Best Ways To Fight A Reaper In Subnautica

Best Ways To Fight A Reaper In Subnautica

Key Takeaways

  • Using the Prawn Suit with a Grapple Arm and Drill Arm can quickly kill smaller creatures like ghost leviathans and reaper leviathans.
  • The Stasis Rifle paired with a Thermoblade offers a safer but slow method to fight and kill reapers in Subnautica.
  • Equipping the Prawn Suit with Torpedo Arms and gas torpedoes can be a challenging but rewarding way to take down a reaper in the game.

As a seasoned Subnautica survivor who’s faced the wrath of the reapers more times than I care to remember, let me share my thoughts on these three strategies for taking down these aquatic behemoths.

In simpler terms, the game Subnautica offers a multitude of choices and stands out as a survival game where combat against or killing marine life is not mandatory if the player prefers otherwise. Nonetheless, strategies exist for engaging with the colossal creatures dwelling in the oceans of the alien planet you crash-land on.

In the game Subnautica, though defeating a sea dragon is virtually unachievable, players can manage to kill smaller creatures like ghost leviathans and reaper leviathans using only the crafted weapons at their disposal. The strategies for vanquishing a reaper in this game are varied – from the reasonable to the downright bizarre.

6 Prawn Suit Drill Arm

Works Best Alongside The Grapple Arm For Grab & Drill Technique

Best Ways To Fight A Reaper In Subnautica
  • Likelihood Of Success: High
  • Materials Required: Prawn Suit, Upgrade Modules For Grapple Arm & Drill Arm

In the underwater realm of Subnautica, my trusty prawn suit serves as a shield against the colossal creatures that rule this world. However, it can’t withstand more than two or three blows from a reaper before it’s reduced to scrap. The good news is, during skirmishes with these beasts, they often attack then depart, giving me precious moments to mend my suit while it recharges. The prawn suit is versatile, but when it comes to combat, the ideal combo tends to be one drill arm and one grapple arm.

By hooking onto a Reaper Leviathan with a grapple, players can hold onto it, preventing escape, and swiftly kill it in less time than prolonged battles involving multiple charges from the Reaper. The drill arm proves indispensable for dealing damage to these colossal creatures. Persistently drilling into this beast while attached with the grappling arm is an efficient method, ensuring rapid elimination of Reapers and even larger Leviathan-class beings.

5 Stasis Rifle/Thermo-Blade

The Slow-But-Steady Classic Method Lacking In Major Machinery

Best Ways To Fight A Reaper In Subnautica
  • Likelihood Of Success: High, With Good Aiming
  • Materials Required: Stasis Rifle, Knife (Preferably Upgraded To Thermoblade)

As a fearless gamer delving into the underwater world of Subnautica, I’ve discovered an unconventional yet effective method to tackle those menacing Reapers. At first glance, it might seem like madness, but trust me, it’s one of the safest and most reliable ways to take them down.

Even though the stasis rifle technique carries minimal safety benefits, employing it on an approaching Reaper Leviathan can temporarily immobilize the beast, allowing the player to slip under and assault with the thermo-blade. Although slicing its underside might not seem as impactful compared to attacks in a Prawn suit, once the method is mastered, players can potentially keep the Reaper stationary for an extended period. When the stasis field’s glow starts to fade, it’s essential to cease slashing and fire another stasis shot to maintain control over the Reaper. If using a regular knife, the process will be time-consuming, but with a thermo-blade, the Reaper will be defeated in mere minutes of continuous slashing.

It’s important to bring medical kits when using this method, since it takes a reaper two hits to kill the player. Players should also make sure to go up for air when necessary or to have another way to breathe at hand.

4 Prawn Suit Torpedoes

Trickier To Hit With But More Rewarding When They Strike

Best Ways To Fight A Reaper In Subnautica
  • Likelihood Of Success: Medium
  • Materials Required: Prawn Suit, Torpedo Arm Upgrade, Plenty Of Torpedoes

In Subnautica, instead of conventional missiles or torpedoes, players can craft gas torpedoes which detonate upon impact, releasing potent gas fumes lethal to reaper leviathans. However, each prawn suit arm can carry a stockpile of six gas torpedoes, and despite dealing significant damage around 500-550 per hit, using them might be riskier and messier compared to grappling hooks and drill arms. Additionally, these prawn suits come equipped with extra attachments for additional combat methods against reapers.

