10 Most Shocking Video Game Plot Twists

10 Most Shocking Video Game Plot Twists

As someone who has spent countless hours immersed in virtual worlds, I must say that the twists and turns these games offer are nothing short of breathtaking. They manage to captivate us, surprise us, and sometimes even make us question our own beliefs.

In any form of fiction, twists play an essential role, and this certainly applies to video games as well. Some twists may be signaled long before they occur, but others leave a lasting impression, causing you to ponder the game long after it has ended.

Twists can occur unexpectedly across various gaming genres, frequently altering the whole storyline. A well-executed twist can make a game memorable and iconic, even if the overall gameplay isn’t top-notch. Therefore, when a game aims to include a twist, it should be done skillfully.

With that in mind, let’s check out some of gaming history’s most memorable and shocking twists.

A heads-up before we dive in: What follows may be considered a spoiler, as it reveals significant storylines from popular video games. If you prefer to keep these surprises intact, feel free to exit now and come back later!

10 Spec Ops: The Line

The Truth Revealed

10 Most Shocking Video Game Plot Twists

In “Spec Ops: The Line,” what initially appears as a conventional war game takes an unexpected and impactful turn. At first glance, the protagonist is portrayed as a soldier eliminating thousands of enemy troops in a mission to free a distant nation. However, a sense of unease pervades this title as the soldiers you’re eliminating are supposed allies who have allegedly defected.

As the atrocities escalate during our voyage, there arises a growing uncertainty among your team whether you truly embody the courageous leader they believed you to be.

Guided by the haunting voice of Colonel Konrad, suffering from PTSD, you are gradually led deeper into the core of the city. However, upon reaching him for a confrontation, you find him already deceased.

Apart from this, it’s important to note that he has been deceased for quite some time now. The sound you perceived was actually your own. There was no one being freed; instead, you were the adversary.

The soldiers you thought were rebels, were actually attempting to halt your progress. This chilling and ingenious revelation elevates what was previously an ordinary game into a true work of art.

9 Nier

The Lengths We’re Willing to Go

10 Most Shocking Video Game Plot Twists

At the outset of the game, you find yourself assuming the role of Nier, a devoted father who’s on a mission to save his ill child. Along this journey, he unintentionally becomes embroiled in battles against creatures known as Shades.

Next, you somehow manage to navigate what appeared to be an insurmountable challenge, only to find yourself in a world distinctly unlike the one where your adventure began.

As I delve deeper into this game world, I frequently cross paths with the enigmatic Shadowlord, the head honcho of the elusive Shades. Whenever these mysterious figures show up, their cryptic speech leaves me scratching my head, struggling to decipher their true intentions.

Indeed, it’s clear that combat is your only option against them. However, a surprising revelation awaits at the climax of the game – it turns out that the character you controlled from the start in Nier was The Shadowlord all along.

As it transpires, we humans underwent an extraordinary procedure, stripping ourselves of our souls temporarily, to ensure survival amidst the relentless virus. In time, we made duplicates of ourselves, with hopes of reuniting in the future.

It’s a stunning realization, and subsequent playthroughs let you hear each boss talk, and you finally get to see that maybe there were no good guys or bad guys in the story after all. It’s another twist that elevates an otherwise decent game.

8 God of War

Your Son Isn’t Who You Think

10 Most Shocking Video Game Plot Twists

The reboot of the classic series God of War delivered a refreshing maturity and balance, breathing new life into its excessively dynamic action genre.

In this game, you and your child embark on a simple quest to reach the peak of the land where you scatter your spouse’s remains. However, an unexpected twist catches you off guard right at the end of the adventure.

Discovering that your son Atreus goes by a different name in the Giants’ tongue – Loki – sends shivers down your spine. The child you’ve worked tirelessly to safeguard throughout the journey could be bound for something sinister due to his ominous moniker.

Initially, the sequel introduced a shocking turn of events (that they did) which significantly altered the course of the storyline, making the upcoming chapters seem unclear and uncertain.

