My Hero Academia: Fat Gums Fat Absorption Quirk, Explained

My Hero Academia: Fat Gums Fat Absorption Quirk, Explained

Key Takeaways

  • Fat Gum’s Fat Absorption quirk is effective for defense and can absorb most attacks, making him an immovable barrier for villains.
  • Taishiro can use Fat Absorption for counterattacks by absorbing offensive force and unleashing it back upon adversaries.
  • While Fat Absorption has powerful applications, its reliance on body mass and potential decrease in mass during use pose risks.

As a dedicated fan of the My Hero Academia universe, I’ve had the pleasure of witnessing some truly extraordinary abilities gracing our screens. Yet, none have left me quite as captivated as the Fat Absorption quirk wielded by the heroic Taishiro Toyomitsu, AKA Fat Gum.

Taishiro Toyomitsu, also known as BMI Hero: Fat Gum, exhibits a warm and approachable demeanor towards his fellow pros and civilians. Despite his jovial nature, he transforms into a resolute and dedicated hero when faced with challenging situations. His unwavering commitment to safeguarding the lives of civilians makes him prepared to risk his own life for the greater good. In the course of his heroic duties, Taishiro derives strength and conviction from his special ability, Fat Absorption.

Despite not being as potent as some other meta abilities such as One for All, All for One, Fa Jin, Gearshift, and Spearlike Bones, the ability to absorb fat offers a substantial edge in neutralizing threats and shielding against powerful assaults. However, it’s the dependability of this quirk that truly shines in critical missions. In this article, we aim to explore the unique traits and vulnerabilities of Fat Absorption.

What is Fat Absorption?

A Multipurpose Quirk That Has Many Applications

Fat Absorption is a specialized ability that comes into play during close-quarter fights. With this power, Taishiro can take in any object he touches, causing it to become part of his body fat. This absorption not only allows him to absorb energy but also tires out his opponents. What makes this ability particularly challenging to counter is its versatility; Taishiro uses it effectively for both defense and offense.

Fat Absorption offers users a defensive strategy rather than offensive maneuvers. Its primary advantage is its ability to absorb a vast majority of attacks, making Fat Gum exceptionally resilient against powerful quirks, weapons, and even bullets. In addition to defense, Fat Gum can creatively utilize his fat stores, such as restraining attackers who come too close by molding his fat. Breaking free from the grip of No. 58 Pro Hero is extremely challenging due to the malleability of his body fat.

Due to the characteristics of his unique ability, Fat Gum often assumes a protective role during critical missions. His bulky physique serves as an unyielding obstacle for the villains, allowing allies to plan counterattacks. Moreover, he is proficient at apprehending criminals, a talent that proves invaluable during arrests. In essence, Fat Gum’s abilities derived from his Fat Absorption quirk make him an indispensable team member, capable of turning the tide for heroes when situations are tough.

When things aren’t going well for Taishiro and his defence seems weak, he might employ a clever tactic hidden within him. As previously stated, Fat Gum has the ability to absorb objects upon touch. This property applies not only to defensive maneuvers but also to direct attacks, allowing him to absorb all offensive energy directed at him. The accumulated power can then be released as a counterattack, surprising Taishiro’s opponents. Fat Gum accomplishes this by sacrificing some of his own body fat for increased raw power.

In episode 118, titled “The Thrill of Destruction,” character Fat Gum collaborates with his team for the Gunga Mountain Villa assault. Amidst the fight, he safeguards Denki, Fumikage, Kinoko, and Juzo by transforming his body into a temporary vehicle, thanks to his malleable fat. This extraordinary tactic is called Fataxi and enables Taishiro to evacuate multiple allies from perilous situations while protecting them from harmful assaults. Fat Absorption endows Fat Gum with powerful abilities, making him a dependable partner in any operation. Yet, his quirk is not flawless and possesses certain troubling imperfections.

Fat Absorption’s Weaknesses

Taishiro’s Quirk Has Some Glaring Shortcomings

Fat Absorption, as the name implies, is a trait that heavily depends on a person’s substantial body mass. Consuming large quantities of calories regularly, especially from Fat Gum, builds up this high fat storage. However, if there isn’t enough stored fat, Fat Absorption becomes ineffective, which can be a significant drawback considering the usefulness of a quirk lies in its ease of use and impact. For a professional hero who frequently engages with dangerous villains, being unable to utilize one’s quirk could quickly become a life-threatening situation.

In other words, even though Fat Gum possesses the necessary fat reserves for utilizing his power, there’s a high chance he may lose a substantial amount of his body weight with each use. This could potentially render his Fat Absorption ability useless during combat. On top of that, when Fat Gum utilizes his Fat Absorption technique to retaliate in critical situations, it depletes a massive portion of his fat reserves. If the attack fails to defeat the opponent, Fat Gum might not have enough body mass left to employ his quirk again. In essence, while Fat Gum’s Fat Absorption has remarkable capabilities, its drawbacks make it potentially hazardous in extended fights.

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2024-10-18 21:33