Tomb Raider 4-6 Remastered: Things That Need To Be Improved

Tomb Raider 4-6 Remastered: Things That Need To Be Improved

Key Takeaways

  • Rework the Egyptian theme in Tomb Raider 4 to create a fresh visual separation in each area.
  • Improve the rope swing mechanics in Tomb Raider 4 and 5 for a smoother and less frustrating experience.
  • Enhance the tightrope walking controls in Tomb Raider Chronicles to make the movement more fluid and modern.

As a seasoned gamer who has spent countless hours navigating the treacherous terrains of Lara Croft’s adventures, I must say that my patience is often tested by the quirks and idiosyncrasies found within these games. One such issue that has plagued me since my first encounter with Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation is the excessive loading times between zones.

Based on the triumph of the remastered Tomb Raider trilogy, Aspyr and Crystal Dynamics are planning to rework Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation, Tomb Raider: Chronicles, and Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness next. The announcement for Tomb Raider 4-6 Remastered reveals that it will be available on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 on Feb. 14, 2025. To make sure these remasters live up to expectations, the developers are focusing on refining details for the upcoming episodes in Lara Croft’s worldwide escapades.

The fourth Tomb Raider game harmoniously aligns with the original trilogy, while the fifth serves as a recap of the events in the previous installment, and the sixth, which is now viewed more positively, was met with criticism upon release for its style over substance compared to its predecessors. None of these games are without flaws, even if the fourth one is often favored, and there’s still room for improvement to enhance the overall gaming experience.

7 Rework The Egyptian Theme

Introduce Some Variations To The Egyptian Setting

Tomb Raider 4-6 Remastered: Things That Need To Be Improved

In the case of Tomb Raider 4, one of its strongest assets turns out to be one of its weaknesses. The Last Revelation embodies much of what made the initial Tomb Raider trilogy great, yet this very similarity can lead to a sense of repetition. Although the level design effectively captures the essence of ancient Egypt, it lacks the variety found in some of the earlier games.

In an unusual twist, all events unfold in Egypt. This shift from typical settings might seem unconventional, but it also means that leaping from Karnak to Cairo and Giza doesn’t provide much novelty. For the remastered version, Tomb Raider 4 could significantly benefit by undergoing a revamp, focusing on creating a visually distinct division between each Egyptian environment. This would ensure that every area feels unique and not just a repetition of the previous significant Egyptian cities.

6 Make The Rope Swings Less Trifling

Avoid Several Unintentional Deaths Due To Unreliable Mechanics

Tomb Raider 4-6 Remastered: Things That Need To Be Improved

Much like how Spiderman’s web-shooters enhance the action, creative navigation systems significantly boost the immersion and interactivity of many games. For instance, Lara Croft’s adventures take her through Rome, Russia’s coast, an Irish island, iconic Egyptian sites, and New York City. It’s crucial that she has efficient ways to traverse these diverse locales. However, there were criticisms regarding Lara’s rope-swinging maneuvers, particularly in ‘Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation’ and ‘Tomb Raider: Chronicles’. Players found themselves frustrated with the platform-to-platform swinging mechanics to such an extent that they resorted to seeking assistance on online forums.

For reference, here’s how to properly swing on the ropes in Tomb Raider 4 and Tomb Raider 5:

  • Go all the way to the bottom, line yourself up, hold sprint, and then press jump at the end of the swing.

Instead of just making minor adjustments, it would be far more beneficial for Aspyr and Crystal Dynamics to overhaul the entire rope swing system, making it smoother and more user-friendly. This change would significantly reduce instances where Lara Croft experiences awkward or embarrassing falls.

5 Make Tightrope Walking Faster

Renowned Archeologist Lara Croft Can Move Faster Than That

Tomb Raider 4-6 Remastered: Things That Need To Be Improved

In Tomb Raider: Chronicles, not only do you have to navigate rope swings, but there are also tightropes that Lara Croft must cross. While it’s understandable that she wouldn’t glide across like a superhero due to her realistic portrayal, it can be a bit jarring to see her cautiously traverse the tightrope, given her reputation as an intelligent and athletic archaeologist.

Beyond noting that the tightrope walk appears overly prolonged and the controls could be improved, it’s a challenging task to maneuver Lara smoothly. She tends to move forward laboriously, and when she seems unbalanced, ready to tumble off, the solution is to press the directional keys in the opposite direction of her lean. This aspect of the Rome level proves particularly tricky, despite lacking any immediate danger, suggesting a need for smoother motion and an update to accommodate contemporary PS4/PS5 control schemes.

