Predicting Borderlands 4s Villainous Weapons Manufacturer

Predicting Borderlands 4s Villainous Weapons Manufacturer

Key Takeaways

  • Vladof may be the next villainous weapons manufacturer in Borderlands 4, based on Moze’s backstory revealed in Borderlands 3.
  • Eridians may act as the overarching antagonists, but Vladof could partner with them or be the antagonist in a side conflict.
  • Vladof being a villain in Borderlands 4 would align with the series’ tradition of featuring weapons manufacturers in antagonistic roles.

As a seasoned Borderlands fan who’s been through the highs and lows of Pandora, I can’t help but feel a pang of excitement at the prospect of Vladof stepping into the villainous shoes left by Handsome Jack. Having Moze’s backstory unfold in Borderlands 3 has certainly added fuel to this speculation fire, especially considering her past with the Ursa Corps.

The long-awaited announcement of Borderlands 4 has finally been made through a brief teaser video. Although the trailer doesn’t disclose many details, we now know for sure that Borderlands 4 is in development. From what can be gathered from the Borderlands 4 trailer, it seems that the upcoming game may offer a unique experience compared to its predecessors, though this still needs to be confirmed.

Beyond the confirmation that the antagonist in Borderlands 4 will be more menacing than Handsome Jack, speculations about what kind of weapons manufacturer this new villain might be can still be made by considering the series’ past and potential future directions. However, it is important to remember that these speculations should be treated with a degree of skepticism as Gearbox appears to be keeping the details of Borderlands 4 under wraps, leaving room for unexpected surprises.

What Borderlands 4’s Villainous Weapons Manufacturer Could Be

The Borderlands Series’ Past Villainous Weapons Manufacturers

In the Borderlands series, many weapons manufacturers have taken on adversarial roles to varying degrees, but only a few have been pivotal in driving the main conflict of each installment. For instance, in the original Borderlands, Atlas Corporation was largely responsible for instigating the conflict through Commander Steele, who was searching for and opening the Vault ahead of the player and other Vault Hunters. In Borderlands 2, Hyperion Corporation was directly linked to the game’s antagonist, Handsome Jack, as he was the head of the company. The Dahl Corporation played a supporting adversarial role in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, and in Borderlands 3, the Maliwan Corporation collaborated with the Calypso Twins, who were the game’s primary antagonists.

Vladof Could Fill the Role of Borderlands 4’s Villainous Weapons Manufacturer

Given the trajectory of the Borderlands series and the background story of one of Borderlands 3’s Vault Hunters, Moze, it appears plausible that Vladof might emerge as the next major antagonistic weapons manufacturer. Moze, Borderlands 3’s Gunner character, previously served in the Vladof mechanized infantry Ursa Corps. From her backstory, we learn that she and her comrades were frequently deployed on hazardous missions with very slim chances of success, despite their exceptional skills.

In the course of one operation, Moze’s team was annihilated, leaving her as the lone survivor among them. This tragic event played a crucial part in her transformation into a Vault Hunter, as she eventually uncovered Vladof’s ruthless disregard for its soldiers, using their lives as pawns for political or tactical gains. Consequently, Moze decided to break away from the military, taking her mech, Iron Bear, with her. All of this unfolded following Kaziak, her superior, repeatedly increasing her workload and essentially trying to keep her in the military. With the recent revelations about Vladof, it seems plausible that they could serve as the antagonist in Borderlands 4.

As a gaming enthusiast, I can’t help but speculate that the next major antagonist in the realm of weapons manufacturing might just be Vladof, given the impressive track record and intriguing backstory of the Borderlands series, particularly as it pertains to one of the Vault Hunters in Borderlands 3.

In the event that the villain in Borderlands 4 is an Eridian, it’s possible they serve as the antagonistic force like past arms manufacturers have done. However, because Eridians aren’t typically weapons manufacturers themselves (with companies like Hyperion, Maliwan, and Dahl filling this role), it seems doubtful that they would completely assume this role. If the Eridians were to be the main antagonists of Borderlands 4, then perhaps Vladof could take up the mantle of weapons manufacturer, somehow collaborating with the Eridians in their scheme or at least becoming the antagonist for a side conflict within the game. This would align well with the trajectory for Vladof since Borderlands 3, given Moze’s background with them.

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2024-10-12 16:34