Neva Review – They Grow Up So Fast

Neva Review - They Grow Up So Fast

As a seasoned gamer and avid fan of Nomada Studio’s previous masterpiece, GRIS, I approached Neva with high expectations, eagerly anticipating another heart-wrenching narrative that would resonate deeply within me. However, as the credits rolled on this new adventure, I found myself yearning for a more cohesive and engaging experience.

A heartfelt, tension-filled platform game consistently captivates me, much like a mysterious siren luring ships at sea.

In simpler terms, while the ships often lead to unfortunate sinking incidents (shipwrecks), I find myself emotionally drained when things end (becoming an emotional wreck). Regardless of who we are, we both seem to get drawn into situations repeatedly.

A game like GRIS, which effectively explored emotions, was one that came from Nomada Studios. This undervalued puzzle-platformer masterfully portrayed the five stages of grief in a visually captivating and thought-provoking manner, expanding the horizons of the gaming medium and silent storytelling.

Even though they’ve already established their throne in the realm of indie games, once more, Nomada is engrossed in developing “Neva” – a game revolving around the relationship between Alba and her wolf ally, who are on a mission to restore a deteriorating world.

However, will this version maintain the same grace and impactful emotion as its previous edition? By staying tuned to our Neva review, which we’ve prepared for the PlayStation 5, you may discover your answer.

Pretty Pastel Platforming

Neva Review - They Grow Up So Fast

As someone who’s played games from Nomada Studio before, I can tell you they have a knack for breathtaking visuals and jaw-dropping spectacles – it’s just their natural style!

In their earlier projects, there was an unmistakable style that made you want to pause and appreciate the view. Therefore, it’s not unexpected that Neva continues to display such breathtaking visual splendor, incorporating the main elements of Nomada’s signature art-style, yet forging a fresh, individual artistic approach for this new, captivating journey.

Neva’s presentation is so captivating that I would have saved numerous screenshots even without reviewing the game. The reason being that the game features breathtaking landscapes, spine-tingling shadows, and vibrant, colorful locations to discover.

Neva Review - They Grow Up So Fast

It’s truly captivating to see how skillfully this game employs color to stir feelings, just like GRIS did earlier. Initially, the lush greenery and soft, pastel-tinted landscapes create a sense of tranquility for players. However, as time goes on, the bold, overpowering shades of primary colors tug at different heartstrings, portraying a wordless tale while providing an ongoing visual feast.

With ingenious 2D techniques such as layering, camera angles, color shading, and more, the visuals in Neva are consistently stunning from beginning to end. Furthermore, the exceptional music score skillfully balances soft, subtle moments with complete silence, and dramatic, intense sequences, making it a standout presentation that is worth the cost of admission on its own.

The lush greenery and softly colored landscapes create a peaceful atmosphere for players, yet soon enough, intense bursts of primary colors evoke different emotions, subtly narrating a story without words while continuously offering visually appealing sights.

As a gamer, I’d have to say that while the game offers an impressive experience for most players, it could pose significant challenges for visually impaired gamers due to its heavy reliance on visual cues and details.

Despite having good vision, I found it challenging to follow the platforming sequences because of the colors used or the distant view provided by the camera.

Artistically, I can see why the choice was made, but it still bears mentioning.

A Change Of Focus

Neva Review - They Grow Up So Fast

I share your appreciation for artistic masterpieces, yet it’s essential to provide depth in gameplay to avoid being merely an attractive trinket. Fortunately, the game Neva delivers on this aspect, although maybe not as traditionally expected.

Players drawn to Neva due to GRIS’ popularity may anticipate a game abundant with puzzles and platforming elements. Nevertheless, it’s important to note that Neva places a greater emphasis on platforming aspects.

Neva’s gameplay style, featuring flexible double jumps and dashes, mirrors the classic 2D side-scrolling experience often found in Metroidvania-style games. Its combat, which involves hack-and-slash action, strengthens this comparison throughout the game’s journey.

Neva Review - They Grow Up So Fast

Initially, the game doesn’t deliver much thrilling content that fully leverages these classic mechanics, but don’t worry, such engaging moments will come abundantly.

As I delve deeper into this captivating world, my platforming abilities steadily grow alongside the deepening connection I forge with Neva, my extraordinary wolf ally. With every fresh skill acquired, the game unfurls new horizons before me.

