How to Survive Cold and Heat in Once Human

How to Survive Cold and Heat in Once Human

As a seasoned survivalist who’s braved countless frozen wastelands and scorching deserts, let me share some valuable tips I’ve picked up along the way for regulating your temperature in the harsh environment of Once Human’s Way of Winter scenario.

In the “Winter’s Path” expansion, the game “Once Human” has added a new layer of realism to its turbulent post-apocalyptic universe – the inclusion of temperature mechanics. This means that players will have to master strategies for enduring and adapting to harsh weather scenarios, thereby increasing the difficulty level of survival.

In the world of Once Human, understanding temperature dynamics involves considering two key aspects: temperature and resistance. Temperature varies based on location, weather conditions, time of day, environment, and certain objects. As for resistance, it represents one’s ability to endure harsh temperatures. The greater your resistance, the less you are affected by weather extremes. This game features a variety of temperature states, from frigid cold to blistering heat, and this manual offers optimal strategies for thriving in each climate condition.

All Temperature States in Once Human

How to Survive Cold and Heat in Once Human

The following table outlines the temperature conditions found within the world of Once Human, together with their impact on your Meta character.

Temperature StateTemperature RangeTemperature Effects
Frost< -50°CIn the Frost state, Metas rapidly lose energy and body temperature, resulting in hypothermia. Every three seconds, they get inflicted with 1 stack of Frozen, leading to a 5% health loss per second and a decrease in movement speed. If they reach four stacks of Frozen, the Meta dies instantly.
Chilly-45°C to -15°CWhen in the Chilly state, the Meta’s energy and body temperature drop quickly.
Cozy-15°C to 40°CThe Cozy state is optimum for survival in The Way of Winter. In this state, the Meta’s body temperature returns to normal.
Heat40°C to 70°CAs you venture into warmer areas or approach heat-generating sources or enemies, you’ll enter the Heat state. In this state, Metas lose hydration and gain body temperature, leading to Heatstroke.
Blaze> 70°CIn the Blaze state, Metas rapidly lose Hydration and their heatstroke becomes more severe. Every three seconds, they get inflicted with 1 stack of Combustion, which leads to a 5% health loss and a 1% decrease in gear durability per second. If they reach four stacks of Combustion, the Meta dies instantly.

As a fan, I’d say you can peek at your current temperature status by opening up your stash and tapping on the thermometer conveniently located in the lower right corner.

How To Survive Extreme Weather in Once Human

In order to thrive within the world of “Once Human,” it’s essential to maintain a comfortable body temperature. Neglecting this balance could lead to hypothermia or heatstroke. Here are some strategies for coping with the harsh climatic changes encountered in “Once Human”:

Wear The Right Gear

To begin with, it’s crucial to acquire equipment that enhances your tolerance to either cold or heat. With the latest upgrade, creatures such as Reindeers and Bears are now capable of producing various kinds of Rawhides, which can be utilized in the creation of this essential gear.

Using Rawhides, you can create garments like coats or trousers that offer thermal resistance, making them suitable for dealing with both frigid and scorching temperatures. Interestingly, there’s a new kind of item on the scene called “Reclaimed Materials” which can be utilized to mend armor instead of Rawhides.

Each region along The Way of Winter offers distinct temperature conditions. For example, the chilly Vena Fjord and Onyx Tundra require cold-resistant clothing, whereas heat-resistant gear is beneficial for coping with the scorching temperatures of Ember Strand.

In the game “Once Human“, some weapons have undergone alterations that incorporate temperature impacts. For instance, the Torch and the Frozen Northern Pike. These items will affect the temperature of your immediate surroundings when you hold onto them.

Eat Appropriate Foods

How to Survive Cold and Heat in Once Human

Foods play a crucial role in maintaining temperature balance, particularly during winter scenarios as depicted in “Once Human.” The appropriate foods can enhance your resistance to harsh temperatures and boost your chances of survival. Consuming produce from the Snowy Realm can also strengthen your ability to withstand severe cold conditions.

As a gamer, I’ve discovered some unique in-game recipes that can significantly enhance my character’s resilience. For instance, munching on the Onyx Tundra’s Sunny Ginger, Polar Pepper, or Spikemato temporarily boosts my Cold Resistance for five minutes. On the other hand, dishes made with Mint and Ice Melon can amplify my Heat Resistance. I’m always on the lookout to craft these meals for stronger resistance effects and an effortless way to maintain my character’s body temperature in this harsh gaming world.

Be Mindful Of Swimming

Immersion in water will make your character’s condition Drenched, which impacts their thermal tolerance. In this state, a character becomes more resistant to heat but less resilient against cold, making them more vulnerable to freezing.

Build Temperature Control Facilities

How to Survive Cold and Heat in Once Human

In the course of mastering The Winter Path, you’ll gain access to additional temperature adjustment features through your Memetics in Once Human. These structures allow you to manipulate the local climate, but they require fuel for operation. If you find yourself in cold environments, it’s crucial to establish warmth-generating facilities, such as Campfires and Burning Oil Drums, to maintain warmth and prevent hypothermia. Additionally, a basic Vintage Stove can be incorporated to manage the temperature near your settlement.

Use Tools and Tactical Items

How to Survive Cold and Heat in Once Human

Equipping items such as “Heatium” and “Coldium” can assist you in managing excessively cold or hot temperatures. You’ll find these tools within The Way of Winter’s Memetic system. Once you have unlocked the “Polar Expedition Memetic,” you can create Heatium at your Supplies Workbench. Heatium provides a Cold Resistance benefit, while Coldium grants resistance to heat. These benefits last for approximately one hour.

As a fan, I’d put it this way: In my gaming world, I often find myself wielding the Frost Grenade – an ingenious tactical tool that instantly chills the surrounding area upon detonation, creating a fleeting cold zone. It joins other essential tools like the Molotov Cocktail and Thermite Grenade, which have been upgraded to include temperature-changing abilities too!

Build A Thermal Tower

During the second stage of the “Winter’s Path” scenario, you’ll have an opportunity to acquire the “Thermal Tower” within the region known as Memetics. This structure has the ability to modify the temperature around it. However, note that it can only be positioned outside your territory in the setting of “Once Human”.

To maintain the Thermal Tower in full function, it’s essential to consistently feed it with Chaosium. Over a period, you can enhance the Thermal Tower to boost its temperature regulation and gain additional perks. As a Thermal Tower’s temperature effects and radiation zone expand, so does its demand for Chaosium. If your supply of Chaosium depletes, the Thermal Tower will cease operation.

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2024-10-23 19:38