The Best Guardian Forces In Final Fantasy 8

The Best Guardian Forces In Final Fantasy 8

Key Takeaways

  • Final Fantasy 8 introduced the innovative Junction System for customizing Guardian Forces.
  • Unique GFs such as Cerberus, Carbuncle, and Cactuar offer powerful abilities in battle.
  • GFs like Diablos, Shiva, Alexander, and the ultimate GF Eden provide essential skills and massive damage.

As a seasoned gamer who’s spent countless hours immersed in the mystical world of Final Fantasy 8, I must say that the Guardian Forces (GFs) are one of the most captivating aspects of this game. They embody the essence of magic and power, making every battle an exhilarating experience. Among these celestial beings, three stand out as the most formidable: Shiva, Alexander, and Eden.

Over more than three decades, the video game franchise Final Fantasy has demonstrated an exceptional ability to transform and innovate its mechanics. In terms of customizing the abilities of party members and the creatures they can conjure, Final Fantasy 8 presented one of the most creative methods through its unique Junction System. This system introduced a fresh take on summons with the addition of Guardian Forces.

In the world of Final Fantasy 8, Guardian Forces (GFs) were a type of summons that were not only traditional but also customizable. They could be used creatively, a feature that the franchise has yet to revisit. These classic summons, such as Shiva and Ifrit, had the ability to be enhanced with unique skills due to the Junction System. This system, one of FF8’s most innovative features, allowed players to summon remarkable creatures in battles.

7 Cerberus

Three-Headed Demon Dog From Greek Mythology Casts Triple And Double

  • Location: Galbadia Garden or Ultimecia Castle
  • Summon Ability: Counter Rockets
  • Unique Ability: Auto-Haste
  • Triple Triad Card Level: 9

During the epic battle known as the Battle of the Gardens, you may encounter Cerberus. This is an optional adversary that, upon being defeated, will become a member of your team, serving as a Guardian Force. If you happen to miss him during this fight, don’t worry! You can also acquire Cerberus from a draw point within Gargantua, located in Ultimecia Castle.

This three-headed dog, reminiscent of a mythical creature from Greek folklore, independently acquires various skills without requiring any assistance. He is a potent ally to possess, proving particularly useful in the game’s climactic moments before Ultimecia. His Counter Rockets ability bestows Double and Triple abilities upon the entire party during these critical stages.

6 Carbuncle

Cute GF Casts Powerful Magic Reflection Spell

  • Location: Deling City or Ultimecia Castle
  • Summon Ability: Ruby Light
  • Unique Ability: Recov Med-RF
  • Triple Triad Card Level: 9

Carbuncle, a beloved character from the Final Fantasy series, can be obtained at Deiling City’s parade during disc 1, from Iguion enemies. If you miss out on it there, you can also get it from Krysta at Ultimecia Castle on a second attempt. This charming Guardian Force (GF) has made appearances in previous games such as Final Fantasy 5 and 6, and continues to be a beloved figure in the franchise’s 8th entry.

In times of need, Carbuncle employs Ruby Light, a tool that casts Reflect onto the team. This is quite beneficial since it can ward off some of the game’s strongest magic attacks. Carbuncle is an excellent choice for players who frequently use status effects, as he mastery extends to spells like Auto-Reflect and a distinctive ability called Recov Med-RF, which enhances the potency of recovery items.

5 Cactuar

Deceptively Dangerous GF Casts Powerful 1000 Needles

  • Location: Cactuar Island
  • Summon Ability: 1000 Needles
  • Unique Ability: Breaks the damage barrier

To acquire this Giant Cactuar Foe (GF), the player needs to locate and conquer Jumbo Cactuar on an island in the southeastern part of the map within Final Fantasy 8’s world. This elusive creature emerges from the sand at unpredictable spots, and finding him becomes one of the enjoyable side quests in FF8, as it can only be accomplished after the player has acquired the Ragnarok weapon.