4 Fix All Bugs

Many Bugs Make The Game Less Challenging

Tomb Raider 4-6 Remastered: Things That Need To Be Improved

In much the same way as the remastered Tomb Raider trilogy (The Last Revelation, Chronicles, and The Angel of Darkness), Crystal Dynamics and Aspyr are addressing several notable issues across all three games to improve gameplay. These problems include Lara Croft getting stuck within walls or jumping too high onto platforms, causing enemies and cutscenes to activate from these hidden locations, characters falling through floors, Lara holding her gun while climbing, and in Tomb Raider 6’s case, the game experiencing crashes.

As a passionate admirer of the Tomb Raider series, let me share with you some of the well-documented glitches found in Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation, Tomb Raider: Chronicles, and Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness. These classic games have provided endless hours of excitement, but like any other game, they’ve had their fair share of challenges.

  • Corner Bug – Standing right next to the corner, turning 45 degrees to face away from the wall, and then jumping can glitch Lara to the top of a ledge.
  • Flare Bug – While facing a wall and turned slightly to the left, drop a flare, roll, crawl, and then grab the flare again; Lara will teleport to the top of the platform.
  • Trigger Bug – Start off by performing a corner bug or flare bug, and when inside the wall, start jumping up to potentially trigger an event, such as spawning an enemy or activating a cutscene.
  • Falling Through The Floor Bug – Position Lara in front of a slope, press roll, then press roll again, and Lara will fall through the wall into the next level.
  • Holding Weapon While Climbing Bug – Draw a weapon, jump up, go to the inventory in midair, then select a different weapon.
  • The Mickey Mouse Voice Bug – Occurs randomly when Lara talks faster than normal.
  • Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness crashing unexpectedly.

3 Shorten Loading Times Between Zones

Long Loading Times Can Be Disorienting

Tomb Raider 4-6 Remastered: Things That Need To Be Improved

In “Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation,” there were certain loading screens that seemed to last an uncertain duration as Lara Croft transitioned from one level or zone to another. Although the intricate architecture within the tombs and the authentic hieroglyphic markings were fascinating, it could be confusing to wait such a lengthy time between visits to new locations, especially following the resolution of a challenging puzzle that left quite an impact.

After finishing one stage, players frequently find themselves eager to advance and reorient, so delaying the next load can seem monotonous. While eliminating loading screens entirely might not be practical given that the developers are working with the original game’s engine and codebase, it could still be achievable to minimize loading times or provide a heads-up message informing players about which area they’re entering instead. This way, the transition feels smoother and less tedious.

2 Make Cutscenes Skippable

Seasoned Players Want To Jump Right Into The Action

Tomb Raider 4-6 Remastered: Things That Need To Be Improved

While it may seem sacrilegious to some, bypassing cutscenes in Tomb Raider: Chronicles might be an option, especially for experienced players. This is because the game predominantly revolves around a single, extended flashback. As such, seasoned adventurers may find themselves already familiar with the events depicted, reducing the need to watch them unfold again.

For novice players, cutscenes could be particularly helpful, offering an engaging introduction to the game’s narrative. On the other hand, seasoned players might prefer to bypass these scenes and focus on the scenic aspects of the game without delving too deeply into a story they already know well. Skippable cutscenes would not detract from the overall experience of Tomb Raider: Chronicles, but it would address the same issue as the loading screen argument, resulting in a smoother and more continuous gameplay experience.

1 Fix Overall Gameplay Flow

Bring Back The Original Controls

Tomb Raider 4-6 Remastered: Things That Need To Be Improved

Upon its release, there was a significant controversy surrounding the control system in Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness. Initially, the controls mimicked those from the PS1, relying heavily on the D-pad for movement and ignoring the analog sticks entirely. This contrasted with most PS2 games at the time which were beginning to experiment with using the analog stick. Sony was displeased that the Tomb Raider debut on the PS2 lacked full use of the controller, so they requested Core Design to make changes. Unfortunately, these alterations had to be made under tight deadlines as the game was already significantly delayed, making it difficult for Core Design to implement the necessary adjustments.

This setback resulted in clunky controls for Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness, especially on PC, as none of the original controls would transfer properly on other platforms. The remaster should fix the control issue as a given, which it almost certainly will, but Angel of Darkness should take out (or rework) its silly strength system (from where the “I feel stronger now” meme originated) and also polish the introductory and Kurtis levels, which both had unfinished/unreachable areas.

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2024-10-19 03:35