10 Amazing Mechanics In Underwhelming Games

10 Amazing Mechanics In Underwhelming Games

As a seasoned gamer with decades of gaming under my belt, I must say that these mechanics have left a profound impact on my gaming experiences. The Flight mechanic in Anthem, despite the game’s rocky start, transported me to heights unseen, making me feel like Peter Pan soaring over Neverland.

The path of improvement is paved with failure. The same can be said with video games, which carry the unique ability to still be fun despite glaring issues.

Sometimes, games may not meet players’ high hopes, resulting in feelings of letdown. Yet, this does not necessarily make the game forgettable or unimpactful.

Some video game mechanics still stand out, even in those disappointing games — a fond memory in a bad era. Sometimes, these mechanics are the only redeeming quality about the game, either in concept or execution.

It seems regrettable that such an idea never fully materialized into enjoyable gameplay as intended. Yet, let’s not dwell on what could have been but rather look forward to future games where these mechanics might resurface. In this way, it can finally live up to its potential: becoming cherished by players.

10 Take Away Senses

The Quiet Man

10 Amazing Mechanics In Underwhelming Games

“One particularly poignant example of untapped potential is ‘The Quiet Man’, an action game developed by Square Enix in the genre of Beat ‘Em Up. The story revolves around the deaf protagonist, Dane, whose deafness forms the core concept and gameplay mechanism.

The game is almost silent, immersing players into Dane’s perspective, making it fascinating from a conceptual standpoint. Regrettably, it appears Square Enix failed to grasp that narrating a character with a disability means avoiding the use of the disability as a mere plot device.

Despite the game being a massive flop, the concept of removing senses remains remarkably original. This aspect of the game is somewhat nostalgically appreciated, despite the potential for much improved execution.

9 Jedi Mind Tricks

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2

10 Amazing Mechanics In Underwhelming Games

Fans of Star Wars often have high expectations – and this was especially true when The Force Unleashed II was released. Many felt that, in comparison to the original game, it fell short, even after much excitement had built up prior to its launch.

Despite being a less joyful chapter in Star Wars gaming history, one element that players continue to cherish is undoubtedly the Jedi Mind Trick feature.

It’s unfortunate that this particular feature doesn’t appear until later in the game, but despite that, it was incredibly enjoyable. The ability to command enemies and eliminate them effortlessly feels like a strong tactical advantage, much like in Knights of the Old Republic.

8 Aiden’s Connection

Beyond: Two Souls

10 Amazing Mechanics In Underwhelming Games

David Cage’s works are still sparking debate among gamers, yet no title has stirred up as much controversy as “Beyond: Two Souls.” Unlike Detroit: Become Human, which garnered broad acclaim from both critics and players, Beyond: Two Souls remains a highly polarizing game.

In this game, the lead role is played by Hollywood actor Elliot Page. The narrative centers around a character named Jodie, who has a deep, spiritual and supernatural bond with her twin brother, Aiden.

Aiden serves as a shapeless entity within the game, one that can be manipulated as a key feature. This spirit has the power to manipulate objects, influence other characters’ thoughts, and perform numerous impressive actions beneficial for combats, solving puzzles, and advancing the plot.

Despite some divided opinions about the game itself, numerous players were captivated by Aiden’s character and how seamlessly he blended into both the storyline and the game mechanics.

7 Threatening With Guns

I Am Alive

10 Amazing Mechanics In Underwhelming Games

Unfortunately, I Am Alive fell short of providing the full experience that players sought in post-apocalyptic survival games during the 2010s. While it covered the essential elements, it failed to satisfy the unique desires of gamers.

However, one unique feature of the game still stands out, even in comparison to modern games: how the NPCs in the game react to guns.

As a gamer, I’ve found myself taking down foes in games like The Last of Us by using them as living shields with a simple pull of the trigger. However, things are different in I Am Alive – it’s more like a real-life situation where if an NPC gets held up at gunpoint, they might not immediately retaliate, showing a level of rationality that adds to the game’s immersion.

In the game “I Am Alive”, enemies don’t know if your weapon is loaded or not, so they are cautious about engaging you. Unlike other games within the same genre where enemies attack immediately upon seeing a gun or any sign of danger, these enemies in “I Am Alive” exhibit a unique behavior. Instead of being instantly aggressive, they seem to be more aware and hesitant, which adds a layer of realism to the gameplay experience. This logical approach is something that could potentially be applied to other survival games in the future.

6 Weapon Crafting

Dead Space 3

10 Amazing Mechanics In Underwhelming Games

In a more amiable manner, one could say that Dead Space 3 deviates significantly from the traditional space horror theme of the Dead Space series. Some enthusiasts argue that this departure towards an action-oriented gameplay style makes it less favored compared to its predecessors within the franchise.

