of-effect (AOE) damage from his E, Nautilus can clear safely without taking too much damage. What makes playing Nautilus in the jungle enjoyable is that he has access to more resources than when he’s played as a support, making him extremely tanky. It’s amusing how a champion known for dying easily can become difficult to kill with Nautilus, leading opponents to make unwise decisions based on their perception of him. Interestingly enough, it was Nautilus who used to be played in the jungle back then, while Support Nautilus was considered unconventional at that time.

1 Neeko Support

Poke, Engage, & Confusion

Fun Off-Meta Picks In League Of Legends

Neeko Support stands out not just for being an entertaining off-the-beaten-path choice in League of Legends, but also for being a potent one. She deftly blends the roles of a mage and an engage Support, creating a unique playstyle. In the laning phase, she tends to behave like a conventional mage Support such as Zyra; she spends her time poking, managing space, and occasionally immobilizing an opponent for extended trades.

Due to her ultimate’s ability to knockback and stun an entire enemy team, Neeko functions effectively as a supportive “engage” character. Flash and Hextech Rocketbelt greatly aid in her engagements. It’s also crucial not to underestimate Neeko’s cunning side. By transforming into various champions, minions, or random objects like blast cones, she can catch enemies off guard, and even irritate or confuse them with her Shapesplitter ability.

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2024-10-10 15:34