Call of Duty Zombies: Things That Make No Sense in the Story

Call of Duty Zombies: Things That Make No Sense in the Story

As a long-time fan of Call of Duty Zombies, I’ve seen my fair share of plot twists and narrative complexities. However, some of the inconsistencies in the storyline of Black Ops 4 have left me scratching my head more than once.

The narrative of the Call of Duty: Zombies series is notorious for being intricately complex, with numerous changes, reinterpretations, and inconsistencies. Yet, this storyline is equally renowned for its fascinating connections to science fiction, horror, and actual historical conflicts and conspiracies.

Many fans adore the storyline of COD Zombies, but it’s also fair to question certain events within the expansive narrative, as there are several plot holes and inconsistencies that arise, leaving one to speculate about the underlying story.

6 Primis Spends Two Years Killing Richtofens

What Was Primis’ Plan Before Meeting Richtofen in The Giant?

Call of Duty Zombies: Things That Make No Sense in the Story

Following the events of Origins, the group known as Primis emerges from The Crazy Place to rescue Samantha. A time frame of two years separates these occurrences, as depicted in The Giant, during which players encounter Primis again. In this two-year period, Dempsey, Takeo, and Nikolai share a conversation detailing their whereabouts: traversing different dimensions and eliminating Richtofens.

It’s hard to understand why the Primis group were murdering Richtofens and had to travel specifically to the Ultimis timeline to apprehend Ultimis Richtofen, all while being taken aback by the reappearance of Primis Richtofen. The multiverse can indeed be quite perplexing at times.

5 Nacht Der Untoten in America

The Japanese Airfield Base is Strangely in Washington, America?

Call of Duty Zombies: Things That Make No Sense in the Story

Exploring the tough cornfields in TranZit’s Green Run may lead you to an intriguing discovery: the remnants of Nacht Der Untoten. While this hidden gem is exciting, it doesn’t seem to contribute significantly to the overall plot.

In Nacht Der Untoten, the setting is a Japanese airfield during World War 2. However, the layout seems to be mysteriously transposed into the middle of a cornfield in Washington state. This could be explained as a temporal or spatial disruption, perhaps a creative reinterpretation or reconstruction, but it does seem somewhat illogical. Yet, despite the inconsistency, it remains an intriguing aspect that adds to the game’s charm.

4 Gersh Fights With Ultimis

Ultimis Richtofen Was Absent For an Undiscoled Time, With Gersh Taking His Place

Call of Duty Zombies: Things That Make No Sense in the Story

In the poster for Ascension within Black Ops, attentive players will observe that the four Ultimis characters are depicted, but an anomaly exists: Richtofen appears in a spacesuit and is bald. The creative director of Call of Duty Zombies revealed this was not actually Richtofen, sparking numerous theories suggesting this figure could be Gersh. This theory gained further support when Dr. Monty confirmed that the Ultimis team had fought alongside Gersh during a period when Richtofen was absent.

Despite this seeming rather confusing, it appears that Gersh fought alongside Ultimis without any prior encounters or mutual recognition. They transitioned from Der Reise to Kino der Toten, then to Ascension, all without gaps in between. It’s intriguing that neither party seems to remember the other, yet they still collaborated to free Gersh from Ascension.

3 Victis Fights Zombies in Alcatraz

The Pocket Dimension of Alcatraz Was Cured of Zombies, Yet They Return When Victis Awaken

Call of Duty Zombies: Things That Make No Sense in the Story

Instead of being a major inconsistency, it seems that the plot has a small oversight when Victis awaken from their cryo-pods in Richtofen’s hidden facility within Alcatraz’s pocket dimension, and are swiftly evacuated due to the swarming zombies. However, this scenario might not be plausible because after Revelations, Richtofen utilized the Fire Staff Crystal to set free the spirits of the undead. In reality, it could be that the effects of the crystal didn’t extend into the pocket dimension or perhaps the zombies within it were not affected by the crystal’s power.

In simple terms, this suggests that since no zombies should exist in this fading alternate universe, Victis should face no difficulties on the barren prison island. This point is crucial to both Victis and the broader narrative of Black Ops 4.

2 The Concepts of an Immortal Soul

In A Multiverse of Infinity Possibilities, Everyone Has Just One Soul?

Call of Duty Zombies: Things That Make No Sense in the Story

In the narrative of the Call of Duty Zombies series, the introduction of the multiverse makes for a complex tale, particularly when addressing the idea of an immortal spirit. A recurring motif in the storyline from Black Ops 3 and Black Ops 4 revolves around souls, with the idea that if a soul is transferred to the Summoning Key, it means one unchanging soul exists for every version of that character across all realities. But, how does this mechanism function?

In Black Ops series, Richtofen’s soul was extracted from a younger version of himself instead of his Ultimis counterpart. Unlike other Primis characters, this was unique. Even in Black Ops 4 where Nikolai retains his soul, it remains unclear why these immortal souls are significant, more so when they are connected to the Summoning Key, where Shadowman resides.

1 The Agarthan Device’s Wish Granting

Why Not Wish For A Perfect Universe Instead of Killing Everyone?

Call of Duty Zombies: Things That Make No Sense in the Story

Centuries past, I marvel at the creation of the Agarthan Device, forged by the legendary blacksmith, Jebediah Brown. Yet, to ignite its true potential, it required an extraordinary process – Pack-a-Punch’ing, coupled with the fusion of the Elemental Shard and the sacred essence of the Apothicon Elder God blood. Once this alchemy was accomplished, the Agarthan Device transformed into a priceless artifact, granting wishes beyond comprehension, an endless wellspring for limitless dreams.

Although Nikolai acquires the Agarthan Device and subsequently employs it to annihilate the Summoning Key, thus banishing the multiverse into the Dark Aether to initiate a fresh, unblemished universe, one wonders why he didn’t simply petition for the preservation of Ultimis and Primis, or a cosmos devoid of Apothicons and Keepers, or even an end to the Great War. Instead, Nikolai opted to destroy himself, the multiverse, and his companions with the Agarthan Device.

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2024-10-22 09:04