While it’s true that Neva has some impressive aspects such as the intriguing platforming levels and engaging boss fights scattered throughout, it doesn’t quite match up to its previous version in terms of overall gameplay innovation.

Without a doubt, it flows smoothly and provides a lively atmosphere, but there’s not much in terms of challenges, surprising elements, or mechanisms that seem to reach their full potential. It’s unfortunate, as it’s evident that each feature could have been developed further.

Part of the Wolf Pack

Neva Review - They Grow Up So Fast

As a devoted fan, I must admit that what initially drew me in was the game’s captivating main feature. It promised a dream, one that held such potential for greatness. However, despite its initial allure, the dream didn’t fully materialize to the extent I had hoped it would.

As I embark on my journey with the lively young feline named Neva, the game entices me with the prospect of an adventure that would unfold the evolving bond between Neva and Alba. However, despite occasional glimpses, the in-game manifestation of their relationship never quite materializes to the extent I had hoped for.

I had envisioned a game reminiscent of “The Last Guardian”, but from a 2D perspective, where we care for a young puppy, teach it to navigate platforms, and eventually, it reciprocates the favor as the story unfolds. However, the experience primarily consists of narrative milestones rather than immersive gameplay interactions.

Neva Review - They Grow Up So Fast

You can comfort Neva, throw her (metaphorically speaking), ride her like a horse, and even utilize her as a source of light – all these actions are skillfully carried out. However, it still seemed somewhat incomplete, suggesting there could be more engaging activities beyond simply saying ‘Yes, you’re allowed to interact with the dog.’

Building a stronger bond with Neva didn’t give me the sensation of acquiring a new power; rather, it seemed like progressing to a fresh zone in the game where developers introduced a novel feature for added enjoyment and variety.

I’d like to avoid being overly harsh since it all seems quite seamless, provides a good mix of elements, and functions exceptionally well in terms of plot development and pace.

Based on the quality demonstrated by the previous title from the same studio, I had high hopes for a more seamless gaming experience. However, it seems to have fallen slightly short in that area compared to my expectations.

Room To Grow

Neva Review - They Grow Up So Fast

What really stuck with me following the end of GRIS was the compelling, silent storyline that seamlessly addressed the theme of loss in a powerful and impactful manner.

Maybe I mistakenly thought that Neva would adopt a similar approach, and by crafting a fictional tale, I aimed to weave a story equally impactful, imbued with a profound meaning.

This game is designed to narrate a story about the evolving connections we share with our parents, and eventually, our relationships with our offspring. Essentially, it’s a journey through life stages, exploring how these precious bonds between family members shift over time.

Similarly, it’s a story that revolves around the world we pass on to our future generations, emphasizing the importance of protecting it so they can live and prosper.

Neva Review - They Grow Up So Fast

This story moves along at a steady rhythm, with emotionally impactful beginnings and endings that pack a significant punch for those deeply engaged. Additionally, it features manageable chapters, frequent save points, and avoids becoming overly prolonged. Yet, despite this, I find that the double symbolism within doesn’t quite reach the grandeur of Nomada’s previous adventure.

This game intends to narrate a story about the evolving dynamics of our connections with our parents, followed by our relationships with our own offspring as we grow. Essentially, it’s a journey of personal growth that explores how these significant relationships adapt and transform through the passage of time.

Observing Alba and her pet growing together is truly touching, and their mutual dependence is evident throughout this journey. Each segment mirrors common stages in a parent’s upbringing process, masterfully portrayed.

Instead, focusing more intensely on a single theme might have resulted in the same deep emotional impact as earlier works, but unfortunately, Neva only partially achieves this effect.

Closing Comments:

Neva is a game that expands upon the platforming skills demonstrated by its forerunner GRIS, boasting striking pastel aesthetics, masterful color and flora usage, and awe-inspiring scenes to convey a potent narrative where relationships matter most. The game introduces a fresh sense of movement, abandoning the classification of a puzzle-platformer in favor of a more conventional adventure platforming style. Regrettably, the game doesn’t reach the narrative peaks of its predecessor, and also doesn’t fully optimize each mechanic it presents. However, despite these shortcomings, Neva is an enchanting, visually breathtaking indie game that is hard to turn away from.

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2024-10-14 19:09