Best Support Builds in Throne And Liberty

Best Support Builds in Throne And Liberty

Key Takeaways

  • Building a strong Support character in Throne And Liberty involves choosing wise weapon combinations for different game modes.
  • The Wand and Tome + Longbow combination creates a challenging but high-value Support build with crowd control and healing abilities.
  • Using Wand and Tome + Sword and Shield offers strong survivability for supporting allies in various scenarios.

As a seasoned gamer with countless hours spent in the mystical world of Throne and Liberty, I must say that the Warden build with Sword and Shield is a delightful choice for newcomers. With its versatile nature allowing players to switch between tank and support roles, it’s a great way to explore different playstyles while having fun. However, if you’re aiming for the ultimate challenge or to dominate on the battlefield, I’d advise you to consider other weapon pairings once you’ve mastered this class.

In Throne And Liberty, players are offered a variety of roles to assume. They can stand at the forefront, absorbing damage and managing aggressive targets as a tank, swiftly eliminating enemies as a DPS, or ensuring their teammates have all necessary resources as a Support. The effectiveness of various Support builds may vary depending on the game mode.

In Throne And Liberty, the most effective Support builds often focus on enhancing the Wand and Sword, although the Longbow comes in a close second. Many builds incorporate at least one of these weapons, with some even using both.

5 Darkblighter

Wand And Tome + Daggers

Best Support Builds in Throne And Liberty
  • Primary Stats: Dexterity & Perception
  • Difficulty to Master: Easy

When it comes to the best Throne and Liberty Support builds, having a challenging class to play can mean not being there when one’s allies need them the most. As such, beginners are better off with an easier option to play. This class has access to a wide range of features besides the usual healing of allies and providing crowd control. The usage of Daggers grants a lot of escape options when in danger. However, this class has some problem areas that players will need to address if they wish to be effective with it.

Initially, glass-like fragility is noticeable, as little provocation can push this category into risky territory. Players often prefer staying close to allies who can divert attention from them and shield them.

4 Invocator

Wand And Tome + Staff

Best Support Builds in Throne And Liberty
  • Primary Stats: Wisdom
  • Difficulty to Master: Medium

This construction performs exceptionally well in team-vs-team competitions, particularly during Castle Siege battles. This build has a tendency to drain mana if not controlled, making it crucial for players to prioritize their Wisdom attribute heavily. Equipped with this setup, players will possess numerous strategies to counter any moves the opposing guild might make, boasting exceptional abilities in both healing and crowd control.

In other game modes, this particular build may not perform optimally and could face challenges in various parts of the game. However, those who appreciate its aesthetic might want to experiment with it later on. It would be more beneficial for them to initially create a beginner-friendly character, master the game, and then delve into this build if they find themselves interested in the GvG aspects of the game.

3 Warden

Longbow + Sword And Shield

Best Support Builds in Throne And Liberty
  • Primary Stats: Dexterity
  • Difficulty to Master: Easy

This character, known as The Warden, is an excellent option for beginners due to its Sword and Shield abilities. It allows players to assume either a defensive role (tank) or a supportive one by switching between various Skill configurations. When utilized in tandem, it results in an effective backrow healer. However, it’s more straightforward to play if you replace the Longbow with the Sword and Shield, but keep in mind that this choice makes the class less versatile.

Characters who opt for this build in a more defensive manner won’t find it as sturdy as when they’re armed with a Greatsword. This build offers a versatile and enjoyable gameplay experience, but for those seeking advanced combat, a different weapon combination will be required.

2 Seeker

Wand And Tome + Longbow

Best Support Builds in Throne And Liberty
  • Primary Stats: Wisdom
  • Difficulty to Master: Hard

In the gaming world of Throne and Liberty, finding adequate Support options can be challenging due to the scarcity of weapons specifically designed for this role, with only two viable choices: the Longbow and the Wand and Tome. When wielded together, these two weapons create one of the game’s toughest Support builds, offering a wealth of benefits. This build equips a support character with the necessary tools to manage enemy crowds, heal multiple allies at once, or focus healing on a single frontliner.

The Longbow allows players to draw upon their personal energy to boost mana when it’s critical. With the right combination, an expert player can offer top-tier support in the game. However, its complexity makes it a class that requires mastery, and beginners may find it challenging to fully appreciate this class. Players who find harder classes tough might want to adjust their control settings for ease.

1 Templar

Wand And Tome + Sword And Shield

Best Support Builds in Throne And Liberty
  • Primary Stats: Strength
  • Difficulty to Master: Easy

Seeking the optimal Wand and Tome configurations will expose Throne and Liberty players to a range of playing styles. Many Support characters tend to be fragile, but not Templars. Similar to Wardens, they utilize the Sword and Shield weapon setup to significantly enhance their durability, albeit at the expense of dealing relatively low damage. This build performs exceptionally well in Small-Scale PvP compared to large-scale encounters.

Characters wielding these two weapons are proficient at maintaining the health and combat readiness of their teammates, making them standout Support class examples in both PvE (Player vs Environment) and PvP (Player vs Player) scenarios. It’s best to avoid leveling up on your own using this build; having allies, particularly a DPS (Damage Per Second) character, by your side will significantly expedite the process, especially when tackling dungeons together.

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2024-10-17 07:33