A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead review

A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead review

As a self-proclaimed noise-maker extraordinaire and a father of two chatterboxes who could rival Taylor Swift’s fandom in volume, A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead has me quaking in my boots. If this game was real life, I’d have been ripped to shreds by now – probably while trying to hush my little ones or scrambling for the remote control during a commercial break.

In a hypothetical scenario where any noise alerts deadly extraterrestrials to my location, I’d be in a tight spot. My two girls are constantly chattering about Taylor Swift gossip and school drama, taking up at least 20 minutes of my day. Add my propensity for clumsiness into the mix, and it seems like a recipe for disaster. The game A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead really brought those apprehensions to reality, as if my daughters weren’t already sending me to an early grave with their incessant background chatter.

Though not as spine-chilling as Alien: Isolation, Stormind Games successfully crafted a game brimming with suspense and emotional depth. They skillfully weave a compelling narrative around the terror portrayed in the inspiring films that serve as its foundation. The player takes on the role of Alex, a young woman who experiences a heart-wrenching incident at the beginning of the tale. Subsequently, she must dodge being dismembered by these extraterrestrials and find her way to safety, all while managing her asthma and discovering her pregnancy.

A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead review

In everyday life, there’s plenty to handle, but when you’re constantly on high alert, fearing that menacing aliens might attack at any moment, it becomes almost unbearable. This fear is ever-present, making you tread carefully through deserted structures and open spaces. Even the smallest sound could set off these monstrosities, and one wrong step could lure them towards you.

It’s quite annoying to find paint cans scattered around, even in the middle of the forest. Who on earth left them there? Slipping in puddles, closing vents too hastily, accidentally stepping on broken glass or carelessly opening doors – these actions seem harmless but they could attract monsters. The main issue with A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead is that you have to move so slowly for a large part of the story. It can take forever to get from one end of a corridor to another, and when you’re doing this in every new location, it can become quite tedious.

A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead review

Besides needing to move carefully, it’s important to remember that Alex has asthma. Overexertion could trigger an attack for her. If you choose to run, keep in mind that it will gradually increase the ‘lung status’ indicator from yellow to orange and eventually red, leading to an asthmatic episode. Being stealthy around aliens or engaging in anything too taxing will also increase the risk of an attack. Scattered throughout are inhalers and pills that can help relax her, but they aren’t infinite in number.

The Road Ahead is the ‘Microphone Sound Sensor’, which detects real-world sounds using your controller. This means any noise you make could lead to dire consequences. While it’s optional, it’s quite entertaining to use. My oldest child decided to yell “boobies” loudly, and of course, the result was immediate.

A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead review

In addition, you’ll find a flashlight that needs batteries to operate, and overusing it might cause it to malfunction at the most inconvenient instances. You should always be aware of items scattered on the ground because having the flashlight die on you in the midst of a parking lot while a creature is lurking nearby isn’t pleasant. You can use stones or bottles to divert their attention, providing a brief moment of relief, but there are numerous moments when I felt utterly helpless. The level of fear that permeates A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead is what makes it so thrilling.

In the quietness of your gameplay, there’s ample chance to immerse yourself in the narrative. Scattered documents throughout the settings provide glimpses into the personal tales of survivors battling to endure after an invasion. Alex’s story is moving and skillfully crafted, although it might lose momentum toward the finish. It may not reach the heights of Day One or the initial movie that launched the series, but it certainly holds its own within the broader universe.

A Peek Into “A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead” – A Suspenseful Journey That Keeps You on Your Toes

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2024-10-23 12:16