Nevertheless, it didn’t get everything completely wrong when it came to the weapon crafting system. On the contrary, this aspect is still cherished by numerous fans today.

It’s quite fitting and sensible in both the storyline and practicality that Isaac Clarke, being an actual engineer, can construct and enhance his weapons on-the-go. Additionally, it adds a thrill and creativity, enabling players to customize their own weapon according to their needs and enjoy the benefits of doing so.

The mechanic is renowned because it encourages players to unleash their creativity when crafting or customizing weapons, irrespective of available resources. In this world, one’s imagination serves as the boundary, enabling the creation of extraordinary and enormously potent weapon combinations.

5 Memory Mixing

Remember Me

10 Amazing Mechanics In Underwhelming Games

The game “Remember Me” received varying reviews, generally falling short of expectations. While it wasn’t outright poor, many found it lackluster. However, what truly stood out for players was a unique aspect of the game: the ability to manipulate and rearrange memories, a mechanic that left an indelible mark.

For many, memory mixing is the defining feature of the entire game; being able to rewrite history to the player’s exact specifications is mind-blowing. No pun intended.

Funny isn’t it, for a game called “Remember Me”, it seems to have slipped everyone’s memory almost completely. However, there are times when it resurfaces, like an echo pleading to be recalled again.

Maybe, it could be that the game mechanics from a fantastic video game are being recombined in their minds, evoking memories of something truly exciting.

4 Soul-Jumping


10 Amazing Mechanics In Underwhelming Games

As I delve into the captivating world of Tchia, I can’t help but appreciate the charm this game exudes, yet feel a tad disappointed by its lackluster impact. The titular character, Tchia, guides me on an exhilarating expedition across this island inspired by the enchanting land of New Caledonia. Losing myself in the vastness of this world is not just tolerated, but encouraged, making each stumble and detour part of the delightful experience.

One particular mechanic of the game stands out, though: Soul-Jumping.

In the game, Tchia has a unique ability known as Spirit-Shifting, which enables her to take control of any creature or small item she desires – even something as simple as a coconut!

This mechanical aspect is deeply connected with the legends and stories of New Caledonia, infusing the game with a touching emotional depth. It offers an enchanting, playful atmosphere that feels much like enjoying a day outdoors as a child, making it an experience filled with a unique kind of magic.

3 Flight


10 Amazing Mechanics In Underwhelming Games

For many years, across centuries and decades, the idea of flying symbolizes liberty has remained a consistent theme in both human culture and media. Consequently, when playing video games, the sensation of flying ought to evoke a sense of freedom. In this regard, BioWare has successfully captured that essence with Anthem.

Regardless of its initial lackluster reception, Anthem’s flight mechanic remains fondly remembered among players due to the exhilarating sense of liberty and the wonderment evoked by soaring through the skies. For many, this experience alone justified the entire game.

While some enthusiasts are optimistic about BioWare revisiting the universe of Anthem, others remain uncertain. However, there’s a consensus among all: if flight mechanics are included, it’s bound to be entertaining at the very least.

2 Imperial Succession/Generation Mechanics

Romancing SaGa II: Revenge of the Seven

10 Amazing Mechanics In Underwhelming Games

In contrast to most games in the Romancing SaGa series that focus on a single main character, the plot of Romancing SaGa II: Revenge of the Seven revolves around an entire empire. Unfortunately, this installment fell short of expectations, failing to match the excitement and anticipation generated by the first game in the series, Romancing SaGa.

To put it simply, the game’s Generation and Succession Mechanics are particularly strong points that effectively compensate for any weaknesses found in the game.

Overseeing the welfare of the empire, players closely monitor each new generation as time progresses, observing how each choice they make affects the outcome, revealed with the passing of each century. This engaging aspect encourages players to concentrate on shaping their lasting impact or legacy within the empire.

In this game, not every event causes a generation jump; instead, it’s influenced by the players’ decisions and the overall status of their empire. The combats they engage in are tracked, and significant enemies become part of the scoring system. This means that every action taken by players carries significance, as it impacts not only the present characters but also their future generations.

1 Doubt/Lie Facial Mechanics

L.A. Noire

10 Amazing Mechanics In Underwhelming Games

L.A. Noire managed to encapsulate something extraordinary. While the narrative and general gaming experience might not have been particularly captivating, a unique feature transformed it into a groundbreaking game.

In this game, players will accompany detective Cole Phelps as they unravel mysteries by following leads and interrogating witnesses to gather information and piece together the narrative of each case.

The game employs motion-capture technology to generate various facial expressions and indications of dishonesty. Should players question the word of a non-player character (NPC), they’ll observe the NPC’s face contort in suspicion or uphold an air of innocence. This intriguing feature keeps fans eagerly awaiting a follow-up game.

Despite some graphical constraints making it eerily reminiscent, the outcome ultimately offered a distinctive and very memorable experience.

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2024-10-23 15:09