7 Metal Gear Solid

It Was Liquid All Along

10 Most Shocking Video Game Plot Twists

Metal Gear Solid was an innovative game with numerous standout features, but it is its compelling narrative that stands out most prominently in memory. A significant plot twist unfolds toward the game’s conclusion. Throughout your journey, you receive guidance from a team, among them being Master Miller.

In various situations, you can count on him for support, giving the impression that he’s wholeheartedly on your side. However, when the critical moment arrives, he removes his sunglasses, lets down his hair, and it turns out to be none other than Liquid Snake, your sworn enemy and the primary antagonist of the game. This villain, who had orchestrated Miller’s death, has been subtly leading Solid Snake along a premeditated path all along.

For numerous gamers, it was a truly groundbreaking experience, often referred to as their first significant “Eureka” moment. Subsequent games may have attempted similar shocking revelations, but few could match the impact of that initial surprise.

6 Horizon Zero Dawn

The Past is Real

10 Most Shocking Video Game Plot Twists

Horizon Zero Dawn stands out as one of the PlayStation 4’s top games, with its gameplay being exceptional. However, it’s the surprising plot twist that has left an indelible mark on gaming history, making it the memorable moment in video gaming that it is today.

As I step into the role of Aloy, a fearless female warrior hailing from an ancient tribe, it quickly becomes apparent that we’re living in times long past. But something feels off – mechanical beasts reminiscent of dinosaurs are prowling the land. The burning question now is: how did our world come to be this way?

As I delve deeper into this game, I uncover a chilling truth: The world as I know it has ceased to exist, wiped out by an AI-driven military onslaught. What remains is a new reality sculpted by technology. Little did I know, the protagonist I control, Alloy, isn’t just any character, but a reincarnation of the very scientist who orchestrated this digital resurrection.

The subplot steals the show from the main narrative of the game, and it’s executed with such complexity and allure that it leaves you in awe of the writing team.

It’s a genius twist and the rest of the game supports every piece of the lore. The sequel was great too, but it didn’t hit this same high and that’s due to the incredible twist.

5 Final Fantasy VII

Cloud Isn’t Who You Think He Is

10 Most Shocking Video Game Plot Twists

In the course of Final Fantasy VII, there are several surprises, yet the most significant unveils the real identity of Cloud. Throughout the game, he’s portrayed as an elite warrior, originally belonging to the top-tier group, SOLDIER, First Class.

You also find this convincing, and Cloud’s tough demeanor certainly contributes. However, as the story progresses, you uncover that Cloud is not as he seems.

He didn’t used to be a high-ranking member of SOLDIER, but rather started as an ordinary soldier. The character he played on screen was actually Zack Fair.

Everything – from his sword to his clothes – was what Cloud, under the influence of Mako at the moment, convinced himself he truly possessed.

As Zack’s spirit passed, I found myself stepping into his shoes. The mask slipped, and Cloud underwent a transformation, shedding layers of pretense to uncover his true identity – a journey that would culminate in our ultimate confrontation, bringing the game to its climactic end.

1997 saw an astonishing twist in the world of JRPGs, one that remains a standout even today. We eagerly anticipate how this element will unfold in the subsequent installments of the Final Fantasy VII Remake saga.

4 The Last of Us 2

Say It Ain’t Joel

10 Most Shocking Video Game Plot Twists

In the year 2020, the real world is grappling with a pandemic much like the one portrayed in the game “The Last of Us 2.” This sequel was launched after a gap of almost 7 years since the original version. As you begin playing, you assume the role of Joel as anticipated. However, barely an hour into the game, an unexpected event takes place.

In the town of Abby, Joel unselfishly aids a girl who appears harmless. Tragically, moments later, he’s cruelly taken from us in full view of Ellie, using a golf club as the instrument of his untimely death. The event unfolds with shocking swiftness.

In the original Last of Us game, it is revealed that the protagonist’s casual demeanor conceals the fact that Joel may have been responsible for her father’s death. This revelation sparks a desire for revenge in her and her group, potentially jeopardizing mankind’s last chance at survival.