Cactuar is a formidable Final Fantasy summon (GF) that becomes incredibly potent in late-game play. Its ability, 1000 Needles, takes the first number from its level and multiplies it by 100. So, at maximum level, this skill can inflict an astounding 10,000 points of damage, even surpassing the game’s built-in damage limit. It’s a GF that is definitely worth acquiring, as it can only be found in a particular area, making the grinding process relatively straightforward.

4 Diablos

Demonic Dragon Uses Gravity For Huge Damage

  • Location: Magic Lamp
  • Summon Ability: Dark Messenger
  • Triple Triad Card Level: 9

At the brink of their journey towards Timber, Balamb Garden’s headmaster, Cid Kramer, bestows a magical lantern upon Squall. This unusual artifact sets off an optional battle against Diablos, a formidable Guardian Force (GF). If they emerge victorious in the fight, Diablos will become part of their team. However, failing to speak with Cid before departure results in the player missing out on this lantern and the subsequent encounter altogether.

Diablos employs a skill called Dark Messenger, a move that inflicts damage proportional to its level and an enemy’s health, using gravitational forces. At level 100, this ability can cause 9,999 points of damage. Additionally, he learns abilities like Mug. He stands out among the game’s other summoned creatures due to his distinctiveness, and players may overlook him during their first playthrough because they can sell the lamp without any interruption from the game.

3 Shiva

Classic Final Fantasy Summon Returns As Powerful GF

  • Location: Study Panel or Acquired From Quistis
  • Summon Ability: Diamond Dust
  • Unique Ability: Doom
  • Boost Percentage: 180
  • Triple Triad Card Level: 8

In the game “Final Fantasy 8”, Shiva is initially acquired, either by checking Squall’s desk or being handed to him by Quistis prior to entering the Fire Cavern. This iconic summon has been featured in multiple “Final Fantasy” games, making its first appearance as far back as the third installment.

As a devoted fan, I can’t help but reminisce about my incredible journey with Shiva in Final Fantasy 8. She was my first encounter with Guardian Forces, and her significance only grew as I approached the epic battle against Ultimecia. Her Diamond Dust summon ability, a visually stunning display of ice magic, could be amplified up to an astounding 180%! This boosted attack dealt devastating damage that proved invaluable throughout my adventure.

2 Alexander

Enormous GF Dwards Enemies In Epic Summon

  • Location: Galbadia Garden or Ultimecia Castle
  • Summon Ability: Holy
  • Unique Ability: Revive
  • Boost Percentage: 230
  • Triple Triad Card Level: 9

Alexander can be acquired either from Sorceress Edea at the Battle of Galbadia Garden or from Catoblepas within Ultimecia Castle. This powerful Summon Friend (GF) is essential for navigating the challenging journey through Ultimecia Castle, as it proves particularly useful in combating numerous creatures that precede the ultimate showdown.

Holy, his summoning power, inflicts massive damage on undead foes, and additionally grants the capacity for magic enhancement. Furthermore, Alexander acquires significant abilities, such as Revive which restores a fallen character to full health, and instantaneously slays an undead adversary.

1 Eden

Most Powerful Guardian Force In Final Fantasy 8

  • Location: Deep Sea Research Center or Ultimecia Castle
  • Summon Ability: Eternal Breath
  • Unique Ability: Devour
  • Boost Percentage: 250
  • Triple Triad Card Level: 9

In the video game “Final Fantasy 8”, the Deep Sea Research Center serves as an optional destination that requires the Ragnarok to access. This location is significant because it’s where players have a chance to secure one of the strongest creatures, known as GFs, in the game. If you fail to obtain Eden from the Ultima Weapon, you can find it instead in Ultimecia Castle; however, if you missed it at the Research Center earlier, you won’t be able to get it from there.

In true Eden fashion, its summon ability, Eternal Breath, lives up to the hype with an immersive, grandiose animation that surpasses the 9,999 damage limit. At its peak enhancement, Eternal Breath can inflict over 60,000 damage, making it undeniably the most potent GF in the game. The moment you gain access to the Deep Sea Research Center, it’s highly recommended that you seek out Eden, as it outclasses other GFs in sheer damage output and customization potential.

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2024-10-18 06:04