No More Room In Hell 2: How To Reach & Access The Bar

No More Room In Hell 2: How To Reach & Access The Bar

As a seasoned survivor of countless zombie apocalypses, I can confidently say that the Coaly Smokes Bar in No More Room in Hell 2 is a beacon of hope amidst the chaos. This watering hole, brimming with loot and weaponry, has been my sanctuary more times than I’d like to admit. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves; reaching this haven isn’t a walk in the park (or should I say, a stroll through the apocalypse).

As a gamer diving into No More Room in Hell 2, I’ve come across various designated spots on the map that go by names. One such place is the Coaly Smokes Bar, which is like an underground treasure trove of weapons and gear. This spot could be one of the most advantageous for getting ready to tackle other tasks within the game. But first, you need to navigate your way to this bar, and then complete its mission to claim all that swag. So let’s break down everything you’ll need to do to locate and access the Coaly Smokes Bar in No More Room in Hell 2.

How To Reach The Coaly Smokes Bar in No More Room In Hell 2

To find the Coaly Smokes Bar in No More Room in Hell 2, simply make your way to the spot labeled “Bar” on your map. The speed at which you get there may vary based on your starting point, but remember that the journey isn’t only about covering distance.

In the game “No More Room in Hell 2,” the map is split into distinct areas, all leading towards a central point – the Power Plant. It’s crucial to note that you can only move to another part of the map if you start there, or if other players accomplish the initial tasks to unlock all access points to the Power Plant.

Regardless of how you manage to climb up to it, you’ll have to accomplish a series of tasks upon reaching the bar to reinstate its energy.

Restore The Bar’s Power in No More Room In Hell 2

After you step into the bar, don’t forget to pick up the Barracade Stacks located on the table. These stacks are essential for barricading the entrance doors to keep zombies from bursting in. Moreover, by blocking the door to the junction box room with these barricades, you can also prevent zombies from entering while you work on solving its puzzle and restoring the power at Bar.

As I step inside Coaly Smokes Bar, my mission is clear: restore power to this smoky den. The objective isn’t just about flipping a switch; it’s a series of challenges that I need to tackle head-on. Once the lights flicker back on, I’ll finally unlock the secret vault that holds all the treasures I’ve been chasing. Here are some tips to help me complete this objective solo:

  1. Destroy three boxes on the perimeter of the Bar to the electrical wires to disable security defenses. There’s a yellow objective marker indicating their locations.
  2. After security defenses are down, enter the Bar and disable the security alarm to prevent it from attracting zombies inside.
  3. Flip two breakers to restore power partially. Both are downstairs, one in the kitchen and the other in the storage room.
  4. Head upstairs and into the room with the junction wire box. Match the numbers and letters on the left to the common ones on the right and flip the breaker on the bottom right. Before you start solving the junction box puzzle, make sure to barricade the door behind you to prevent zombies from interrupting you.
  5. After you’re done, the door to the vault will be open. Try jumping out of the window and reaching the vault/locked room upstairs to the left.

Hurry up and gather everything promptly since regaining power will activate the jukebox at the bar, drawing zombies from every direction. You’ll find enough equipment to proceed towards the next goal, or even the primary objective for extraction in “No More Room in Hell 2“.

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2024-10-26 00:03