Even if the ends justify the means, it’s just….woah. The main character was killed in an instant. It’s a whirlwind for the player and Ellie’s brutal screams watching it happen are just heartbreaking. Polarizing? Yes. But as shocking of a twist as you can have in a game.

3 Dragon Age: Inquisition


10 Most Shocking Video Game Plot Twists

In approximately a few weeks, we’ll be addressing this matter on our discussion post related to the prophecy thread. In the expansion pack for “Dragon Age: Inquisition” titled “Trespasser,” it is revealed that Solas, contrary to appearances, is actually the Dreadwolf – an ancient Elven deity who orchestrated the destruction of the temple at the game’s outset.

Among many players, Solas stands out as a close confidant to the Inquisitor and is arguably the most intriguing character within the game’s narrative.

It was incredibly surprising to discover he was the real antagonist, considering how skillfully the clues had been concealed – so much so that it would take numerous YouTube videos just to uncover them all.

It’s a great twist, as the game lacked a true villain with Corypheus being pretty much a non-factor when it came to an intimidating presence.

It appears that Solas possesses more than we initially thought, and based on preliminary footage from Dragon Age: The Veilguard, it seems we’ll have the opportunity to discover his true motives and find out if he truly is an adversary or not.

2 Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

The Dark Lord is Revealed

10 Most Shocking Video Game Plot Twists

In a different phrasing, it could be said that Star Wars is renowned for its unexpected plot turns, yet perhaps no twist surpasses the one featured in the initial smash-hit Star Wars video game.

In the game “Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic,” your primary objective is to track down Darth Malak, a powerful Sith disciple, who once served under the enigmatic master, Darth Revan.

Throughout the game, there’s an enigma surrounding the identity of Revan that lingers. As time passes, you learn more and more about the horrific acts he has perpetrated, earning him a reputation as the greatest evil. However, it isn’t until the climactic moments of the game that these revelations truly hit home.

In your encounter with Darth Malak, you uncover a shocking revelation – Darth Revan is none other than yourself, and prior to the game’s commencement, Malak attempted to seize power from you.

During a fierce battle, Revan sustained injuries. He was subsequently saved and his memories were erased by the Jedi Council, transforming him into a tool for their Jedi purposes.

For numerous players, this revelation goes beyond the “I am your father” surprise from the films. It’s equally startling and profound in every aspect, and it occurs right at the climax of the game to ensure its impact lingers. It leaves a lasting impression even after the ending credits have finished playing.

They executed a brilliantly crafted plot twist, ensuring it fit seamlessly within the narrative and advanced the overall storyline.

1 Bioshock

Would You Kindly?

10 Most Shocking Video Game Plot Twists

Among the many outstanding surprises in gaming, none can surpass the ones that completely change the way we perceive and engage with the game. Here’s one such twist that stands out as unparalleled.

In the game Bioshock, you play as someone who’s survived a plane crash and find yourself compelled to delve deeper into the submerged city of Rapture, a troubled underwater utopia.

During your journey, you’ll encounter a helpful British gentleman named Atlas. He’s always there to assist you at each stage.

He often prefaces his requests with the phrase “Could you please?” or simply asks politely, but this doesn’t phase you in the slightest, as you dutifully carry out your responsibilities just as any attentive game player would.

The truth about who was behind the scenes manipulating everything isn’t unveiled until the end of the game. “Would you kindly” is a secret signal, and you’ve been controlled by Atlas all along, though he is actually Frank Fontaine – the one plotting against Rapture’s founder, Andrew Ryan, who becomes the primary antagonist in the story.

As a seasoned gamer with years of immersion into countless virtual worlds, I can attest that this subtle yet profound shift in perspective left me utterly bewildered, questioning the very nature of my existence within these games. Was I more than just a marionette, dancing to an unseen puppeteer’s strings? This thought-provoking twist sparked a wave of introspection, challenging the boundaries between the digital and realms of reality in my life.

Not only does the player ask the game character questions, but the characters themselves are responding. This innovative method of giving instructions in video games is still considered one of the most mind-blowing and effectively delivered twists in gaming to this day.

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2024-10-13 19:09