Throne and Liberty: How to Beat Karnix in Death’s Abyss Dungeon

Throne and Liberty: How to Beat Karnix in Death's Abyss Dungeon

As a seasoned veteran of countless battles, I must say, dear reader, that Karnix is no mere pushover. This behemoth is a harder variant of the Specter’s Abyss boss, and it demands the utmost concentration and coordination from every member of your party.

In the game “Throne and Liberty,” Death’s Abyss is known as one of the more difficult dungeons. Unlike the easier dungeons at lower levels, Death’s Abyss features stronger enemies overall and introduces fresh mechanics for players to navigate, particularly during the final battle.

If you’ve previously navigated Specter’s Abyss within Throne and Liberty, then Death’s Abyss might seem remarkably similar. In terms of significant challenges, they share many similarities. However, be aware that the journey to completion will require increased vigilance due to the heightened difficulty level. Here are some tips for successfully tackling this dungeon.

Throne and Liberty – Death’s Abyss Dungeon Overview

Throne and Liberty: How to Beat Karnix in Death's Abyss Dungeon

In comparison to other level 50 dungeons, Death’s Abyss is relatively straightforward. The main challenges here are coordinating Crowd Control (CC) timings and meeting Damage Per Second (DPS) requirements. The monsters within this dungeon are all level 50 with health exceeding 45,000, while the two minibosses possess devastating attacks that can be neutralized by strategic stuns or other forms of interrupting crowd control.

Instead of diving into the dungeon right when it matches your suggested power level of 1600, consider enhancing your equipment within Throne and Liberty until you hit a power level of around 2000 for a more successful run.

Death’s Abyss – Initial Combat Areas

Throne and Liberty: How to Beat Karnix in Death's Abyss Dungeon

Initially, you’ll find that the early chambers in Death’s Abyss lack any unique features. To progress, simply defeat any obstacles that block your path and try to minimize confrontations when possible. You can easily bypass many enemies by sticking close to one wall within a room and allowing patrols to move past you.

When conflict cannot be avoided, organize a conventional battle lineup. Allow your team’s tank to attract all the enemies’ aggression while everyone else concentrates on destroying one enemy at a time. It is most effective if the group prioritizes eliminating enemy healers first. Be sure to prepare to stun Arbiters as soon as they begin charging their area-of-effect attacks.

In simpler, non-boss regions, you won’t encounter intricate mechanisms for the most part, except for a single segment where your team will need to manipulate levers to unlock the gates that lead to the Riot Captain mini-boss.

How To Beat The Elite Arkeum Shadowmancer In Death’s Abyss

Throne and Liberty: How to Beat Karnix in Death's Abyss Dungeon

In this dungeon, the initial mini-boss battle takes place in a vast, crowded room. It would be wise to eliminate these adversaries first if possible, but for those eager to advance quickly, the party could charge directly down the hall’s center and encounter the Elite Arkeum Shadowmancer without drawing additional enemies into the fray.

In case any adversary soldiers attack your team, prioritize eliminating them first, then engage with the Shadowmancer.

In the game, it’s crucial to be vigilant against this particular boss move. When it shouts “I will extinguish your existence,” it grabs players and swiftly eliminates them following a brief timeframe. To dodge this fatal action, fellow party members should employ potent crowd control (CC) techniques on the boss promptly to halt the attack. If you’re playing with a Greatsword in ‘Throne and Liberty,’ conserve your stun abilities for when the boss executes this move.

How To Beat The Elite Arkeum Riot Squad Captain In Death’s Abyss

Throne and Liberty: How to Beat Karnix in Death's Abyss Dungeon

In essence, the Role of the Riot Leader is identical to that of the Shade Mage. Your goal should be to either vanquish or skirt past the minor creatures first, followed by a swift attempt to deplete the boss’s health. Characters excelling in Damage Per Second (DPS) roles will particularly outshine during this confrontation.

When the Riot Captain dons a blue barrier, make an immediate effort to shatter it. Prioritize your most damaging skills during this time to prevent the entire team from being eliminated. Once the shield is destroyed, aim to use a powerful crowd control ability next to disrupt his massive area-of-effect attack.

How To Beat Karnix In Throne And Liberty Death’s Abyss Dungeon

Throne and Liberty: How to Beat Karnix in Death's Abyss Dungeon

Essentially, Karnix can be seen as a tougher adaptation of the boss from Specter’s Abyss. It employs familiar moves along with some fresh ones. Throughout the fight, players should focus on performing their assigned roles, warding off Fury Attacks, and navigating mechanics. After exchanging blows with Karnix for several rounds, it will initiate unique attacks that players need to learn how to dodge effectively.

Teleport Shockwave Attacks

Throne and Liberty: How to Beat Karnix in Death's Abyss Dungeon

Karnix will transport itself next to one of its comrades and attack them forcefully with its scythe. This action creates a wave-like shockwave that travels in a straight path, affecting every target in line. While this move may appear unpredictable, it’s actually quite consistent in its execution.

  • Karnix will always strike three times.
  • The first two attacks will teleport Karnix to the player farthest away from the boss’ current position.
  • The first two attacks will always be shockwave attacks.
  • Karnix’s third teleport will target the same target it previously teleported to.
  • The third attack will be a quick, AOE scythe sweep.

While battling Karnix, a player should strategically move a bit behind the main line of defense. The individual targeted by Karnix’s teleportation should then get close to the boss (essentially stand tightly next to it) and attempt to divert the shockwave attack away from the rest of the party.

Spinning Scythes Attack

Throne and Liberty: How to Beat Karnix in Death's Abyss Dungeon

Following the teleport sequence, Karnix will tag three players with skulls and dispatch scythes to pursue them. To dodge this, it’s best to flee and ensure you don’t encounter another marked player. In the game “Throne and Liberty”, you can utilize your dash morph to outrun the scythes.

It’s best for highlighted characters to circle around their opponents (scythes) to prevent inadvertently guiding them towards other team members. Avoid straying too far from the group though, as having a larger number of players ready for the next attack is crucial.

Death Circle Attack

Throne and Liberty: How to Beat Karnix in Death's Abyss Dungeon

To prevent Karnix from marking an ally for death, it is necessary for the entire team to gather within the dark circle. This action will distribute Karnix’s damage among the team members, thereby reducing its potency. Following this group tactic, be prepared to block Karnix’s subsequent Fury Attack.

It’s quite likely that Karnix could either eliminate or severely harm all individuals within the circle, unless perhaps it’s the party’s tank, if there are only four or less people present. Therefore, it’s crucial for everyone to gather together to boost their chances of survival.

Following the attack, the boss will replicate all of its actions again. The instances when Karnix isn’t unleashing any special attacks offer optimal damage-per-second (DPS) opportunities, making it ideal to reserve your most potent attacks for such periods.

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2024-10-14 17:04