In simpler terms, players must convert both arm attachments on their prawn suit into torpedo launchers and load these with gas torpedoes. However, reapers are known for their evasive nature, rarely standing still unless hit by a stasis rifle blast. A strategy could be to let a reaper approach, then use the stasis rifle to freeze it before firing all torpedoes from the suit. This may successfully kill a reaper, which has 5000 health and can be defeated by taking the full damage from 10 torpedo clouds. With 12 total torpedoes in the payload, it’s likely the reaper would die, but there’s a chance if it’s allowed to move during the attack.

3 Seamoth Torpedoes

Can Usually Be Done Earlier In The Game

Best Ways To Fight A Reaper In Subnautica
  • Likelihood Of Success: Low-Medium
  • Materials Required: Seamoth, Possibly Depth Upgrade Modules, Torpedo Module Upgrade, Plenty Of Torpedoes

For those seeking a true test, it’s feasible to defeat a Reaper using a Seamoth. While these swift vessels are ideal for quick underwater navigation, they can be tricky to maneuver when a Reaper charges, as the Reaper is hard to dodge even in a Seamoth. Moreover, a Seamoth can’t withstand more than a couple of Reaper attacks before it blows up. However, luckily, players have the option to equip their Seamoths with a torpedo system, which inflicts damage on Reapers.

While the Seamoth’s torpedo system can only carry six torpedoes at once, you could modify all four attachments to torpedo systems, increasing the total capacity to 24. However, this configuration leaves the Seamoth extremely exposed to enemy attacks. When used strategically and timed correctly, these numerous torpedoes are capable of defeating a reaper. But remember, the Seamoth is not an ideal choice for such confrontations due to its vulnerability.

2 The Lone Knife

For Hardcore Players Who Love A Challenge

Best Ways To Fight A Reaper In Subnautica
  • Likelihood Of Success: Pretty Low
  • Materials Required: Knife, Preferably Fire Extinguisher And Other Swimming Speed Upgrade

In a game similar to Subnautica, there are numerous obstacles that players relish overcoming, and one particularly tough challenge for seasoned players is trying to defeat a reaper using only a knife or thermoblade, excluding the stasis rifle which simplifies and popularizes this combat method.

You can kill a Reaper Leviathan without using the Stasis Rifle to keep it stationary, but this approach is more difficult and time-consuming. The Reapers are faster than you and tend to charge when they’re near you. Dodging their charges is the hard part, but even if you manage to evade them using fast items like fire extinguishers, air bladders, etc., it will still take numerous knife strikes to kill one. This method requires patience as it’s slower compared to using the Stasis Rifle. However, it’s possible and presents an interesting challenge for players who dare to attempt it.

1 The Cyclops Shove

Suicidal And Only For Crazy Players, But It Can Work

Best Ways To Fight A Reaper In Subnautica
  • Likelihood Of Success: Really Low
  • Materials Required: Cyclops, Shield Generator Upgrade

In the game Subnautica, the Cyclops is often seen as a larger prey for reapers rather than an instrument to destroy them. Instead of using missiles against them, decoys are used to evade reapers. However, the Cyclops can indeed eliminate a reaper. This aquatic vehicle inflicts damage on creatures it collides with in the water, which may unintentionally lead to the death of smaller creatures if they happen to be in its path. A reaper will also sustain some damage when struck by the Cyclops. Normally, this doesn’t pose a significant problem because the Cyclops can absorb much more damage. But when the shield generator on the vessel is activated right before impact, the reaper will still be damaged, while the Cyclops remains unaffected.

To achieve success with this approach, it’s almost essential to swap regular power cells for ion ones because shields consume a vast amount of energy. It’s advisable for players to deactivate the shield when aligning with reaper charges for optimal results. However, rushing into a reaper at high speed for extended periods (several minutes) can destroy it, but this method is risky as a Cyclops is hard to replace.

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2024-10-23 16:55